Presidential Debate 2020

Neither did I.

The media narrative 4 years ago was that Trump would start WW3 in his first year in office.

Still waiting.

The media narrative 4 years ago frequently compared Trump to Hitler.

Why would they do that?

The media coverage during Trump’s first term has been over 90% negative stories.

OMB = Orange man bad.

Maybe you should wonder why they’re pushing so hard against Trump. What’s in it for them? It’s not about reporting the facts or uncovering the truth. So what is it really about?

I am probably the wrong guy to talk to regarding the motivations of the media. I watched the debate, I slept on it, and I wrote a review, basically. I tried to stay away from the low hanging fruit. That is all.
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In the first clip he disavows the KKK and David Duke, not white supremacists. Did you even watch the video before you posted it?

He was asked point blank last night's if he would condemn white supremacists last night and refused to do so, but that won't stop some proud posters from trying to cover up for his racist bs.
This post 👆🏼.... reminded me of Simple Jack
Lol. Ok Dink sure. About the only applicable science here is when dry wood reaches its ignition point it will burst into flames.

Now if you’re talking about the science of managing the land with controlled burns to prevent the possibility of a major uncontrolled burn I agree. They should do more of that. Hell even the native Americans did that.

False. Try again.
I don't know. For as long as I can remember CA has been dealing with yearly forest fires.
In 1994 Jimmy Buffett released a song called “fruitcakes” in the song he describes California with “They’ve got riots, fires and mudslides. They have sushi in the mall”

It’s been a problem for a while
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Rope-a-dope... seems at least half accurate.

Was the point meaningless or do I need to save face?

You need to pick a lie and stick with it.
Your evidence: ultimately the investigation did not establish collusion occurred.

You: But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen!

You’re being stupid or willfully obtuse pick one I don’t care which.
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But I’m guessing you think Biden did at least a good job in the debate?
Nope. He didn’t do a good job at all. He did, however, not embarrass an entire country the way Trump did.

A remotely decent Dem candidate would be winning this election in historical fashion.
LMFAO they both sucked but your guy sucked less and in a different way. Brilliant

What can I say? If you think the way Trump acted is acceptable then you are part of the problem. I already told you that Biden wasn’t good at all, and yet you jump right into defending Trump. Good luck being on the wrong side of history.
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CNN bounces back and forth from: Trump is a white nationalist to oh my God Trump is going to hold rallies in Wisconsin when they are showing high Covid numbers. No wonder their ratings are trash and only the ones who watch this crap are loony antifa socialists
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What can I say? If you think the way Trump acted is acceptable then you are part of the problem. I already told you that Biden wasn’t good at all, and yet you jump right into defending Trump. Good luck being on the wrong side of history.
No I’ll categorically state they both sucked and won’t attempt to throw partisan shade for one as you did. You only discounted Biden AFTER it had to be pulled out of you. Is it that hard?
LMFAO they both sucked but your guy sucked less and in a different way. Brilliant
Sort of like when two football teams play poorly but one still wins.
They didn't win because they played well, they won because they didn't suck as much as the other team.

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