Proof that Barrack Hussein Obama is NOT legally serving in office.

Why do you continue to post this same discredited drivel every time the topic comes up??

I don't think I've ever commented on this before.

Like I said, you have no evidence to suggest he isn't an American. This is a witch hunt.
I can't believe you are so easily duped e-main, his certificate is obviously forged.

ObamaNation Shrugs: Obama’s Grandmother Says He Was Born In Kenya

Plaintiff :
vs. :CIVIL ACTION NO: 08-cv- 04083
Defendants :

I, Kweli Shuhubia am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action. If called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath as follows I am an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a native evangelist and translator for the Anabaptist churches in Kenya. I am the official Swahili translator for the annual Anabaptists Conference held each year in Africa, working with the American
bishops sitting upon the Continental Presbytery of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa. I am fluent in Swahili and in English. I am a former teacher in Kenya, and travel extensively in the ministries of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa throughout Kenya, Uganda and the Sudan.

It is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the United States Presidential candidate, was born in Mombosa Kenya. Senator Obama’s grandmother still resides in the village of Alego-Kogello, approximately 37 miles from Kisumu City. On October 16, 2008 I went to interview Ms. Sarah Obama at her home. Ms. Obama’s home was flooded with people who were celebrating Senator Obama’s success story. Ms. Obama’s home was heavily guarded by Kenya Police. Prior to the interview with Ms. Obama, I took pictures of Ms. Obama, her grandson who was present and other family members.

During my interview of Sarah Obama; I called Bishop Ron McRae in the United States from my mobile number. I advised Bishop McRae that I was present with Ms. Obama in her home, and wished for him to speak with her. Bishop McRae informed me he would call me right back, to avoid the international costs on my personal mobile phone. Bishop McRae subsequently called me back; Bishop McRae requested permission
to electronically record his telephone conversations with Ms. Obama, to which I agreed. Due to bad telephone connections Bishop McRae had to call me back three [3] times, before we were able to continue our conversation. The telephone interview conducted by Bishop McRae was conducted on loud speaker (speaker phone). During the interview conversation, one of Ms. Obama’s grandsons’s and myself acted as Swahili translators, and as Bishop McRae talked to and questioned Ms. Obama, we would translate what Bishop McRae said to Ms. Obama in Swahili, and then we would translate her Swahili responses to Bishop McRae in English. Ms. Obama can fluently speak Swahili in her native dialect, but cannot read or write.

Bishop McRae asked Ms. Obama specifically, “Were you present when your grandson Barack Obama was born in Kenya?” This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she specifically replied, “Yes”.

It appeared Ms. Obama’s relatives and her grandson, handling the translating, had obviously been versed to counter such facts with the purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii. Despite this, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States.

When Ms. Obama’s grandson attempted to counter his grandmother’s clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Obama in Kenya, Bishop McRae asked her grandson, how she could be present at Barack Obama’s birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but the grandson would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, “No, No, No. He was born in the United States!” But during the conversation, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama never changed her reply that she was in deed present when Senator Barack Obama was born in Kenya. A copy of the Tape transcript is attached hereto as EXHIBIT “A”.

I left Kisumu City and traveled to Mombosa, Kenya. I interviewed personnel at the hospital in which Senator Obama was born in Kenya. I then had meetings with the Provincial Civil Registrar. I learned there were records of Ann Dunham giving birth to Barack Hussein Obama, III in Mombosa, Kenya on August 4, 1961. I spoke directly with an Official, the Principal Registrar, who openly confirmed the birthing records of Senator Barack H. Obama, Jr. and his mother were present, however, the file on Barack H. Obama, Jr. was classified and profiled. The Official explained Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. birth in Kenya is top secret. I was further instructed to go to the Attorney General’s Office and to the Minister in Charge of Immigration if I wanted further information The above related facts are true and verifiable to the best of my personal knowledge before God Almighty, whose I am and whom I serve.

I declare under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States, that the foregoing is true and correct.
Dated: October 30, 2008
Kweli Shuhubia

Looks legit to me, and I come from a long line of notaries.

That you came from a long line of something or another is obvious to all.

Look what I found! Keep in mind, the word "fake" means "real" in Kenya. Those crazy Kenyans.

ObamaNation Shrugs: Obama’s Grandmother Says He Was Born In Kenya

Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae, I, Bishop Ron McRae am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action. If called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath as follows:

I am the Continental Bishop who oversees the Anabaptists Churches in North America. I am also the Presiding Elder on the African Presbytery, where we have numerous churches throughout Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and mission works to several other African nations. The African Presbytery is comprised of the national bishops of the various countries we minister in and support, along with our statewide bishops from New York and Pennsylvania.

We actively visit and minister throughout these African countries, and do so extensively throughout all of Kenya these last three (3) years. in overseeing the establishment of our churches and presbytery to Kenya over the last two (2) years we have had personal dealings, continually, with many citizens of Kenya from every tribe and economic standing throughout the wonderful nation of Kenya, with whom the national interests in United States Senator Barack Hussein Obama is a very popular topic of discussion. The tribal cultures of the Kenyanese people have involved much turmoil during the national elections at the end of December 2007 and the beginning of 2008.

The much published violence that erupted over the presidential elections caught the world’s attention. Myself and several American minister with our church were present during this time in Kenya, and the facts concerning this strife and the ensuing violence were well known, and of common knowledge throughout all of Kenya.

The opposition party that was responsible for all of the violence was from the minority Luo tribe, which is a Muslim tribe that supported Mr. Raila Odinga for president. Raila Odinga is a Marxist socialist who graduated from the East Germany Magdeburg University in 1970 on a scholarship from the East German government. He named his first born son after Fidel Castro. Raila Odinga spent six years in prison for his admitted involvement in the bloody coup attempt in 1982 to over take and assissinate Daniel Arap Moi, Kenya’s President. Mr. Odinga has publicly admitted to being the leader of that coup in his 2006.

Mr. Odinga is the cousin of United States Senator Barack Obama. Mr. Obama is from the same Muslim tribe, the Luo Tribe, as Mr. Odinga. Senator Obama visited Kenya in August of 2006 and campaigned extensively for his cousin, Mr. Odinga, which gave Odinga a tremendous boost.

During Senator Obama’s campaign stops on behalf of his cousin Odinga, the Senator made numerous claims against the democratic government of Kenya and Kenya’s Presidcent Mwai Kibaki, claiming they were corrupt, stating often, that Kenya was “ready for change”, just as he has campaigned here in the United States during the Presidential election.

It has been common knowledge throughout Kenya that Senator Obama sent his foreign policy advisor, Mr. Mark Lippert, to Kenya at least three times to advise Mr.Odinga on his campaign strategies. See Mark Hyman’s Washington Times article published October, 12, 2008, attached as Exhibit “I”.

Moreover, everyone in Kenya is well aware that Senator Obama donated over one million American dollars ($1,000,000) to his cousin’s, Mr. Odinga’s campaign, which is documented in the Kenyan Political Party, for Mr. Odinga.

Orange Democratic Movement (hereinafter “ODM”) along with extensive funds from other Muslim supporters including but not limited to the Muslim son of Muammar Gadhafi, the dictator of Libyan’s Muslim government.

These issues are common knowledge throughout Kenya, and the information is publicly document across the internet.

It is detailed in Odinga’s financial reports and strategies ODM Internal Memo documents, attached as Exhibit “2″, which are public records, that a significant portion of Senator Obama’s financial contributions (made through an organization identified as Friends of Senator Barack Obama) were used to help finance both the signed Muslim Memorandum of Understanding as well as the planned violence, murders and bloodshed that occurred in December of 2007. Within the ODM Internal Memo attached as Exhibit “2″, the funds donated by Mr. Obama through “Friends of Senator Barack Obama” were to be used for “Violence as a last result…to discourage voter participation in hostile areas..use ODM agents on the ground to engineer ethnic tensions in target areas…support Kapondi’s forces in Mt. Eglori”, and to do as during “Mid-December”. Unfortunately, the exact violence described in these reports was carried out and occurred at the beginning of the second week of December 2007.

Additionally, it is common knowledge throughout both the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya, that contrary to news media propaganda here in the United States, US Senator Barack Obama is a Muslim and not a Christian, and that he was born in Mombasa, Kenya and not in the State of Hawaii as falsely purported by the Obama campaign for presidency of the United States.

Mr. Obama’s cousin ran his failed campaign for the Kenyan presidency in the identical fashion of Senator Obama’s American campaign strategy, and that being to join a nominal Christian Church in order to publicly profess to be a Christian, while maintaining their actual Muslim beliefs, in order to sway public opinion away from the actual fact of his strong Muslim beliefs, family and goals. It is a known fact that membership in the United Church of Christ in Chicago, where Barack Obama was a member, does not require muslims to renounce their Islamic faith in order to join the UCC church. Throughout Kenya it is and was well publicized in the media that a Memorandum of Understanding agrement, attached as Exhibit “3″, between Raila Odinga and Shiek Abdullahi Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, was signed by Odinga in August 29, 2007 in which Raila Odinga promised if elected to implement drastic changes including but not limited to the following:

* Recognize “Islam as the only true religion” * “Islamic leaders would have an oversight rule to monitor activities of ALL other religions (emphasis in the original)

* Installation of Shariah courts in every jurisdiction to implement Islamic law * Implement a ban on Christian preaching

Because of the seriousness of all of the above, as a Christian and a citizen of the United States, this preacher could no longer sit idly by knowing these things and continue to minister in both Kenya and the United States. As the presiding bishop over the Continental Presbytery of Africa, I authorized representatives within our church to locate and interview Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama, the actual grandmother of US Senator Barack Obama. Ms. Sarah Obama lives in the Alego-Kogello, approximately 37 miles from Kisumu, where the Anabaptists have a congregation, and where this preacher has preached several times prior to the December elections in 2007, and prior to the planned violence from the Odinga supporters, which erupted.

With Senator Obama being born in Kenya and not in the United States, he is not a “natural born” citizen and it prohibits him from being eligible to run for and/or serve as President of the United States. Since Senator Obama’s birth was reportedly in 1961, birth records may or may not be available, so I felt it very important to obtain the testimony of his grandmother as a first hand witness, since it is commonly known throughout Kenya, and especiallyaround the Kisamu area, that Sarah Obama was present when Barack Obama, Jr. was born in Kenya.

Accordingly, on Thursday, October 16, 2008 Reverend Kweli Shuhudia (actual name temporarily withheld to protect his life), an evangelist with our ministries traveled to Kogello and located Ms. Sarah Obama at her home, see the attached email attached as Exhibit “4″. Mr. Shuhudu is a very intelligent and educated citizen of Africa, a former teacher and respected evangelist throughout Africa. Mr. Shuhudia acts as our official translator when we are in Africa, and is fluent in both Swahili and English. Mr. Shahudu met and interviewed Ms. Sarah Obama at length on October 16th during which interview, he called me on my mobile number, see my phone record attached as Exhibit “6″. Mr Shuhudia called me first on october 16th at 10:33 a.m. and advised that hwe was with Sarah Hussein Obama and that she wanted to speak with me, but the connection was lost. He called me right back at 10:35 a.m. and he informed me that there were several hundred people present, celebrating Obama’s success. I questioned him about the format of the phone call and conversation with Ms. Obama, and then informed him that I would call him right back, so it would not cost him international charges for the call. I called him back at 10:40 a.m. and public music and voices could be heard that were gathered around Kweli Shuhudia. I then spoke with him and requested that htey utilize the speaker phone so everyone could hear.

The speaker phone with its open microphone was utilized with Mr. Shuhdia, Mr. Vatalis Alec Ogombe the Kogelo Community chairman assisting in the translation work and Ms. Sarh Hussein, along with several hundred people including policemen present and listenin in the open conversation between the four of us for approximately 15 minutes. Mr. VO is also the step grandson of Ms. Obama and the cousin of Barack Obama. A third unknown party can be heard periodically interjecting both Swahili and English words in the public discussion and conversation between the four of us. At times, the room noise from other peoples’ voices makes some of the swahili difficult to hear, and towards the end of the conversation several men’s voices are heard that are not identified. As I talked to and question Ms. Obama publicly over the open microphone of Mr. S’s speaker phone, they would translate what I said to her in Swahili publicly, and then they would translate her Swahili responses to me publicly in English. Ms. Obama can fluently speak Swahili in her native dialect, but cannot read or write. In the ensuing public conversation, I asked Ms. Obama specifically, “Were you present when your grandson Barack Obama was born in Kenya?” this was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she specifically replied, “Yes! Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born.” Though, some few younger relatives, including Mr. Ogombe, have obviously been versed to counter such facts with the common purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States. When Mr. Ogombe attempted to counter Sarah Obama’ clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Barack Obama in Kenya, I asked Mr. Ogombe, how she could be present at Barack Obama’s birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but Ogombe would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, “No, No, No, He was born in the United States!” But during the conversation, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama never changed her reply that she was in deed present when Senator Barack Obama was born in Kenya. A transcript of this taped public interview is attached as Exhibit “6″. Mr. Shuhudia took photographs during the open conversations and interview with Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama, which photos will be forthcoming.

Becase of the seriousness of the political situation and the impact of such on a United States Presidential election, and because of the factual reality of tremendous violence in kenya towards Christians, especially in the immediate area of Kisumu, where both Sarah Hussein Obama and Rev. Kweli Shuhudia live, it is requested that all reasonable and legal steps be taken to secure Rev. Kweli Shuhudia’s identity to the Federal Court alone, in order to protect his life and safety for being willing to provide this very important assistance in gathering this testimony and evidence to be used in any Federal litigation.

The above related facts are true and verifiable to the best of my personal knowledge before God Almighty, whom I am and whom I serve.

I declare under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States, that the foregoing is true and correct.

by the grace of God alone,

Ron McRae Residing Bishop Continental Presbytery of Africa Anabaptists Churches of N. America

Why do I haev a gut feeling you wouldn't care if this guy was a Tea Partier.

What guy??

Obama is NOT going to be impeached or removed from office over this without ironclad proof that gains popular appeal FIRST.

If the GOP wants to do anything about this then (assuming they win the House) put a rider on a defense spending bill or something else that can't easily be vetoed or opposed in the Senate requiring any candidate for President to provide proof of citizenship when filing with the FEC.

If Obama or the Dems protest then it will look like they are hiding something.

It doesn't look like they are hiding something already??

It is truly sad that there is such a luke warm support for the legitimate legal questions in America.

There will be a rally on OCT 23, as mentioned in a post by me in this thread.

The way things have been going it would seem that someone has to blow up a building to get any media attention.
I don't think I've ever commented on this before.

Like I said, you have no evidence to suggest he isn't an American. This is a witch hunt.

And I know damned well you have, as a matter of fact mg1968 blew a cork recently when I mentioned the Kenyan Keynesian and you put forth the same blather you have in this thread and I responded and 68 took extreme exception to having his thread on economics intruded upon.

If you read the post above, there you will find two affidavits that have been submitted to courts as evidence, so there is evidence!!!

The main thing about it is that you can produce no evidence that shows that Obambiwitch qualifies to be CIC!!!

No birth certificate, not even a ligitimate COLB or any other evidence has EVER been produced by Obamama to show that he qualifies to hold his office even though he has spent about $2 million in legal fees to avoid doing so.

I defy you, show me one shread of legal evidence that he does qualify!!!

I'm not saying he doesn't qualify but until he does so in court my doubt grows daily.

Its over, give it up. The time for challenging Obama's eligibility was in Congress when the votes were counted and certified on January 8th, 2009 - and not a single member - Democrat OR Republican - objected. When 12 noon eastern happened on January 20th of that year Obama thus became the President. You can't change it, its too late, and you're a pathetic whiny baby for holding on to this.
Its over, give it up. The time for challenging Obama's eligibility was in Congress when the votes were counted and certified on January 8th, 2009 - and not a single member - Democrat OR Republican - objected. When 12 noon eastern happened on January 20th of that year Obama thus became the President. You can't change it, its too late, and you're a pathetic whiny baby for holding on to this.

but, the left complained for all 8 years of the Bush Presidency that he shouldn't be President. Did you tell those people to give it up, that once Al Gore lost his case in the Supreme Court that it was over?
Not really. It just shows that GS is really no different than the people he despises so much. Just the other side of the same coin.
Its over, give it up. The time for challenging Obama's eligibility was in Congress when the votes were counted and certified on January 8th, 2009 - and not a single member - Democrat OR Republican - objected. When 12 noon eastern happened on January 20th of that year Obama thus became the President. You can't change it, its too late, and you're a pathetic whiny baby for holding on to this.

I am merely following the cases in court,
this will go to the supreme court one way
or another.

You are pathetic for not protecting the
US Constitution, among other reasons.

Not really. It just shows that GS is really no different than the people he despises so much. Just the other side of the same coin.

North Korea's Kim Jong Il named his youngest son
Kim Jong Un a military general Monday in a first step
toward dynastic succession. That's how they do it
in other countries. They don't put anybody in charge
unless they have some experience and a notarized
birth certificate.

President Obama's approval rating dropped again.
Things are so bad, Muslims are accusing him of
being Christian.

At a recent meeting of his top staff, Obama read
a news clip that said 78% of Americans do not
know who the Vice President is.

Rosary Joe Biden raised his hand and asked,
"could you give us a hint?"

President Obama said he plans on training
10,000 new math and science teachers.

How about teaching math to that economic
team of his?

In a new interview with Rolling Stone magazine,
President Obama said he has Stevie Wonder,
Bob Dylan, and the Rolling Stones on his iPod.

Unfortunately, the question was “Do you have
a plan to fix the economy?”

Nancy Pelosi ducked a vote to extend tax cuts
by adjourning Congress Wednesday on the same
day that polls showed she was less popular than
British Petroleum.

It makes no sense.

BP handed out twenty billion dollars while she
handed out seven hundred billion dollars.

President Obama was urged by environmentalists
Friday to maintain his offshore drilling ban. They
don't care about the economy. Environmentalists
believe in their hearts that President Obama can
restore this country to what it once was, an Arctic
region covered with ice.

Apparently his Social Security Number is one that would indicate someone who was born in Connecticut.
My kids are dual citizens.

At 18 i was told they have to choose.

Interestingly... I'm a dual citizen (born in Georgia to a Filipino mother and American father). The government has never asked me to choose. However, I've always heard I'd have to choose once I'm 18. I'm 23, almost 24. I recently did some stuff for the US government and they were well aware I was a duel citizen. They just told me I couldn't practice my rights as a Filipino citizen while I was working for the government.
His birth certificate and Hawaiian newspapers indicate otherwise.

Good luck with that, birther.

Doesn't matter one way or the other.

I still find it very, very odd that those documents were withheld for month after month while controversy and questions stirred. Why do that? It makes absolutely no sense.

However, documents have now been "produced". They are either original or manufactured but I have no doubt that they are air tight legally. If the former then it was just a stupid vain resistance to "the other side's demands" or something like that. If the latter... I am grown up enough to realize that the bad guys sometimes win so you move on to a battle you can win.

Either way, these people are wasting their time.
Doesn't matter one way or the other.

I still find it very, very odd that those documents were withheld for month after month while controversy and questions stirred. Why do that? It makes absolutely no sense.

However, documents have now been "produced". They are either original or manufactured but I have no doubt that they are air tight legally. If the former then it was just a stupid vain resistance to "the other side's demands" or something like that. If the latter... I am grown up enough to realize that the bad guys sometimes win so you move on to a battle you can win.

Either way, these people are wasting their time.

Not only just the birth and passport records but college transcripts and virtually every document concerning mystery man has been hidden.

This is unprecedented in American history and scandalous in itself.

Now that the (fraudulent) birth document has been dangled over the internet, the next step is producing such in court and we will see how 'air tight' it is.

You say these people are wasting their time, in the end that may be so but I, for one am glad they are waging the battle.

Also, I disagree that it doesn't matter, it does matter.

As for dual citizenship, I think someone has been ill informed unless the rules have been changed and I doubt they have.

It is very advantageous to hole multiple citizenships for several reasons. At the head of the list is for tax purposes.
Doesn't matter one way or the other.

I still find it very, very odd that those documents were withheld for month after month while controversy and questions stirred. Why do that? It makes absolutely no sense.

Why glorify insane rantings of the lunatic fringe by even answering their questions?
Also, I disagree that it doesn't matter, it does matter.


It matters in the ethical sense but not the practical sense. If you could prove absolutely everything... do you really believe Congress would impeach and remove him? The Bill Clinton experience taught them that you get punished for trying to enforce rule of law on the President.
Why glorify insane rantings of the lunatic fringe by even answering their questions?

There's nothing insane about questioning the birth location of someone who was born of a foreign father whose parents lived abroad around the time of his birth. It is a simple, honest question that should be asked... and VERY easily answered. Unless your ego is WAY too big to lead anything or else you have something to hide... there's just no reason not to answer the question and put it behind you.

It only makes it more suspicious that they released other documents that did NOT prove US birth.

But... like I said... either there was nothing there but the reaction of a narcissist or else the Chicago fix is in.
It makes sense to ask it once,

But even after documentation provided, GOP governor if Hawaii says it's a nonissue, etc, the truth is that the racist gingoistic far right was never going to let go.

Even now a certain percentage of the hard core who cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Obama is potus just refuse to accept the facts.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It makes sense to ask it once,

But even after documentation provided, GOP governor if Hawaii says it's a nonissue, etc, the truth is that the racist gingoistic far right was never going to let go.

Even now a certain percentage of the hard core who cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Obama is potus just refuse to accept the facts.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The far right is comprised of red-heads?

VN Store
