Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

I'm not saying there is no way he didn't do it....of course I want to see some hard evidence before I really make my mind up on that, but the rationale of him not being capable of doing it is so damn ridiculous.

The "he didn't do it because he could have top notch tail whenever he wanted" argument is hilarious. It doesn't acknowledge the fact that for many rapists, it's not about just having sex. It's about control; it's the fantasy of forcing themselves on those who either say no or can't say no due to being incapacitated. They don't get the same thrill from willing girls. Otherwise, you'd never see any high profile, rich, desirable man rape a woman. But it happens all the time.
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Of course decaf. He's a criminal mastermind. Who is this first person? I find it odd that you would use Hollywood as an example of integrity and virtue. Concerned? Of course he should be. He's got a big target painted on his back. He's a black man who had the audacity to leave the liberal plantation.

Yeah he left it alright, that's why he campaigned and voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and Obama twice.

Hilarious you still are spewing that idiocy.
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Yeah he left it alright, that's why he campaigned and voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and Obama twice.

Hilarious you still are spewing that idiocy.

Have you ever listened to one of his speeches to young people? Very conservative. And, I know he campaigned for Obama in 2008 and was dismayed by that, but I never saw him campaigning for anyone else.
This giving a girl a drink argument is weak as hell. It's one thing to be drinking together and partying and another to drug someone into unconsciousness

He's never admitted or has there ever been any evidence produced that he has done that.
Have you ever listened to one of his speeches to young people? Very conservative. And, I know he campaigned for Obama in 2008 and was dismayed by that, but I never saw him campaigning for anyone else.

Pull up your pants and go to school in order to
make something of yourself is not exclusive to conservative thinking.
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I'm not saying there is no way he didn't do it....of course I want to see some hard evidence before I really make my mind up on that, but the rationale of him not being capable of doing it is so damn ridiculous.

The rational that he doesn't fit the profile of a serial rapist, plus the fact that no evidence has ever been produced, plus the fact that he was never accused or charged with rape at the time of these alleged offenses, plus the fact that many of these stories were immediately found to be fabrications, plus the fact no credible women who he has actually worked with like Phylicia Rashad ever accused him, plus the fact that he has been a very productive and creative person in society (serial rapists aren't productive and creative), plus the fact that people like Gloria Allred are involved (who is a political hack) should give you serious doubt.
Doesn't know what "evidence" means.

If someone alleges something then it is a fact that they allege it, but their allegation isn't a fact. Fingerprints, DNA, physical evidence, lab results, police reports, witness reports, cell phone records, financial receipts, etc. are evidence. There, satisfied?
Also, if a DA charges someone it is a fact that person is charged. It is not a fact that a crime occurred.
The rational that he doesn't fit the profile of a serial rapist, plus the fact that no evidence has ever been produced, plus the fact that he was never accused or charged with rape at the time of these alleged offenses, plus the fact that many of these stories were immediately found to be fabrications, plus the fact no credible women who he has actually worked with like Phylicia Rashad ever accused him, plus the fact that he has been a very productive and creative person in society (serial rapists aren't productive and creative), plus the fact that people like Gloria Allred are involved (who is a political hack) should give you serious doubt.

Did Darren Sharper fit the "profile" of a serial rapist?

Serial rapists aren't productive or creative?

Many of the stories were immediately found to be fabrications?

What is the profile of a serial rapist and how do you know that Cosby doesn't fit it?

You just like to make crap up. I don't know if Cosby did or not, but I'm not ready to call 50+ women liars just yet.
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If someone alleges something then it is a fact that they allege it, but their allegation isn't a fact. Fingerprints, DNA, physical evidence, lab results, police reports, witness reports, cell phone records, financial receipts, etc. are evidence. There, satisfied?

Testimony is evidence. Allegations, if stated in court are evidence. You are conflating evidence and facts.
If someone alleges something then it is a fact that they allege it, but their allegation isn't a fact. Fingerprints, DNA, physical evidence, lab results, police reports, witness reports, cell phone records, financial receipts, etc. are evidence. There, satisfied?

That's the problem with sex crimes. Often victims are ashamed and don't come forward, so none of that evidence exists.

I fully acknowledge that some of the women could be making up stories, but it sure doesn't look good for him based on his earlier statements under oath and the number of women coming forward.
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That's the problem with sex crimes. Often victims are ashamed and don't come forward, so none of that evidence exists.

I fully acknowledge that some of the women could be making up stories, but it sure doesn't look good for him based on his earlier statements under oath and the number of women coming forward.

One or two. Not dozens. Give me another example of a serial rapist where none of the victims came forward.
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Did Darren Sharper fit the "profile" of a serial rapist?

Serial rapists aren't productive or creative?

Many of the stories were immediately found to be fabrications?

What is the profile of a serial rapist and how do you know that Cosby doesn't fit it?

You just like to make crap up. I don't know if Cosby did or not, but I'm not ready to call 50+ women liars just yet.

Darren Sharper has nothing to do with this. I've not looked into the Darren Sharper case. Because Sharper committed crimes does not mean Cosby committed crimes. That's a fact.
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That's the problem with sex crimes. Often victims are ashamed and don't come forward, so none of that evidence exists.

I fully acknowledge that some of the women could be making up stories, but it sure doesn't look good for him based on his earlier statements under oath and the number of women coming forward.

At the moment, I think we can all agree that he wasn't a good husband and cheated on his wife with several of these women. So in that sense, I agree that it doesn't look good.

But it is a far cry to go and call him a rapist just based on he said/she said allegations and no physical evidence from ANY of the multiple people that are making these claims. Bill Clinton didn't even have a quarter of the women that Cosby has had accuse him of rape or some other affair and you at least had a stained blue dress (granted, it was consensual) and at least an eyewitness to the injuries to Juanita Brodderick after the fact. Not only do we not have diddly-squat that comes to that level of evidence, but we see that the majority of these women have no case and haven't even accused of raping or drugging them.

So he admitted to giving women Quaaludes... again, that is a far cry from saying that he surreptitiously slipped them a drug to take advantage of them (which is the narrative or image that the media wants to paint). In reality, the most likely scenario is that he had the Quaaludes and gave them to the women who willingly took them knowing full well what they were.

Lets pull back on the reins just a bit before we though an innocent man under the bus without any evidence.
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It's the EXACT same thing whether in a deposition or on the witness stand.

No it isn't. A deposition is for the attorneys. Depositions aren't presented to the jury. There is no oath taking in a deposition. Both sets of attorneys are present and some questions are asked. A judge and a jury hear testimony and see evidence and they make a finding of facts and render a verdict. A witness can say one thing in a deposition and turn around and say something else at trial. A lawyer can bring up inconsistencies in statements made in depositions and at trial but you can't be charged with perjury based on depositions.

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