Preston Williams test score flagged by NCAA

This seems like Joe Henderson 2.0. If I remember correctly, Henderson's score jumped on the second try, and he was flagged. It possible that he did the prep course and improved his score like many do. Sadly, this will put him way behind for the fall.
One thing I don't understand about this is why is he being taken off the practice field???

Joe Henderson practiced and nothing came of it when he didn't make the score he needed on the retake. We weren't penalized for him participating in practice

Also there is a number of day grace period the NCAA allows to clear up these issues. Not sure how long but I think 2 weeks

Why can't he practice???!
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With a 2.8 GPA, for example, you need an NCAA ACT requirements score of 57. It really depends on his GPA in high school on what he needs to score. The higher the GPA, the lower the ACT score needed.

Uhh yeah.....36 is the highest score possible on the ACT buddy.
Why can't our qualifications be like Alabama's? Write your name pretty close to correct, and you're in!
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One thing I don't understand about this is why is he being taken off the practice field???

Joe Henderson practiced and nothing came of it when he didn't make the score he needed on the retake. We weren't penalized for him participating in practice

Also there is a number of day grace period the NCAA allows to clear up these issues. Not sure how long but I think 2 weeks

Why can't he practice???!

Maybe to give him more time to heal
So is his date to retest in two weeks or ge will know in two weeks? From what I heard on the radio yesterday no date has been set yet. From Hyams tweet it looks like the date will be set in two weeks. To me that reads he will know when his retake is in two weeks but the retake may not necessarily be in two weeks
So is his date to retest in two weeks or ge will know in two weeks? From what I heard on the radio yesterday no date has been set yet. From Hyams tweet it looks like the date will be set in two weeks. To me that reads he will know when his retake is in two weeks but the retake may not necessarily be in two weeks

The date to retake the test will be set in 2 weeks according to what I read. Could be Sept or Oct for all we know right now.
My act score increased by 9. It turned some heads but I didn't get flagged. Granted I didn't play ncaa sports.
Heard Hubbs this morning say he expects PWill to take the ACT again within the next 10 days.

Definitely sounds like there is an expedited path here then. Huge plus.

One would assume the grading would be expedited as well since the time line is an exception to the normal mass processing.

Unless PW is a complete clown, he should have no problem. At this point, I'd almost place blame on academic support if he doesn't make the grade he needs.
Lot of speculation on this thread. I'll give you some real world data...

My son took the ACT last year and scored below where he should have based on his 3.3 GPA. We paid for a tutor that basically taught him how to take the test. He took the test 6 months later and gained 6 points.

I'm not arguing that this is real world data...... I'm just not sure how it's relevant to the discussion.
So what was the news about him on the two minute drill that hubbs was talking about? Anyone have anything here?
Definitely sounds like there is an expedited path here then. Huge plus.

One would assume the grading would be expedited as well since the time line is an exception to the normal mass processing.

Unless PW is a complete clown, he should have no problem. At this point, I'd almost place blame on academic support if he doesn't make the grade he needs.

I know for a fact that schools offer the ACT to potential students all the time and those results are immediate as in same day.

Now I also know that the NCAA doesn't accept those scores under normal circumstances as they only take scores received on an official testing date.

Now assuming that hubbs info is correct hopefully the NCAA is allowing the school to do the testing. If so the score would come immediately
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Per Hubbs

The current University of Tennessee freshman and former four-star receiver is presently not allowed to practice after Williams' standardized test score, in this case the ACT, recently was flagged. The testing agency has granted Williams a retake of the exam, and that process is scheduled to take place early next week, no less than four sources told

For Williams, getting a special session scheduled to take the test potentially could help greatly expedite his return to the field --- as long as Williams records the necessary score. Multiple sources have said that Williams needs simply to score in the 18 range in order to be a qualifier.

Without getting a special session, which likely is to include just Williams and a proctor from the ACT service in the room, he was staring at a regularly scheduled ACT date of Sept. 12 and would have needed to be pre-registered by Friday. Anything thereafter would have required a late fee and also not a guaranteed spot for the test.

It is possible that Williams could retake the exam a second time, if necessary, subsequent next week, perhaps on the September date, and still seek to rejoin the Vols at that time. There are multiple junior college options that could be delayed until October, including some in the South, if Williams ultimately needed to go the junior college route before returning to UT. If Williams were forced to go the junior college route, as a non-qualifier he would have to stay two years before returning to Tennessee per SEC rules. He could redshirt a year in junior and return to Tennessee if he choses with three years to play three years.

Once Williams' results are determined --- and it will not be that day --- then he could immediately resume all team-related activities with the Vols if he again notches a qualifying score.
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My act score increased by 9. It turned some heads but I didn't get flagged. Granted I didn't play ncaa sports.

My ACT score also increased by 9 when I cheated, and I actually did play NCAA least until EA discontinued them.

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