Wisconsin probe finds 2020 election riddled with nursing home voting fraud
100% turnout in some facilities
Intercepted ballots, forged signatures and questionably high voting rates plagued Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other long-term care facilities during the 2020 presidential election, a state-appointed investigator said.
In light of the findings, the investigator said, the ballots from those facilities should be audited.
The special counsel’s report was issued Tuesday after an examination of 2020 election integrity. It said Wisconsin officials ditched legal requirements for supervising nursing home ballots during the pandemic, encouraging widespread voter fraud.
The 136-page report includes eye-popping data of voter participation at dozens of nursing homes and residential care facilities in five Wisconsin counties. The report’s author is Michael Gableman, the lead investigator for the office of special counsel and a former state Supreme Court justice.
The results, Mr. Gableman said, showed “absurd results related to nursing home voting.”
The report examined 2020 voter participation at 91 nursing homes in Milwaukee, Racine, Dane, Kenosha and Brown counties and found that at least 95% of residents had voted. In Milwaukee, Racine and Dane counties, 100% of nursing home residents cast ballots in the presidential election.
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