Qanon -The Storm

There's more than one video. Let it play out. It's the presidents right.

You‘re saying there are people burning ballots (debunked) and all this other shite before there is any actual evidence but you want me to not make any definitive statements and wait to see what the investigations uncover.

So you can jump the gun but I should show patience?

And I’m all for investigating any discrepancies.

My issue is whether or not Rs, who are so hyped up about “fraud” bc Trump screams it all the time and has been since 2012 when he couldn’t handle it that Obama won, will accept the results of the investigations. Or will you keep believing conspiracies?
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Do you remember back in school when the teacher required you to cite your sources and if you didn’t, you’d fail the assignment? Imagine using social media as a source and thinking people will take you seriously
Which is almost as bad as people thinking CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX NEWS, NYT, WaPo, WSJ are flagships of truth.
Do you remember back in school when the teacher required you to cite your sources and if you didn’t, you’d fail the assignment? Imagine using social media as a source and thinking people will take you seriously
And now when a student wholesale copies and pastes and the teacher gives a failing grade, the majority of parents raise Hell because they don't see the problem with it.
The "information age" is a glorious thing, and I'm so glad everyone has gotten smarter and understands credibility.
Do you remember back in school when the teacher required you to cite your sources and if you didn’t, you’d fail the assignment? Imagine using social media as a source and thinking people will take you seriously
What if I use anonymous sources or "those close to the White House"?
I’m of the opinion all sources should be named for transparency but there is a difference between being a White House correspondent with sources and a random person on twitter.
Not much. The NYT tried to characterize that DHS guy no one’s ever heard of (Anonymous author) as a senior administration official.
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So you think:

1. There are 146k of these votes

2. 100% of these were Biden votes.....

Dude give it a rest. Trump doesn't win the popular vote in 2016 or 2020. The majority of Americans have voted twice now that they don't want DJT as their POTUS.

Literally, the only person we know for a fact tried to interfere in this election is Trump. USPS refused to do a final sweep for ballots on election day, despite a federal judge requiring them to do so, and USPS is controlled by Trump appointed Board of Governors who elected a Trump donor as post master general. Then on Wed, Trump started tweeting out to stop counting votes, but only in states where he was leading. He was perfectly fine with them continuing to count votes in AZ. Hmmm... wonder why
So a bunch of posters who fell for internet bull shat are now falling for it again. You would think some would pause and rethink what they see online. Oh well.

I believe the latest theory is that Trump and Team knowingly allowed the voter fraud to happen and allowed himself to "lose" the election, just so they can spring the "trap" and finally get the dastardly deep state with some hard evidence of corruption and put them away for good.

They are really riding this **** to the very end.

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