Questions (merged)

No scholarship limitations then either.

People gloss over that fact, but I believe it is the single biggest change in college football in the last 20 years. 85 sounds like a lot of scholarships, but in reality it makes it much tougher to maintain depth and sustain success IMO.
Like I said earlier, hatevol, let's see where Stoops is in 13 seasons. You can't compare 7 to 13. I already compared each's first 7+ seasons and they were very comparable.

I hope your not serious. Stoops took over a football program that was probably at its lowest point in school history. Fulmer inherited a program that had finished in the top 10 in 85 and 89 and had been ranked in the top 20 the previous 4 years.
I hope your not serious. Stoops took over a football program that was probably at its lowest point in school history. Fulmer inherited a program that had finished in the top 10 in 85 and 89 and had been ranked in the top 20 the previous 4 years.

First of all Okie, CPF didn't inherit anything. He helped build a great program. Meyer inherited a program and stoops did not take over at the lowest. That is not factual. They had gotten some talent before he got there. Now i will give him props for taking them to the next level.
I think Fulmer is a better-then-average coach. But a great coach? Hardly.

5-10 record against top 10 teams at home since 2000. Thats pathetic for a program with as much talent as we usually have.

I think you measure a coach by his failures as much as his successes. I look at the extremely talented teams that failed in the clutch, '97 and '01.

I also look at the lack of discipline he has failed to implement since Cut left. The '99 team that was more concerned about getting agents then the team. The '02 team that was destroyed by "The Future". James Banks, one of the more dynamic players we've had in years, was out of control and might have cost us that 2nd peach bowl. Schaeffer, a player Fulmer personally went to his games, went awol.

Last year. We had a top 5 defense, and all those highlight reel plays youve seen this year on offense have come from players we had last year (exception being Coker). He tore the team apart with his qb flip-flopping and they basically quit on him by the end of the season.

2-3 bowl record since 2000 including TWO peach bowl losses to mid-level acc teams!

Losing record to his peers of other top SEC schools ( 2-4 vs richt, 0-3 vs tuberville, 0-2 vs Meyer, Saban had his number and less we forget...Spurrier has made Fulmer his lapdog).

0-2 in SEC cg. '04 Auburn was definately the better team but '01? He let his team get cocky and not play with a sense of urgency. Because of that we lost to a backup qb and a backup hb in front of basically a home crowd. It wasnt a big deal though...only the national championship game was on the line.

And dont give me this "he's a good recruiter" line. Recruiting at Tennesee has become the same as recruiting at Florida when Meyer replaced Zook (who was also known as a good recruiter) or Miles replacing Saban. The program recruits for itself. 100k+ fans at every home game, national recognition and lots of tv exposure, beautiful setting, in the top football conference, lots of fun (ranked the #1 party school in '01), stadium ranked in the top 5 by media all the time, established record of producing pro players...come on. Its an easy sell, unless your team goes 5-6.

Fulmer isnt a bad coach, by any means. His record is solid, but look at when Cut has been here to when he hasnt. Thats the true Fulmer.
What I know about a lot of the people who don't like CPF.

1. Thought he backstabbed CJM.
2. Was not happy with Cut play calling prior to 98.
3. Was not happy with CRS play calling.
4. Was not happy he didn't fire CRS.
5. Got mad because he fired CRS.
6. Thought bringing Cut back was a mistake called him mini CPF
7. Now love Cut and give him the Credit for all that is good at UT
I hate to add anything to a thread like this, but I think you're right. There's plenty to criticize CPF for (I think he screwed the pooch from a management standpoint last year), but it's amazing sometimes how when he wins it's always the talent, the assistant coaches or sheer luck.

P.S. - If Cutcliffe alone is due the accolades for Fulmer's success, who gets the credit in '89 and '90 for the back to back SEC titles when CPF was calling the plays?
Here are the relevant facts: Fulmer in 13 full seasons, has one National Title, 2 Conference Titles, and 3 Major Bowl appearances. Stoops in 7 full seasons, has a National Title, 3 conference titles, and 4 Major Bowl appearances. So, if Stoops quit tomorrow, he would have a better resume than Fulmer in roughly half the time. That's not taking into account that Stoops took over a program that had suffered four straight .500 or below seasons, while Fulmer took over a team that had won at least 9 games and two conference titles in the four year preceding his ascending to the throne.
I don't think Coach Stoops has played the top teams year in and year out that coach Fulmer has.No way.:dunno:
I hate to add anything to a thread like this, but I think you're right. There's plenty to criticize CPF for (I think he screwed the pooch from a management standpoint last year), but it's amazing sometimes how when he wins it's always the talent, the assistant coaches or sheer luck.

P.S. - If Cutcliffe alone is due the accolades for Fulmer's success, who gets the credit in '89 and '90 for the back to back SEC titles when CPF was calling the plays?

Easy! Majors! :)
The other coaches they played agaisnt didn't have them either.

Johnny Majors won a national championship at Pitt with no scholarship limitations. By the time he was at UT, the limits were enacted and severely slowed down his building process. Was he any less of a coach?

The scholarship limitations create more parity. Thus, the lowly teams that should not win against ranked opponents are actually upsetting some these days.
I hope your not serious. Stoops took over a football program that was probably at its lowest point in school history. Fulmer inherited a program that had finished in the top 10 in 85 and 89 and had been ranked in the top 20 the previous 4 years.

Stoops in Big XII

Fulmer in SEC

BIG DIFFERENCE. My grandma could have coached a team to Big XII championships at the beginning of this decade.
No coach is perfect, all of them have their weaknesses. If you criticize Fulmer for his, it doesn't mean you don't acknowledge his successes.

Is their anyone who wasn't glad to see Fulmer end the OC in training program he had?
Like I said. CPF will never get credit from some no matter what.

If they give credit to Cutcliffe for the '90s, then the poor performances this decade belong to Sanders. There, Fulmer can be removed from the conversation all together based upon the negavols perspectives.

I am a huge Tennessee fan. Always have been. I pull for them through thick and thin. I pull for the players and I pull for the coaches. When Majors was coach, I defended him and now that Fulmer is coach I defend him too. The sad thing is that I am having to defend my own team from other "fans". I could understand all the negativity from Bammers, but not Vols.

If you read my posts, I do not actually state my opinion if Fulmer is great or not. I simply posted facts and stats. Want my opinion? Fulmer is not and will not be considered one of the greatest, regardless of winning pct, unless he wins multiple national titles. That is the benchmark for those coaches that are considered great. There are alot of coaches that have won 1.... but not very many that have won 2 or more.
If they give credit to Cutcliffe for the '90s, then the poor performances this decade belong to Sanders. There, Fulmer can be removed from the conversation all together based upon the negavols perspectives.

I am a huge Tennessee fan. Always have been. I pull for them through thick and thin. I pull for the players and I pull for the coaches. When Majors was coach, I defended him and now that Fulmer is coach I defend him too. The sad thing is that I am having to defend my own team from other "fans". I could understand all the negativity from Bammers, but not Vols.

If you read my posts, I do not actually state my opinion if Fulmer is great or not. I simply posted facts and stats. Want my opinion? Fulmer is not and will not be considered one of the greatest, regardless of winning pct, unless he wins multiple national titles. That is the benchmark for those coaches that are considered great. There are alot of coaches that have won 1.... but not very many that have won 2 or more.

Very well stated you darn fulmerite! :)
Actually I agree with the assesment that to be a great coach you need more than 1 NC.
If you read my posts you will see I never stated he was either. All I did was the same as you and defend TCHFCAUTK.
Before I go crazy, someone tell me what TCHFCAUTK stands for please. :)

My good buddy hatevol came up with it. To keep from having to be respectful to CPF he came up with "The Current Head Football Coach At University of Tennessee". I used it as a little, friendly might I add poke at him. TCHFCAUTK Got it?
I am a huge Tennessee fan. Always have been. I pull for them through thick and thin. I pull for the players and I pull for the coaches. When Majors was coach, I defended him and now that Fulmer is coach I defend him too. The sad thing is that I am having to defend my own team from other "fans". I could understand all the negativity from Bammers, but not Vols.

These arguments that you do not criticize your coach or your team or your not a true "fan" are juvenile. They never acknowledge criticism of Fulmer played a part in UT changing offensive coordinators and postion coaches. Questioning someones loyalty because they have higher expectations for the program is juvenile.
My good buddy hatevol came up with it. To keep from having to be respectful to CPF he came up with "The Current Head Football Coach At University of Tennessee". I used it as a little, friendly might I add poke at him. TCHFCAUTK Got it?


These arguments that you do not criticize your coach or your team or your not a true "fan" are juvenile. They never acknowledge criticism of Fulmer played a part in UT changing offensive coordinators and postion coaches. Questioning someones loyalty because they have higher expectations for the program is juvenile.

Hold on there old sooner. Don't put words in my mouth. I live constantly around Bama, Dawg, and Awbun Tigers fans and hear the same stuff that I'm reading in some of these posts. I'm just stating the obvious and I'm just pointing out my disappointment in fans that do that. I never said they weren't "true fans". I never questioned loyalty either. I know fans come in all shapes and sizes and with all kinds of temperment too. Back-to-back losing seasons and I would probably be screaming for a new coach too. However, the Vols are currently ranked in the top 10 and I see no reason to start screaming yet.
These arguments that you do not criticize your coach or your team or your not a true "fan" are juvenile. They never acknowledge criticism of Fulmer played a part in UT changing offensive coordinators and postion coaches. Questioning someones loyalty because they have higher expectations for the program is juvenile.

The assumption that YOU have higher expectations that some of us becasue you refuse to give credit for changes made by CPF are juvenile.

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