Question on how Vol fans feel about "beating Florida"

I got Georgia at the top of my list(but I live in Georgia, so I gotta hear it everyday for being a UT Alumni). I will never forget when they came into Neyland and stomped on and ripped up the power T on the 50 yard line before the game. I will never forgive them for that.
To me, this really starts to get old after awhile. While I'm glad we have some younger fans who seem to be so consumed with beating Florida, primarily because of the Steve Spurrier days, but they really need to do their homework and understand one thing. That rivalry means NOTHING to old school fans such as myself. F$^#&@g NOTHING. You beat Alabama. That is the goal. That is what you are measured by. Is that not what the first statement is when former players get together? "Raise your hand if you beat Alabama." There is no comparison. Not even close. It is a great rivalry with the Gators and makes for a lot of wild ass talk but don't even think about putting it up there with Bama. Go Vols and ask Coach Majors if I ain't dead right on this one.
You don't live in Bama and hear roll tide every 5 minutes do you? I could get by on ragging bama fans all fact, it would make it more fun that we got our only win against them.

I can see that. I was just messin'. Sometimes I type like I'm face to face with somebody and they know I'm kidding. I really need to quit doing that.
I think it depends on age.Most of the younger generation I think hates Fla. as much or more than Bama.I grew up in the 80's and for me Bama was,is, and always will be our biggest rival.JMO
Bama, UGA, & AU are @ the top of my list. Florida is big only because of reasons that should have had nothing to do with football. Now it has taken on a life its own around here. Really had a good shot last year until Dooley started throwin' picks, blowin' coverages and missin' tackles. He let it slip away and then it turned into a blowout. Hope Butch plays a much better game when he makes his inaugural visit to the Swamp later this year.
Florida just flat out sucks!!! I don't care how many games they win, what they think they are.. I'll pull for anyone in the SEC but them... oh yeah don't give a damn about the whole state of Florida either!!!! My favorite saying is, "Anybody but florida"....

Our stats are what they are, I don't need a gator fan quoting it to me or any of my VOL friends.. :whatever:

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Florida just flat out sucks!!! I don't care how many games they win, what they think they are.. I'll pull for anyone in the SEC but them... oh yeah don't give a damn about the whole state of Florida either!!!! My favorite saying is, "Anybody but florida"....

Our stats are what they are, I don't need a gator fan quoting it to me or any of my VOL friends.. :whatever:


I couldn't resist that softball Vol4Life25 underhand lobbed across the plate.

But leave it to him to run smack in the middle of an eight game losing streak, and two conference wins in two years.
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Not exactly, but I think you missed UT's last three losses to UGA, four losses to LSU, five losses to Auburn, six losses to Bama and eight losses to Florida.

Sadly, that's no joke.

You forgot three to South Carolina...and might as well throw in the Vandy and Missouri losses if we're making the list complete

....aaaaand I made myself feel bad

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