Not exactly an earth shattering assumption. Anything pertaining to the birther movement and how Muslims are going to kidnap your children and bake them in a pie usually starts with gs.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Who yanked you chain cracker baby??
I think enough evidence is shown already. Clearly if something is recognized by the government, dual citizenship exists. Giving a recent example - the kid that was returned to Russia because his adoptive mom had enough. The kid was as you say a "US citizen" but strangely enough he was still a Russian citizen. The US asked for the kid back. Russia said sorry. The US recognized the fact that this kid had dual citizenship and habeas corpus was with Russia. The US has told family and local law enforcement agencies that there is nothing they can do in this case because he is also a Russian citizen as well - dual citizenship. There are other cases like this for other nations in case you use the argument that this is Russia and we treat things differently with them.
Let's not mention court orders being violated in the Elian Gonzalez episode.
Seeing some of your sound rebuttals and even original posts, I'd say you and the birthers have much in common.
How so????
If Barack Obama Sr. was the father, that would be a moot point. But since it was actually Frank Marshall Davis, then you may have an argument.
I tend to agree with you on that point!!
Nothing to do with this thread but Bobby Fisher who made some of the most anti-semitic post 9/11 statements it has been discovered, wasn't just jewish on his mothers side, really also probably had a jewish father as well, go figga!
Give it up, fellas. Despite what you believe, the powers that be have decided that he's legal enough to be president. Seriously, sometimes you just have to give up worrying about a particular issue. This one is going nowhere.
Nevertheless this isn't going to go away.
There is a long list of vulnerability points for Obama and there is a story behind every one of them.
Original, vault copy birth certificate Not released Lawyers fees greater than $1,000,000 birth certificate $15.
Certification of Live Birth Released Counterfeit Case and Affidavits
Admitted British citizenship at birth Confirmed via
Birth Announcement Alleged to be a forgery
Obama/Dunham marriage license Not released
Obama/Dunham divorce Released (by independent investigators)
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license Not released
Soetoro adoption records Not released
Fransiskus Assisi School School application Released (by independent investigators)
Punahou School records Not released
Soetoro/Dunham divorce Released (by independent investigators)
Selective Service Registration Released Counterfeit Document Locator Number update another FOIA request
Occidental College records Not released
Passport Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obamas terrorism and intelligence adviser
Columbia College records Not released
Columbia thesis Soviet Nuclear Disarmament Not released
Harvard College records Not released
Harvard Law Review articles None
Illinois Bar Records Not released.
Baptism certificate None
Medical records Not released
Illinois State Senate records None
Illinois State Senate schedule Lost
Law practice client list Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles None
Kindergarten records this lost or hidden incident deserves more detail:
Obama began his education in Hawaiis public schools. He was enrolled in Ms. Sakais kindergarten class at Noelani Elementary School in 1967. He was only there a couple or three months before he was off to Indonesia.
Those who strive to legitimize AKA Obama have made much of the questionable birth announcement that may have been published in the Hawaiian newspapers. This evidence if so flimsy that refuting it may actually lend substance to the claim.
There are literally dozens of anti-Birther articles in the media that continue to claim that AKA Obamas birth announcement was in two different newspapers.
These two newspapers are printed by the same publisher and share the same stories and sources. The purpose of this two newspaper claim is to falsely imply that these newspapers are independent of each other, and therefore, unlikely to run the same birth announcement.
Birth announcements were called in or mailed in all the time. The Nordyke twins were announced, then recently (about a year ago) that announcement was replaced with the AKA Obama one. And the original owner of the birth residence died about 2 years, before the newly discovered birth announcement was touted by the Obama campaign after AKA Obamas Hawaiian birth was challenged. There is also evidence of splicing in the microfilm. The most likely scenario is that the Nordyke twins birth announcement was spliced out and replaced by a post-dated AKA Obama announcement. The fact that the home address in the fake AKA Obama announcement was
never occupied by Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, and that the birth announcement just happened to appear right after the actual tenant of the home died, pretty much drives a stake though the heart of this story.
Bottom line is that pretty much everything about Obama's life has either been a fraud or questionable, lends itself to more questions.
Why would you not want to know the truth on these matters???