Qanon -The Storm

Ya but did you also travel to another state to a site where they are counting ballots and Trump is crying about fraud with your guns?
I may or may not have more than that in my truck right now (but it's a ut hat)
I read that and thought the same thing. One rifle, 2 handguns and ammo, but no mention of ammo in magazines? What were they planning on doing shooting and then reloading their magazines each time they emptied them?
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I read that and thought the same thing. One rifle, 2 handguns and ammo, but no mention of ammo in magazines? What were they planning on doing shooting and then reloading their magazines each time they emptied them?
160 rounds between 3 guns is nothing. Maybe 5-6 mags across the 3
You don't have their plan of attack.

Or do you?

Two guys with rifles can kill hundreds.

You people are so sick you are downplaying someone plotting a mass shooting that thankfully was stopped.

Low even for a Trumpette
Antifa does it everyday. I'll take you more serious when you screech the same about them.

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