Qanon -The Storm

So, it would appear that Q predicted this 11/17?
Re-reading some of the other drops and found this interesting.

What if H is for Hunter, not Huber?

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 72efc4 No.6954607
Jul 8 2019 17:08:02 (EST)
Anonymous ID: bc9ab2 No.6954435
Jul 8 2019 16:59:53 (EST)TheStorm.jpg
Just because the 'public' is unaware of something, does not mean 'nothing' is happening.
MUELLER hearing a tactic meant to delay (H) report?
(H) report release necessary prior to [C]omey release?
(H) + [C] = D
D = the start of the mass awakening (WH, ABCs, State, Foreign, ……)
Post D comes many I's.
When BLACKMAIL no longer holds due to LOSS OF SENIOR LEVEL KEY GOV POSITIONS AND 11th HOUR TESTIMONY…………those previously protected become prey.
I went back because I read the earlier post to correct it and my hunger for chicken fettuccini won out.
So pretty much from the beginning of q they knew about this corruption. I'm glad it's coming out.
No worries. I’m glad too.

Looks like here’s the first time Q put Hunter in the spotlight

Nov 24 2019
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7364826
Nov 24 2019 12:23:47 (EST)
[HUNTER]s become the hunted.
Senate was the target.
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I truly hope you all can get the help you clearly need.

Saw this thread a hundred times with no clue what it was, until recently. As I learned more, I've read several stories from ex-believers on how they finally broke free. The common denominator - all finally started to question why the big, landmark events (martial law, executions, etc.,) never happened.

Those still in seem determined to accept any readily convenient explanation as to why this or that has been "delayed".
Which requires a tossing of all critical reasoning, and that's what concerns me most. Don't really care what people want to believe, as long as it does no real harm.

But after reading about the guy ruining his life launching an assault on some NY pizza joint, I just hope those buying into this are at least content in waiting on the supposed "storm". The thought of fellow Americans ruining their lives on something centered around lizard people and satanic baby killers is troubling. The thought of any victims of this conspiracy coming to real world harm, is absolutely disturbing.
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Saw this thread a hundred times with no clue what it was, until recently. As I learned more, I've read several stories from ex-believers on how they finally broke free. The common denominator - all finally started to question why the big, landmark events (martial law, executions, etc.,) never happened.

Those still in seem determined to accept any readily convenient explanation as to why this or that has been "delayed".
Which requires a tossing of all critical reasoning, and that's what concerns me most. Don't really care what people want to believe, as long as it does no real harm.

But after reading about the guy ruining his life launching an assault on some NY pizza joint, I just hope those buying into this are at least content in waiting on the supposed "storm". The thought of fellow Americans ruining their lives on something centered around lizard people and satanic baby killers is troubling. The thought of any victims of this conspiracy coming to real world harm, is absolutely disturbing.
FYI, Q isn’t Pizzagate.

NY Pizza joint? That’s a new one. Or are you talking about Edgar Madison Welch who went from NC to Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Washington DC? He fired a single shot through a padlocked cabinet into the hard drive of the business.

Lizard people? Do tell.
FYI, Q isn’t Pizzagate.

NY Pizza joint? That’s a new one. Or are you talking about Edgar Madison Welch who went from NC to Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Washington DC? He fired a single shot through a padlocked cabinet into the hard drive of the business.

Lizard people? Do tell.

Yeah, DC, sorry. I'll rephrase - not launching an assault on a pizza joint... launching an assault on a pizza joints cabinet.
Wouldn't want to confuse it with anything odd like a window or cash register, when it was just your normal cabinet attack. Which never interferes with future job opportunities etc..

A recent study found that over 70% of Qanon's believers also believe in pizza gate. And almost a quarter also believe in the "lizard people".

But like I originally said, I don't care what people believe, just don't let the tales lead to real world violence.

I know better than to argue beliefs like these, so this is an honest question. *IF* Trump leaves office either this January, or 4 years from then, without any storm or roundup, will that give you pause on the belief? Or will you automatically assume it was thwarted or delayed for whatever accompanying explanation?
But like I originally said, I don't care what people believe, just don't let the tales lead to real world violence.

I would be more concerned with the groups and individuals that have been actually been inciting violence, burning cities, randomly attacking and killing people the last several months and years.
I would be more concerned with the groups and individuals that have been actually been inciting violence, burning cities, randomly attacking and killing people the last several months and years.

I'm concerned with all. Some seem to focus on either/or. That's not an issue for me, I can do both.
I would be more concerned with the groups and individuals that have been actually been inciting violence, burning cities, randomly attacking and killing people the last several months and years.

Like the Boogaloo bois?
Yeah, DC, sorry. I'll rephrase - not launching an assault on a pizza joint... launching an assault on a pizza joints cabinet.
Wouldn't want to confuse it with anything odd like a window or cash register, when it was just your normal cabinet attack. Which never interferes with future job opportunities etc..

A recent study found that over 70% of Qanon's believers also believe in pizza gate. And almost a quarter also believe in the "lizard people".

But like I originally said, I don't care what people believe, just don't let the tales lead to real world violence.

I know better than to argue beliefs like these, so this is an honest question. *IF* Trump leaves office either this January, or 4 years from then, without any storm or roundup, will that give you pause on the belief? Or will you automatically assume it was thwarted or delayed for whatever accompanying explanation?
You have no idea what I believe. You’re assuming that you know and understand exactly what I believe.

Why is that?
But like I originally said, I don't care what people believe, just don't let the tales lead to real world violence.

I know better than to argue beliefs like these, so this is an honest question. *IF* Trump leaves office either this January, or 4 years from then, without any storm or roundup, will that give you pause on the belief? Or will you automatically assume it was thwarted or delayed for whatever accompanying explanation?[/QUOTE

What about the violence that was brought by the "tales" of BLM, does that bother you?
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You have no idea what I believe. You’re assuming that you know and understand exactly what I believe.

Why is that?

Because you've posted to this thread almost daily since January of 18?

Are you going to sit back with a straight face and ask people to believe that you were just "putting it out there" and that you don't actually believe in Q?

We all know what you're about, at least be honest with yourself.

BTW, you ducked his question. If Trump loses and especially if the R's lose the Senate - are you going to admit you've been duped or are you and the other Q people going to try and assert that the mission was successful because <insert reason here>?
But like I originally said, I don't care what people believe, just don't let the tales lead to real world violence.

I know better than to argue beliefs like these, so this is an honest question. *IF* Trump leaves office either this January, or 4 years from then, without any storm or roundup, will that give you pause on the belief? Or will you automatically assume it was thwarted or delayed for whatever accompanying explanation?[/QUOTE

What about the violence that was brought by the "tales" of BLM, does that bother you?

He didn't imply that he supported BLM anywhere. Why would you assume that rejecting the violence by one is mutually exclusive of rejecting it by the other?
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