Qanon -The Storm

I believe the latest theory is that Trump and Team knowingly allowed the voter fraud to happen and allowed himself to "lose" the election, just so they can spring the "trap" and finally get the dastardly deep state with some hard evidence of corruption and put them away for good.

They are really riding this **** to the very end.
I believe the latest theory is that Trump and Team knowingly allowed the voter fraud to happen and allowed himself to "lose" the election, just so they can spring the "trap" and finally get the dastardly deep state with some hard evidence of corruption and put them away for good.

They are really riding this **** to the very end.
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So you think:

1. There are 146k of these votes

2. 100% of these were Biden votes.....

Dude give it a rest. Trump doesn't win the popular vote in 2016 or 2020. The majority of Americans have voted twice now that they don't want DJT as their POTUS.

Literally, the only person we know for a fact tried to interfere in this election is Trump. USPS refused to do a final sweep for ballots on election day, despite a federal judge requiring them to do so, and USPS is controlled by Trump appointed Board of Governors who elected a Trump donor as post master general. Then on Wed, Trump started tweeting out to stop counting votes, but only in states where he was leading. He was perfectly fine with them continuing to count votes in AZ. Hmmm... wonder why
You're replying to who?
You’ve been here for a few weeks and act like you run the place. Totally normal

Or maybe you just changed your username
Before you call others out you may want to check the mirror. You have propagated fake/altered tweets heavily implying people are pedophiles. It’s super disgusting.
I’m of the opinion all sources should be named for transparency but there is a difference between being a White House correspondent with sources and a random person on twitter.
Meh, I'm sure people like you would have criticized Dorothy Kilgallen 70 years ago for similar reasons. These so-called journalists are biased and lazy. They can be outscooped relatively easily.
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I believe the latest theory is that Trump and Team knowingly allowed the voter fraud to happen and allowed himself to "lose" the election, just so they can spring the "trap" and finally get the dastardly deep state with some hard evidence of corruption and put them away for good.

They are really riding this **** to the very end.
Here it is right here...

I apologize. I thought you were asking why people would care if Q was a troll. My mistake.
Related. The media’s widespread & frequent coordination on stories like this is anything but normal - especially in the age of get the story first even if it’s wrong.
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There's more than one video. Let it play out. It's the presidents right. I came to this thread to see if Q had made another "drop" after Biden was declared the winner or if he's still quiet while he tries to figure out how to keep the grift going and saw this post. It seems you are not aware of what's possible in this world right now.

First off, there's nothing stopping anyone from filming themselves claiming to be a ballot counter and saying they're going to toss out votes for Trump or Biden. It's stupid simple to do and clearly there's an audience willing to believe it if it fits the narrative they want to be true. If a video came out of someone claiming they were going to toss out votes for Biden, would you believe it? Probably not...and rightfully so. Likewise, I could easily use all kinds of computer programs to make ballots and return envelopes that look realistic enough to burn in a video. All of this is ridiculously easy.

What isn't easy? Actually being able to collect real ballots and burning them or tossing ballots out as a ballot counter. There was no mass fraud in this election. Trump is just doing what Trump does...complain about things not being fair to him. He said the 2016 election was rigged, then he won. He's been claiming all along that this one was going to be rigged, then he lost. What's similar between the two? He expected to lose both elections and was trying to set-up an excuse for losing. It's really that simple and that obvious. I came to this thread to see if Q had made another "drop" after Biden was declared the winner or if he's still quiet while he tries to figure out how to keep the grift going and saw this post. It seems you are not aware of what's possible in this world right now.

First off, there's nothing stopping anyone from filming themselves claiming to be a ballot counter and saying they're going to toss out votes for Trump or Biden. It's stupid simple to do and clearly there's an audience willing to believe it if it fits the narrative they want to be true. If a video came out of someone claiming they were going to toss out votes for Biden, would you believe it? Probably not...and rightfully so. Likewise, I could easily use all kinds of computer programs to make ballots and return envelopes that look realistic enough to burn in a video. All of this is ridiculously easy.

What isn't easy? Actually being able to collect real ballots and burning them or tossing ballots out as a ballot counter. There was no mass fraud in this election. Trump is just doing what Trump does...complain about things not being fair to him. He said the 2016 election was rigged, then he won. He's been claiming all along that this one was going to be rigged, then he lost. What's similar between the two? He expected to lose both elections and was trying to set-up an excuse for losing. It's really that simple and that obvious.

Al Gore had his 37 days in court, don't cry now.

Social media is the new "look at me." People are stupid posting what they do online thinking there will be no consequences. I don't put it past the idiots to be telling the truth because they think it's cool. He deleted his account but I'm sure he's already had a knock on his door.

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