I was born in 5 February 1951 and was raised in a rural area of Australia at a time of great family stability and securityat a time when locks were not necessary and divorce was rare. Almost everyone had two parents caring for them. I have seen the development of the rampant social decay which now afflicts Australiawhere it is no longer safe to walk the streets at night or leave your house unlocked and where many children struggle with only one parent to raise them. This social decay accelerated with the introduction of systematic evolutionary indoctrination into school curricula in the 1960sindoctrination which I received also.
I was converted as a result of a street preacher from the Open Air Campaigners at the young age of 10 years. As a young Christian in boarding high school I naively thought that science was facts and tried to believe in evolution and the Bible by accepting the notion that God used evolution, days-are-ages, progressive creation, etc. I could never see how the gap theory solved anything, or that it had any basis in the Bible. However, I really chose not to think about science and the Bible because I guess I knew that evolution did not go with the Bible at all. I arrived at University with this attitude.
As an off-the-cuff remark a Professor of Zoology said in a lecture Some of you are worried about this evolution stuff. Dont worry too much about it, I dont know whether I believe it myself. Something clicked with me when he said thisI came to see, after considerable prayer and study, that evolution is really a belief system parading as science. It is an alternative religion designed to banish the creator God to the realm of abstract philosophy only (contrary to Romans 1:20). In the end I came to see the importance of the written Word of God. I had an unforgettable experience of being confronted with the challenge, almost like an audible voice from Heaven, Are you going to believe My Word, or the words of men? In tears, on my knees, I confessed my unbelief and asked for forgiveness. My life has never been the same since. It was like being born againagain!
Since then I have endeavoured to understand the Bible and to defend it from all who would attack it. I have seen many lives turned around, friends converted, and Christians on fire for the Lord, through the creation message. That is why I am now working as a Creation evangelist. I am happily married to Lesley and blessed with three grown children.
Research fields
Plant physiology. Environmental adaptation of tropical / subtropical fruit species such as mango, lychee and custard apple (Annona spp.); floral biology, floral induction; breeding; environmental physiology (especially water requirements, effects of water deficits), plant taxonomy (especially at the sub-species level), and mineral nutrition. Dr Battens research in floral induction of lychee and mango has resulted in a complete overturning of previously accepted thought on this (see Batten and McConchie, 1995), which was a big impediment to scientific progress in the field as well as a cause for economic loss caused by erratic flowering due to inappropriate management of these crops.
Research Projects Funded by External Agencies
Study tour of India and Taiwan on lychees and mangoes, 1980 (CESG)
Provision of controlled-temperature glasshouse for propagation of tropical/subtropical fruit 198384 (RCDF).
Control of fruit set and retention in lychee, 198791 (RIRDC)with C.A. McConchie, CSIRO Div. Horticulture, Brisbane.
Overcoming problems related to poor root health in custard apple and lychee, 199092 (RIRDC)
Regulation of cropping in lychee, 19911994 (RIRDC)with C.A. McConchie, CSIRO Div. of Horticulture, Brisbane.
196972: B.Sc.Agr.(First Class Honours)University of Sydney
197376: Ph.D.University of Sydney, Department of Agronomy and Horticultural Science. Thesis: Induction of adventitious root formation in mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)
197690: Research Horticulturist, NSW Agriculture, Tropical Fruit Research Station, Alstonville.
19911994: Senior Research Horticulturist, NSW Agriculture, Tropical Fruit Research Station, Alstonville (resigned January 1994).
1994: Creation Ministries International, Brisbane, Australia + private horticultural consultant.