Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

Please stop arguing with me on this stuff. That is not a deposition. That is a Motion and Memorandum of Law and it contains excerpts from Cosby's deposition. It wouldn't contain the swearing in because that is not relevant to the proceeding and it is assumed by all parties and the court.

Even if it was Cosby's deposition transcript it would be separate from Constand's deposition transcript. They are not generally, though they can be, taken on the same day. In this case, I would imagine the plaintiff's counsel would want a full day to question Cosby.

Depositions are not informal. They can be entered into evidence at trial for a variety of reasons or they can simply be used to show that the witness was inconsistent in his/her testimony. T

I've been to several civil depositions. I was asked questions during a couple of them. I was never sworn in or took an oath. I did take an oath at trial. But, OK I'll accede that all depositions are done under oath if you like. What does this change regarding the Constand case?
Will you come back here and eat your crow if/when Cosby is exonerated in this trial?

I mean really, at this point, the train is already rolling down the ridge and the brakes are gone... there's no stopping it at this point.

Will you come back and eat your crow?

As I described above, there are two different types of trial in this situation. There is the criminal trial in which it will be very hard to convict Cosby. Then there are the civil trials of which he has already settled one where the burden is much lower.
I've been to several civil depositions. I was asked questions during a couple of them. I was never sworn in or took an oath. I did take an oath at trial. But, OK I'll accede that all depositions are done under oath if you like. What does this change regarding the Constand case?

Constand was already paid by Cosby in her civil trial. Now the district attorney is pursuing a criminal charge against Cosby. From the interviews I've seen, Constand doesn't really want it to go forward. Success margins are slim for the government.
As I described above, there are two different types of trial in this situation. There is the criminal trial in which it will be very hard to convict Cosby. Then there are the civil trials of which he has already settled one where the burden is much lower.

Now, you're actually saying stuff I agree with.
Constand was already paid by Cosby in her civil trial. Now the district attorney is pursuing a criminal charge against Cosby. From the interviews I've seen, Constand doesn't really want it to go forward. Success margins are slim for the government.

Now, you're actually saying stuff I agree with.

I will say this. If this woman holds up on the stand, Cosby will be forced to testify. Even if he wins he will be humiliated to some degree. It's not going to be a pleasant experience, but for $1,000/hr I imagine his attorneys will have him well prepared.
I will say this. If this woman holds up on the stand, Cosby will be forced to testify. Even if he wins he will be humiliated to some degree. It's not going to be a pleasant experience, but for $1,000/hr I imagine his attorneys will have him well prepared.

By the time this goes to trial he will be close to 80. He could come away with a sympathetic public view of him.
A conviction is much harder to come by than a judgment. A conviction (criminal charge) requires evidence showing guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Really tough in old rape cases that have no physical evidence.

A judgment in civil court is much easier. The burden of proof on the plaintiff is simply a preponderance of the evidence which means that the scales only have to tip slightly. More likely than not. Judgments are much easier to get because of the lower burden. Remember Goldman got a wrongful death judgment against OJ after he was acquitted on the murder charge.

I'm aware of the distinction between criminal and civil. The Constand case in front of him now is criminal.
I will say this. If this woman holds up on the stand, Cosby will be forced to testify. Even if he wins he will be humiliated to some degree. It's not going to be a pleasant experience, but for $1,000/hr I imagine his attorneys will have him well prepared.

Which is probably the entire point of all of these trumped up cases.
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He's never admitted or has there ever been any evidence produced that he has done that.

Bought your GHB for your dates this weekend? I mean it's no different than having a drink or a doob with a know.....just to get her loosened up a bit....right?
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Black man drugs and rapes a few women he gets arrested.

White man rapes a few women, he gets elected POTUS 2 times.
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