Qanon -The Storm

Because you've posted to this thread almost daily since January of 18?

Are you going to sit back with a straight face and ask people to believe that you were just "putting it out there" and that you don't actually believe in Q?

We all know what you're about, at least be honest with yourself.

BTW, you ducked his question. If Trump loses and especially if the R's lose the Senate - are you going to admit you've been duped or are you and the other Q people going to try and assert that the mission was successful because <insert reason here>?

Bump for @ajvol01
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My boss got me into listening to the X22 Report a few months back. Listened to the latest report today and they guy said he and several others have entered into a class action lawsuit against Youtube for censoring them. I guess censoring is going on now with all of the primary social media platforms (YT, FB, Twitter, etc.). Makes me think that a lot of this stuff is true since they don't want it getting out to the sheeple. Supposedly a lot of sick stuff is going to come out that's on Hunter's laptop. Time will tell...
My boss got me into listening to the X22 Report a few months back. Listened to the latest report today and they guy said he and several others have entered into a class action lawsuit against Youtube for censoring them. I guess censoring is going on now with all of the primary social media platforms (YT, FB, Twitter, etc.). Makes me think that a lot of this stuff is true since they don't want it getting out to the sheeple. Supposedly a lot of sick stuff is going to come out that's on Hunter's laptop. Time will tell...
New wave hitting Parler now.
You have no idea what I believe. You’re assuming that you know and understand exactly what I believe.

Why is that?

Granted, I assumed you believe the whole of the Qanon story. *If* you only believe parts, why would you assume that someone would be lying to you about part but then be honest Abe on other things?

Look, if you would rather not answer, no big deal. I didn't come in hot calling people crackpots or anything, just a simple interest in the root of beliefs in movements.
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