Proof of the election fraud

Thanks for that info. The issue I have, and many Trump voters have, is that when i went to bed at 2-230AM after watching election coverage all night...Trump lead in ALL 6 "swing states" of GA, WI, MI, PA, AZ, and NC? NC doesnt seem right for the 6th one. Its been a long time since then. Anyway, Trump lead in every single 1 of them with extremely high % of votes/precincts reporting. Then 4 hours later when I got up....magically Sloppy Joe had somehow had massively disproportionate votes come in for him in the middle of the night ...massively Biden votes by % unlike any other cross section of time when votes were being take ALL of those states allegedly except GA and AZ which were allegedly somehow still counting votes the next day....but somehow he just so happened to win both of those states as well. The whole thing stunk to Hell from the get-go...everyone not a leftist knew it immediately.

Nevermind the fact that we find out later that in a HUGE, sweeping concerted effort in the couple years leading up to the vote...the Dimwits and their owners/donors spent millions of dollars and countless hours by lawyers etc to get the laws regarding voting changed in many states. To allow mail-in voting with basically zero means or effort to verify those ballots were not fraudulent...while ANY American with an IQ above room temperature can tell you that OF COURSE mail in ballots are gonna have MUCH MORE fraudulent votes since they can be sent anonymously and in bunches by 1 person. Then theres the REAL BS which again any honest adult knows: that the only reason that the Dimwits fight voter ID laws requiring that anyone who votes for president to show a drivers license or state ID is clearly so they can cheat. So illegal aliens can vote. So people can vote more than once at different voting centers. So the Dimwits can cheat and steal elections. There is NO logically defensible position to say that American voters should not have to show ID in order to vote. You cant have a bank account, a legitimate job, cash a paycheck, tax return, or welfare check without a picture ID. You cant drive a car, fly on an airplane, or start cellphone service without an ID. You cannot rent an apartment, get a mortgage, buy a house, or rent a car without an ID. In cannot live a normal life or anything close to one without an ID. Yet the Dimwits say over and over that requiring an ID to vote for the most powerful leader in the world is racist and too much of a burden. Because they are FOS. As always. Yet some of you say that we should all trust them that they didnt conspire to steal the election....and that they are not INCREDIBLY desperate to keep Trump out of office again. They are liars who only know how to lie, devoid of any morals or character. They would steal their own mothers blind in order to gain or keep power.

This is ultimately based on conjecture, not proof at all, that enough of the mail in votes were fraudulent so as to change the result. The effort to do so and the number of people that would have had to be involved is massive and we would long ago have heard from someone who could verify the claim. And we simply have not had anyone come forward with anything other than this conjecture.

Once again, you rely on the absence of any evidence as evidence that there is a conspiracy. An all too familiar rabbit hole for those that want something to be true, even if it isn't.
This is ultimately based on conjecture, not proof at all, that enough of the mail in votes were fraudulent so as to change the result. The effort to do so and the number of people that would have had to be involved is massive and we would long ago have heard from someone who could verify the claim. And we simply have not had anyone come forward with anything other than this conjecture.

Once again, you rely on the absence of any evidence as evidence that there is a conspiracy. An all too familiar rabbit hole for those that want something to be true, even if it isn't.
You know that those mail in ballot in question could be viewed and conformed right..but change of custody issues and those ballots in question are they the absences of those votes now calls into question thier validity... especially when the boards violations thier own change of custody..
You know that those mail in ballot in question could be viewed and conformed right..but change of custody issues and those ballots in question are they the absences of those votes now calls into question thier validity... especially when the boards violations thier own change of custody..

Again, absence of evidence becomes evidence.
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No body no crime right is the same principal. Does that work in a court of law?

No, but that's exactly my point because in that situation you would need sufficient evidence to otherwise establish the crime. Ergo my point that the number of people needed to pull this off would be in the thousands, if not tens of thousands, and no way they that many people keep their mouths shut.

Fact is, the notion of mass voter fraud is an illusion, designed to reinforce the sense of resentment of the MAGA voter. That's all it is. That is all it ever has been. But for you to admit that would be very tough to do, so its easier just to stomp your feet and wonder aloud about evidence that isn't there and, when confronted with that fact, claim it is, itself, evidence.
No, but that's exactly my point because in that situation you would need sufficient evidence to otherwise establish the crime. Ergo my point that the number of people needed to pull this off would be in the thousands, if not tens of thousands, and no way they that many people keep their mouths shut.

Fact is, the notion of mass voter fraud is an illusion, designed to reinforce the sense of resentment of the MAGA voter. That's all it is. That is all it ever has been. But for you to admit that would be very tough to do, so its easier just to stomp your feet and wonder aloud about evidence that isn't there and, when confronted with that fact, claim it is, itself, evidence.
So someone can still be guilty of murder with no body?
What if the judge refuses the evidence, then what... No crime right?

Arizona Faces Massive Lawsuit After Refusing to Remove Illegal Aliens from Voter Rolls​


All 15 counties in Arizona are facing a massive lawsuit after being accused of refusing to remove illegal immigrants from its voter rolls.

America First Legal (AFL) filed an amended lawsuit against Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, Yavapai, and Yuma for failing to remove non-citizens from its voter rolls.

Arizona has previously been a victim of election fraud despite Democrats dismissing any concerns about election insecurity. Maricopa County faced dozens of election issues due to a "technology issue” that caused shocking discrepancies during the last election cycle.

Now, just two months before the 2024 election, the state is at it again, but this time by allowing illegal aliens to vote in its elections.


"DNC Executive Director Roger Lau explained the decision in a statement, saying “[t]his election will be won on the margins, and every single vote counts.” He claimed this “innovative investment in Democrats Abroad” aims to “register and earn the votes of the nearly 9 million Americans living and serving overseas,” and that “Democrats are leaving nothing to chance.”

That’s a huge number of voters, and it contradicts a 2022 analysis from the Defense Department’s Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), which claims that “of the estimated 4.4 million” U.S. citizens living overseas, only about 2.8 million of them are of voting age."

Math is hard.

The 2020 election was very likely illegitimate, but not because of illegals voting as that would be easy to cross check. It was likely stolen through mail-in balloting with little to no signature verification, as well as media and social media manipulation....and if 2024 is illegitimate it will follow the same playbook as 2020.
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Wisconsin Loophole allows nearly 150,000 to Vote Without showing photo ID​


WATERTOWN, Wis. — A damning report is raising the alarm about a legal loophole allowing thousands to vote in Wisconsin without showing photo identification as required by state law.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty’s Monday morning release reveals the “indefinitely confined” voter rolls have reached more than 144,000, up 116% since 2016.

Again, absence of evidence becomes evidence.

Gator is fine with no integrity, he's fine with tens of thousands of Haitians coming and instantly being able to vote. Just as he's fine with illegals getting right to vote. HeHas no problems watching the demise of our country as long as his party gets into power. If 10,000 women are raped and killed by illegals then that's okay because the ultimate goal is one party rule,,,, all in the dame of democracy of course.

Obama will put those Haitians in every small town and they will all have the right to vote make no mistake
Gator is fine with no integrity, he's fine with tens of thousands of Haitians coming and instantly being able to vote. Just as he's fine with illegals getting right to vote. HeHas no problems watching the demise of our country as long as his party gets into power. If 10,000 women are raped and killed by illegals then that's okay because the ultimate goal is one party rule,,,, all in the dame of democracy of course.

Obama will put those Haitians in every small town and they will all have the right to vote make no mistake
I wonder how long after cats and dogs start disappearing in these communities before the Haitians start disappearing
Maybe the high scoring Vols have made me reflect on Rocky Top’s lyrics

common sense..i dont know why such has to be contentious and fall to the LCD on every freaking issue..

Wisconsin Loophole allows nearly 150,000 to Vote Without showing photo ID​

View attachment 675071

WATERTOWN, Wis. — A damning report is raising the alarm about a legal loophole allowing thousands to vote in Wisconsin without showing photo identification as required by state law.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty’s Monday morning release reveals the “indefinitely confined” voter rolls have reached more than 144,000, up 116% since 2016.

The lack of chin is always a telltale sign.

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