Qanon -The Storm

But like I originally said, I don't care what people believe, just don't let the tales lead to real world violence.

I know better than to argue beliefs like these, so this is an honest question. *IF* Trump leaves office either this January, or 4 years from then, without any storm or roundup, will that give you pause on the belief? Or will you automatically assume it was thwarted or delayed for whatever accompanying explanation?[/QUOTE

What about the violence that was brought by the "tales" of BLM, does that bother you?

I believe I already answered. I don't support violence of any kind and yes, I've studied that movement also.

No clue why everyone keeps asking me about BLM, though, I'm not associated with them anymore than I am you guys. I just have an interest in human behavior.
Didn't realize such a simple question would spawn such response. From defensiveness to subject changes...everything but a simple answer.🤷‍♂️
I believe I already answered. I don't support violence of any kind and yes, I've studied that movement also.

No clue why everyone keeps asking me about BLM, though, I'm not associated with them anymore than I am you guys. I just have an interest in human behavior.
Didn't realize such a simple question would spawn such response. From defensiveness to subject changes...everything but a simple answer.🤷‍♂️

Ask inconvenient questions and they duck you completely like @ajvol01 or whine about being mocked.

Prancing around like they're the only free thinking objective ones but can't seem to fathom the reality of having been duped. It will be interesting to watch the reaction and excuses if Trump loses. Storm season is about to end.
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Ask inconvenient questions and they duck you completely like @ajvol01 or whine about being mocked.

Prancing around like they're the only free thinking objective ones but can't seem to fathom the reality of having been duped. It will be interesting to watch the reaction and excuses if Trump loses. Storm season is about to end.

What is interesting or rather amusing is the reaction from the left after Trump drags his nads across democrats faces for a second time. The so called storm hasn’t even begun..AFDEA6E5-51DE-4889-B223-BA2498F74A3C.gif
What is interesting or rather amusing is the reaction from the left after Trump drags his nads across democrats faces for a second time. The so called storm hasn’t even begun..

Are you sure you responded to the right post?
It just blows me away how anyone could vote for a 47 year corrupt swamp dweller over a non-politician that's trying clean up the cesspool also known as Washington DC and that has a lengthy list of major accomplishments. Granted that "someone" doesn't have the best personality in the world but who cares? Actions should speak louder than words. This election should be a blow out for Trump. If he loses, I don't have much hope for this country. This would mean that the masses actually believe the propaganda and lies put out by the MSM. Bye bye critical thinking and objectivity.
My boss got me into listening to the X22 Report a few months back. Listened to the latest report today and they guy said he and several others have entered into a class action lawsuit against Youtube for censoring them. I guess censoring is going on now with all of the primary social media platforms (YT, FB, Twitter, etc.). Makes me think that a lot of this stuff is true since they don't want it getting out to the sheeple. Supposedly a lot of sick stuff is going to come out that's on Hunter's laptop. Time will tell...
They don't want dumb people falling for and spreading disinformation like this Q nonsense.
It just blows me away how anyone could vote for a 47 year corrupt swamp dweller over a non-politician that's trying clean up the cesspool also known as Washington DC and that has a lengthy list of major accomplishments. Granted that "someone" doesn't have the best personality in the world but who cares? Actions should speak louder than words. This election should be a blow out for Trump. If he loses, I don't have much hope for this country. This would mean that the masses actually believe the propaganda and lies put out by the MSM. Bye bye critical thinking and objectivity.
Name these lengthy accomplishments. Definitely the non political stuff since your main thing is "he is not a politician."


So do you prefer surgery from someone who is "a non-surgeon?"
Name these lengthy accomplishments. Definitely the non political stuff since your main thing is "he is not a politician."

3.9% unemployment pre China virus, prison reform that aids African Americans, funds to help black communities, tight border control with Mexico to reduce drugs and human trafficking, tax cuts that helped the low and middle class, multiple peace deals in the middle east, etc.
Name these lengthy accomplishments. Definitely the non political stuff since your main thing is "he is not a politician."


So do you prefer surgery from someone who is "a non-surgeon?"
Definitely don't want surgery from someone with every disease known to man and a complete lack of hygiene.
3.9% unemployment pre China virus, prison reform that aids African Americans, funds to help black communities, tight border control with Mexico to reduce drugs and human trafficking, tax cuts that helped the low and middle class, multiple peace deals in the middle east, etc.
None of the stuff about Black people is true. Obama had unemployment falling. Trump wrecked his gains. All sites rate his claim as FALSE. The Mexico stuff is false. He has not brokered one peace deal worth anything.

He loves dumb people. They fall for the dog and pony show while nothing happens but him and his kids stealing money.
Name these lengthy accomplishments. Definitely the non political stuff since your main thing is "he is not a politician."


So do you prefer surgery from someone who is "a non-surgeon?"
This is such a shallow comment I'm not even going to reply... wait, I just did LOL!
None of the stuff about Black people is true. Obama had unemployment falling. Trump wrecked his gains. All sites rate his claim as FALSE. The Mexico stuff is false. He has not brokered one peace deal worth anything.

He loves dumb people. They fall for the dog and pony show while nothing happens but him and his kids stealing money.
Go ahead... live in your alternate reality😂.
None of the stuff about Black people is true. Obama had unemployment falling. Trump wrecked his gains. All sites rate his claim as FALSE. The Mexico stuff is false. He has not brokered one peace deal worth anything.

He loves dumb people. They fall for the dog and pony show while nothing happens but him and his kids stealing money.
UE was absolutely down around full employment before covid. It was down for all across the board
Back on topic, the Q drops I've seen are mostly dealing with what the corrupt politicians are doing/going to do and how the MSM will react to promote it. Why censor Q if it's far out stuff that people won't believe?
Obama policies had it on a steady decline. Every single legit political site says that he did not create that. Obama's policies did.

Sorry that is a fact.
Yet reached those levels under Trump. He enabled businesses to thrive by knocking back regs. Yes obama had it trending down but very unlikely it could have reached the same levels

You ignore a lot of uncomfortable realities
Obama was one of the most worthless presidents we've ever had. My health insurance sky rocketed after ACA hit. Deductibles went from around $1k per family member to over $4k. That's a fact. The insurance I have now is over $6k per family member and I'm paying $1500 per month for it. Yeah, it's the "affordable" care act 😒

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