Quick thoughts after watching old Cincy games.

Quick thoughts after watching old Cincy games.


12. Redzone scoring will be difficult for us. It's either QB run or hope for a great pass in endzone. UH that completely goes against number 8 hoss. If we have a hard runner we should be very successful in the redzone. As long as we don't go out there with a slow qb with a arm like addonis and try to throw the ball to only speedy Gonzales and let the other four to five options run around as decoys, If that happens then were screwed.

Nice summary
Ok.. geeze. I'm just an AVERAGE football guy. For all the football gurus, if you looked at Cincy games, Orange and White, etc... what are your thoughts? I never said I was correct. Just my thoughts on what I saw.
Dougie,you are cool with me. I'm very sorry there are so many rich,duckheaded Vol fans on here. That shat is totally uncalled for. I,for one,very much appreciate you taking the time to watch old CBJ games and sharing your completely valid observations. I can't say I agree with you totally,but they are YOU'RE opinion. I hope we have a much improved special teams. The past few years have made the General roll over in his grave. I hope we find the MOST PRODUCTIVE QB and RB. I could care less who. I very much hope we don't use 4 WRs as decoys. THAT would be idiotic,and CBJ is no idiot. I thank you again for your observations. I'd enjoy watching old Cincy games,but I'm stuck in a tent up in Indiana with little access to the web. People,I've been homeless for over a month with my wife in tow,forced to leave my beloved home in Jamestown,TN,and been chased by idiotic cops. To see people being mean to a fellow Vol fan because his analysis is not up to ESPN par is ***** sickening. Grow the f up! Pick on a real Vol like me. I'll go head to head with any of y'all sniveling rich punks. GO VOLS!
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Dougie,you are cool with me. I'm very sorry there are so many rich,duckheaded Vol fans on here. That shat is totally uncalled for. I,for one,very much appreciate you taking the time to watch old CBJ games and sharing your completely valid observations. I can't say I agree with you totally,but they are YOU'RE opinion. I hope we have a much improved special teams. The past few years have made the General roll over in his grave. I hope we find the MOST PRODUCTIVE QB and RB. I could care less who. I very much hope we don't use 4 WRs as decoys. THAT would be idiotic,and CBJ is no idiot. I thank you again for your observations. I'd enjoy watching old Cincy games,but I'm stuck in a tent up in Indiana with little access to the web. People,I've been homeless for over a month with my wife in tow,forced to leave my beloved home in Jamestown,TN,and been chased by idiotic cops. To see people being mean to a fellow Vol fan because his analysis is not up to ESPN par is ***** sickening. Grow the f up! Pick on a real Vol like me. I'll go head to head with any of y'all sniveling rich punks. GO VOLS!

Kill the rich!
Kill the rich!
Kill the rich!

PS: I hope everything turns around for you and you find a home. If you get through Chattanooga, hit me up and I will try to find you some assistance.
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Kill the rich!
Kill the rich!
Kill the rich!

PS: I hope everything turns around for you and you find a home. If you get through Chattanooga, hit me up and I will try to find you some assistance.
Lmao! I was quite wealthy as a child. I just hate the arrogant,sniveling,rich punks who look down on people for whatever reason. I lived in Fort O. and Middle Valley from 04 till 09. I loved it down there. For a myriad of reasons,I shall never return to Tennessee. These Indiana Yanks aren't that bad. The employees at Taco Bell saw us and gave us ffree food. I appreciate your kindness. Help anyone you can. Thanks fellow Vol. GO VOLS!
Lmao! I was quite wealthy as a child. I just hate the arrogant,sniveling,rich punks who look down on people for whatever reason. I lived in Fort O. and Middle Valley from 04 till 09. I loved it down there. For a myriad of reasons,I shall never return to Tennessee. These Indiana Yanks aren't that bad. The employees at Taco Bell saw us and gave us ffree food. I appreciate your kindness. Help anyone you can. Thanks fellow Vol. GO VOLS!

What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us.
If you will take about 5 seconds, that might have been because of talent level at last check the mighty BIG ORANGE has the number 1 recruiting class going should stay in top 5 all the way to NSD, give him time till recruits like Hurd get there ofcourse this year is going to be a rough one playing with someones else players.:loco:

That's one long ass sentence my friend.
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If our qb's are only looking for 1 receiver every play, we are in trouble.

Agreed. That point by OP makes very little sense. It's called multiple routes, checkdowns and quarterback progressions. Every offense run this side of Pop Warner includes these, so certainly a Head Coach who has a habit of winning 9-10 games per year with a fast paced offense employs them too. Don't mean to flame the OP but to assume Butch and Coach Jake will run a passing game with only one option sounds a little naieve to me at best.
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Travis Kelce 45 722 16.0 83 (TD) 8
Kenbrell Thompkins 34 541 15.9 75 (TD) 2
Anthony McClung 34 539 15.9 55 (TD) 2
Damon Julian 24 377 15.7 39 (TD) 4
Ralph Abernathy 28 341 12.2 76 (TD) 4

Not trying to flame the OP by any means...but sometimes watching highlights can skew ones viewpoint. These are the top 5 receivers for cincy in 2012. Read into it what you will, or go look at the 2012 stats and decide for yourself...I REALLY like what I found.

on the receiving side...I found that there are no "decoy's" apparently if you are on the field....you're an option.
Last edited:
Travis Kelce 45 722 16.0 83 (TD) 8
Kenbrell Thompkins 34 541 15.9 75 (TD) 2
Anthony McClung 34 539 15.9 55 (TD) 2
Damon Julian 24 377 15.7 39 (TD) 4
Ralph Abernathy 28 341 12.2 76 (TD) 4

Not trying to flame the OP by any means...but sometimes watching highlights can skew ones viewpoint. These are the top 5 receivers for cincy in 2012. Read into it what you will, or go look at the 2012 stats and decide for yourself...I REALLY like what I found.

on the receiving side...I found that there are no "decoy's" apparently if you are on the field....you're an option.

I hope our guys click, and we're slinging it all over the yard and open up space for the rb's to run buck wild my friend!
Go Vols!!!
Lmao! I was quite wealthy as a child. I just hate the arrogant,sniveling,rich punks who look down on people for whatever reason. I lived in Fort O. and Middle Valley from 04 till 09. I loved it down there. For a myriad of reasons,I shall never return to Tennessee. These Indiana Yanks aren't that bad. The employees at Taco Bell saw us and gave us ffree food. I appreciate your kindness. Help anyone you can. Thanks fellow Vol. GO VOLS!

Webb, I don't know your situation, and it's none of my business. I just say good luck getting back on your feet. God Bless...from one Vol to another.
It's hard to understand absolute definitive statements...judging from last year's performance, our db's seem unable to cover...what if it was from improper technique from lack of proper coaching?...don't be in such a hurry to be right...the season will bear FACTS/TRUTH out soon enough
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I said "IF" and "slightly better"..I think no absolutes can be read into that
I said "IF" and "slightly better"..I think no absolutes can be read into that

I COULD read that...I did..if that's not what you meant please disregard
Posted via VolNation Mobile
uh I do disagree with this one. Route Running is beyond important with the passing game. Its routes have to be run pretty precise. If I recall the passing game has a bit of a West-Coast type philosophy
Check this link out that I found that explained a bit of the difference between Brian Kelly and Butch Jones' offense when he came to Cinci.
The Difference Between Butch Jones and Brian Kelly: Part 2 - Down The Drive
Good read. Question for the experts. The writer said that CBJs offense requires smaller WR's due to the precision route running. However he is recruiting 6'2-6'4 type ballers. Is this a change in philosophy due to the competition? Also writer says CBJs offense is more complicated but I've heard people say its more simple. Which is it?
Good read. Question for the experts. The writer said that CBJs offense requires smaller WR's due to the precision route running. However he is recruiting 6'2-6'4 type ballers. Is this a change in philosophy due to the competition? Also writer says CBJs offense is more complicated but I've heard people say its more simple. Which is it?

Let's start with splitting wr into two positions: receivers, and slots. Receivers that are playing on the outside need to be bigger guys as they will have more jump balls. Justin Hunter is perfect for this position. Slot is a smaller, more elusive runner for the underneath routes. Jones wants the biggest and the quickest. His offense is about as complex as chaneys. The slots run quicker routes, for the outside guys run the longer route. It has to be simple to call due to the tempo, but the packages and responsibilities can get quite complicating. It's kinda like defense. See what look you get and react accordingly. All routes need to be ran perfectly, short and long.
Let's start with splitting wr into two positions: receivers, and slots. Receivers that are playing on the outside need to be bigger guys as they will have more jump balls. Justin Hunter is perfect for this position. Slot is a smaller, more elusive runner for the underneath routes. Jones wants the biggest and the quickest. His offense is about as complex as chaneys. The slots run quicker routes, for the outside guys run the longer route. It has to be simple to call due to the tempo, but the packages and responsibilities can get quite complicating. It's kinda like defense. See what look you get and react accordingly. All routes need to be ran perfectly, short and long.
Thank you. From a QB perspective the writer said CBJ uses a big QB with a big arm that can throw from the pocket while Kelly likes a dual threat. Now I've been led to believe by convos on here that CBJ prefers a dual threat. So which one is it and what would you guys Collaros? Pocket or dual and who best fits the system?

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