Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

"Hey I've got a headache. "

Here's something for that. "

I'm sorry asking for some advil is not the same as asking to be knocked out so some guy can **** you silly.

That's what children do. Adults would ask what they are taking. This notion he gave them drugs without their knowledge is not proven.
I've read several... and every last one of them is unsubstantiated and several of the alleged victims have been discredited.

Anybody can just come out of the woodwork 30-40 years later and tell a fantastic story of rape and drugs from the 1970's and make it sound credible... but that doesn't make it so. I don't buy into this nonsense that feminists and SJW advance that "the severity of the allegations should make us take the claim more seriously". People lie. People will especially lie if it means financial gain or fame.

Why would people wait 40 years to lie?
I don't know you but I think it is save to say if you have not been doing some hard drugs, you could take A Quaalude 714 and it would knock you flat on your azz. Weed is wine....Quaalude is moonshine.

I never would have guessed you as being someone who took a lot drugs in their youth.
I don't know you but I think it is save to say if you have not been doing some hard drugs, you could take A Quaalude 714 and it would knock you flat on your azz. Weed is wine....Quaalude is moonshine.

Havent had anything but a percocet or two in 18 years..that was for wisdom teeth and it knocked me out. A 'lude would drop me for sure.
Bill Cosby was rich a long time ago. It's obviously not for a payday if they've waited that long.

No disagree. They reach a point in life realizing things haven't worked out for them, seeing other women in the news having their victimhood reported by the sycophants in the media so they jump on the bandwagon.
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No disagree. They reach a point in life realizing things haven't worked out for them, seeing other women in the news having their victimhood reported by the sycophants in the media so they jump on the bandwagon.

What if... as hard as it will be for you to imagine....they actually were victimized and have been silent for fear that nobody would believe their story about America's favorite Dad?
What if... as hard as it will be for you to imagine....they actually were victimized and have been silent for fear that nobody would believe their story about America's favorite Dad?

Not in the 70's. Really, not even in the 80's. He was a black man who supposedly raped a white woman. He would have been skewered.
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