Proof to put the 9/11 Truthers to bed in less than 2 mins

Man, they're some first class nuts in this thread. I work in the steel
Business too. I've done everything from grind steel, burn it, bend it to radii, weld it, and now I project manage and estimate steel structures. Ill take the word of the engineers and those in the business over guys who are ready to jump on any conspiracy theory.

Well just so you know, there have been plenty of credible engineers and those in the business who have questioned what the government has said about 9/11.
Well just so you know, there have been plenty of credible engineers and those in the business who have questioned what the government has said about 9/11.

Questioning the official story is a lot different from claiming the government is responsible for the destruction of those buildings using explosives.
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That was the lizard people.

I guarantee you, without a shadow of a doubt, there are VN posters that believe lizard people exist and have taken part in our government. And we try to be rational with these people when it comes to plenty of other topics. For example; 9/11, football coaching hires, faith, religion, and politics to name a few.
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I just watched this crazy doc called Zeitgeist. Part of it was a truther segment. They are very convincing. I do not blame people who are convinced and I don't think we should treat them like they are idiots.

I feel like the conclusions truthers make are false but they do base it on facts that make the .gov look sketchy. I don't think it's responsible to conclude it's false flag. If there was indeed a cover up, they were probably covering up ineptitude, not evil.
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I just watched this crazy doc called Zeitgeist. Part of it was a truther segment. They are very convincing. I do not blame people who are convinced and I don't think we should treat them like they are idiots.

I feel like the conclusions truthers make are false but they do base it on facts that make the .gov look sketchy. I don't think it's responsible to conclude it's false flag. If there was indeed a cover up, they were probably covering up ineptitude, not evil.

The first one? There is a 2nd one as well.
The first one? There is a 2nd one as well.

You've seen Zeitgeist? It's a documentary with maybe 3 segments. Part 1 is all about how most religions come from the same mythology. I highly doubt you watched that, LOL.

Part 2 is 9/11.

Like I said, it's a weird doc. I don't even know what part 3 was about. We stopped watching.
You've seen Zeitgeist? It's a documentary with maybe 3 segments. Part 1 is all about how most religions come from the same mythology. I highly doubt you watched that, LOL.

Part 2 is 9/11.

Like I said, it's a weird doc. I don't even know what part 3 was about. We stopped watching.

Yes. I've seen them all.

There's another one, if I can think of the name. All on Netflix.
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I feel like the conclusions truthers make are false but they do base it on facts that make the .gov look sketchy.

This is very similar to the old saying about road to hell and good intentions. The accuracy of certain facts or the goodness of original intent in no way guarantee the accuracy or goodness of the end conclusion/result.
You've seen Zeitgeist? It's a documentary with maybe 3 segments. Part 1 is all about how most religions come from the same mythology. I highly doubt you watched that, LOL.

Part 2 is 9/11.

Like I said, it's a weird doc. I don't even know what part 3 was about. We stopped watching.

Part 3 is the best part IMO.
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What is it about?

It's titled "Don't Mind the Men Behind the Curtain". It's about the financial elite going back to the robber barons and the origins of the Federal Reserve. Then it gives an alternative view to the origins of most of the wars around the world and how they benefit the financial elite who fund them. It also shows how the use of propaganda and false flags have controlled the masses during key events. It's definitely worth a watch and most of the content is well documented so I don't think it's as controversial as the 9/11 segment.
It's titled "Don't Mind the Men Behind the Curtain". It's about the financial elite going back to the robber barons and the origins of the Federal Reserve. Then it gives an alternative view to the origins of most of the wars around the world and how they benefit the financial elite who fund them. It also shows how the use of propaganda and false flags have controlled the masses during key events. It's definitely worth a watch and most of the content is well documented so I don't think it's as controversial as the 9/11 segment.

I've read more than I want to on the topic, LOL. Federal Reserve is such a boring topic to me, but it's required reading for libertarians.
I've read more than I want to on the topic, LOL. Federal Reserve is such a boring topic to me, but it's required reading for libertarians.

Agreed about the Federal Reserve but it's still worth a watch IMO. There's some great audio from Charles Lindbergh and some clips from an old movie called Network that I'd never seen.
Agreed about the Federal Reserve but it's still worth a watch IMO. There's some great audio from Charles Lindbergh and some clips from an old movie called Network that I'd never seen.
Network isn't an old movie. That was probably only 35- 40 years ago.
You've seen Zeitgeist? It's a documentary with maybe 3 segments. Part 1 is all about how most religions come from the same mythology. I highly doubt you watched that, LOL.

Part 2 is 9/11.

Like I said, it's a weird doc. I don't even know what part 3 was about. We stopped watching.

I'm suprised you've not had any dealings with Peter Joseph's the 'Venus project' cult on the Internet. They're a scary bunch. 0 understanding of basic economics.

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