""'consenting adults should not be prevented from marrying"""
So, you agree that polygamy should be legal?
And what about loners? Shouldn't they be allowed to have the tax breaks afforded the married, without even marrying?
""'why are hetero couples the only ones granted "special" rights?"""
Which special rights? There is not one single law which applies only to heteros. All laws which apply to heteros, apply to everyone, regardless of sexuality.
Yes, income tax rates should be level across the board.
Negative. There are many benefits and protections given to heterosexual married couples: PNOK rights and adoption rights come immediately to mind. Moreover, why would it need to be more than one benefit?
Negative. There are many benefits and protections given to heterosexual married couples: PNOK rights and adoption rights come immediately to mind. Moreover, why would it need to be more than one benefit?
Absolutely correct. The above and estate handling are probably the two most important to me, but there are several federal rights/benefits afforded to married couples. I've said before that the term 'marriage' is not all that important to me; I simply want an avenue to equal rights. I don't consider these 'special' rights or treatment, just equal.
There is no such thing as an 'adoption right', first off. And on top of that, single dads have the same issues adopting as gay couples, so it has nothing to do with homosexuality, but with a society's idea of what constitutes the type of home that a child should be released to.
However, there is not a single LAW on the books that is explicitly based on one's sexuality. Nowhere is there a law that applies to heteros, but if you're homo, you need not apply.
Those 'rights' have nothing to do with one being homosexual, but with one not being married.
You might find the distinction to be almost nonexistent, but legally there is a huge distinction.
However, there is not a single LAW on the books that is explicitly based on one's sexuality. Nowhere is there a law that applies to heteros, but if you're homo, you need not apply.
You seem to have a recurring issue with reading comprehension.
Homosexuality is not special. It's just another deviation from the boring ol' norm. More extreme than foot-worshipping and less extreme than necrophilia. And yes, the more you indulge in it, the less you will be turned on by that aforementioned 'boring ol' norm'.
If you believe that "homosexuals were born that way", then you have to believe that all other deviations are present at birth.
Like to have your butt tickled? Born that way.
Like to spank your girlfriend and call her a dirty girl? Born that way.
Like to eat crap and be pee'd on? Born that way.
....which is, of course, ridiculous imo.
Don't you believe that you are stretching it a bit? You are comparing apples to oranges.
There is no doubt that our genetic code plays a big role in our behavior. However, this genetic influence is mostly on a broad level; pretty general traits vs. specific actions like you mentioned.
The last genetic book that I read estimated behavior to be a 50/50 split between genetics and environment. Fwiw.
Hair color and other physical traits can't be changed. Personality traits can. As I stated earlier I was born in a family of alcoholics. I believe the tendency to be alcoholic is genetic because of the high number of them in my family. Some will argue that gay people can't change their feelings but I know 2 who have. And futher more my cousin Todd drank himself to death so I know alcoholics that can't change. In my mind being predisposed to a sin doesn't excuse you from it.
This is very important. I don't get to say what is or is not a sin for you. For me I feel homosexuality would be a sin. You would need to decide if it was for you.
In the same way I have no intrest in trying to convince anyone that drinking is bad for them or a sin. If they decide not to drink and need help I'm there for them.
Sin is doing what is wrong, as well as not doing what is right.
It is doing what is against God's will. If he says "Do not lie," and you lie, then you have sinned. If he says "Do not steal," and you steal, then you have sinned.