Queen Elizabeth II has passed.

Have they no shame? Woke liberals writing for the New York Times, New York Magazine and The Atlantic waste no time attacking the 'colonizer' Queen mere hours after her death aged 96 - and hours after Twitter took down vile post mocking monarch


Tirhakah Love, senior newsletter writer for New York Magazine, said he was looking forward to dancing on the queen's grave


Jemele Hill, a writer for The Atlantic, wrote about the 'devastating' reign of the queen


Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, a professor of English at the University of Michigan, said she was thinking of Diana and Meghan Markle

In a disgusting tweet, now deleted by Twitter, modern language teacher Anya wrote: 'I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.


Woke liberals waste no time attacking the Queen after her death | Daily Mail Online
Karma is a b***h, all to often what’s wished on others is harvested by the wisher
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So if I put up tweets by a bunch of white Appalachian toothless hillbillies about white supremacy, that makes all white people white supremacists?

You’re amazing, LG. One sign at the back of a Trump rally was enough evidence for you to smear everyone there. You’re standards are perhaps the most selective I’ve ever seen.
I can remember the UK had a noise ordinance 11pm-7am and we couldn’t run engines and no planes couldn’t fly. People would say we couldn’t wake the Queen. But in 1986 about midnight a couple of KC-135’s took off which never happened, and then an hour passes and a sh!t load of F-111’s from our neighboring base at Lakenheath take off and we all knew something was going down. Quadaffi gets turned to ash…boom!!

Hope the Queen slept through the noise.
Except it was just his young daughter that was turned to ash. He ruled for what, 25 more years?
A seemingly kind old lady died. I'm not sure why that stirs up so much vitriol in people.
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I think the monarchy is a little embarrassing, but I see no real reason to wish ill on Elizabeth.

I also think the "I don't like the monarchy because of colonialism" takes are a little weird. It feels like it's a way for the British public to put the blame for colonialism on their monarch and shifting it away from themselves.
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Different kinds of racism, really. Ours is a pretty unique flavor. Theirs, at the end of the day, is mostly just xenophobia. They don’t like the Jamaicans and Nigerians moving in. They don’t like the Poles “taking their jobs.” As @LadyVolette mentioned, there’s the history with the Irish, which is a nice way of talking about the brutality perpetrated on the Irish by the English. It seems racism grows out of classism in Europe, where in the US racism is more the basis of the class structure.
Ehh... I feel like I hear/read Europeans saying this a lot, and I'm not really sure if it's as different as they may want to believe. I suspect if any of those countries had the demographics of the US, they would suddenly realize they are a lot more racist than they thought.
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No just a guy who was in the wrong spot at Windsor.

This you?

Queen's former bodyguard recounts her reaction when a tourist didn't recognize her: 'Lovely sense of humor'

Griffin once accompanied the queen when she was walking in hills outside of Balmoral when two American tourists on vacation reportedly approached her.

One hiker – not aware of who he was speaking to – asked the queen where she lived. She replied that she lived in London and said she had a holiday home nearby, but did not specify that she was referring to Balmoral.

The hiker then asked her if she had ever met the queen.
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This you?

Queen's former bodyguard recounts her reaction when a tourist didn't recognize her: 'Lovely sense of humor'

Griffin once accompanied the queen when she was walking in hills outside of Balmoral when two American tourists on vacation reportedly approached her.

One hiker – not aware of who he was speaking to – asked the queen where she lived. She replied that she lived in London and said she had a holiday home nearby, but did not specify that she was referring to Balmoral.

The hiker then asked her if she had ever met the queen.
Lol no. I knew who she was. If you hear a story about an American tourist in Windsor acting a fool because he didn't know how to properly address her, that's me.
Seems like William and, especially, Kate are well liked, although I do not know that for certain. I think Charles will be hard-pressed to maintain any level of likability.

They are and this is why there might be a likely chance that Charles passed the crown to William. Charles doesn't really want it anyways from what I gather.

William and Kate would probably save the face of the Monarchy.
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