Racist French...

Not sure what France's constitution says about that. Take that up with them. And if it is like ours, let a woman take this to their judicial process and claim their rights were denied. As I said before, communities who subject women to this dress and behavior do not allow for women to have a political voice. If this community in France then allows a woman to protest through legal and political means, the community proves hypocrisy but the women would then win with a new right.

and I have no idea what it says either. I'm just saying from my pov it's wrong from the start. I view the suppression of women by certain communities as separate from this issue. It's clearly taking away rights based on a fear of a religious group. Hope it would never fly here
I'm not talking about society harassment. I am talking consequences from their husband. I've been around enough Muslim communities to see women flat out berated and slapped around in public to know many of these women go along to get along. If this happens in public, it happens even more in private. If they had the power of the government on their side, it would be a quite different story.

so it's your belief that the majority of fundamental muslims are wife beaters?
so it's your belief that the majority of fundamental muslims are wife beaters?

Yes at least 80% of them :crazy:

Just because I make a comment about seeing women berated you go and make this comment? To quote you....it's offensive.
you seem to believe that these women are living in fear and that's why 80% are afraid to not wear them. why are they living in fear if their husbands/fathers aren't violent or abusive?
Are you telling me that none of these women live in fear of any sort of repercussions over violating any of these restrictions? Tell me what sort of responses are typical in families where religious laws and ordinances are not obeyed.
no. i'm telling you 80% don't. 50% i could believe. 80% is horse****. most children want to please and be like their parents. that is universal.
First of all I was not the one who used 80%. Second of all, what do children have to do with what I was referring to?

There is an organization in NYC called Turning Point which serves as a good reference on this subject. I've met the founder and spoke with her on quite a few occasions. She can give you some background on this whole issue.
Have any of you read "Inside the Kingdom" by Carmen Bin Ladin? She spent a lot of time in Saudi Arabia, and in her opinion, although some of the practices there seemed brutal, they are practices that many of those women embrace.

Relative to your qeustion;

do you really think it's oh so hard to conceal ones identity in public?

Is there ever?

Feel free to point out when it isn't ever.

I oppose discriminatory laws passed under the guise of gender equality. Your posts have shown it has nothing to really do with it either

It has everything to do with both.

Why shouldn't women have the freedom to go about with their face uncovered???

You oppose laws that discrminate against muslims but are silent sam when it comes to laws that discriminate against Christians.
How the hell does that help anything? So you can only practice your religion in secret?

Well in Bethlehem this is true, and I have the email address of a Christian arab in Bethlehem who will tell you exactly the same.

He can make absolutly no outward expression of his faith with the ever present danger of having his business and home trashed and burned to the ground and perhaps being killed nor can he allow his children outdoors without fear they may be raped and possibly abducted or killed outright.

His life experience is growing worse by the day and in no small part it is made worse by idiotic western views such as yours.

I'm curious as to why you would stick up for muslims in Paris but not Christians in Bethlehem.

Would you care to expound on the fact that in Saudi Arabia it is against the law to possess a Bible or a symbolic Christian cross???

Why it against the law to build a church or to even excavate the ruins of Christian churches destroyed by the followers of Moochhammer in Arabia???

I'm really impressed with your stand for religious rights.

Please feel free to go on!!!

i don't for a minute believe that 80% of women wearing burkas wear it because they are forced to.

I'll bet you are a big hit with the ladies!!! :dance2:


A survey conducted in France in May 2003 found that 77 percent of girls wearing the hijab said they did so because of physical threats from Islamist groups.


Do you really want a 2,000 word post with pictures and cartoons to prove you wrong?

It doesns't take ten words to prove he is as FOS as a Christmas turkey!!!



I love horrible photo shop pictures.....


these women see their face and skin as a gift to their future husband. please don't think everyone thinks exactly the way you do. you can argue these women are brainwashed from birth or whatever, but please don't argue all of them clearly dont' want to wear it because you don't like it. It's offensive.

Speaking of offensive, this probably more down your alley:


Everyone who reads this board with any frequency knows that your god is Money and that you could care less about religion or women's lib.
What's worse, to force women to wear veils, or to force women not to wear veils??

Let us just hope that we mandate burkhinis as sharia approved beach wear for the sake of my factory in Burkino Faso!!! They need a raise


if you live in iran i'd argue you have a very real concern over not wearing it and getting harrassed. france and the uk are not similar. and yes i know many muslim women. not any who wear the full thing, but enough to know that it's not as cut and dry as others argue.


Since some husbands physically abuse their wives, we need a law outlawing man and wife from living together.

You're great at comparing apples and oranges, not much demand for that but you're good at it.
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and I have no idea what it says either. I'm just saying from my pov it's wrong from the start. I view the suppression of women by certain communities as separate from this issue. It's clearly taking away rights based on a fear of a religious group. Hope it would never fly here

Hope you are dead wrong about it flying here.

Do you see this as a seperate issue from a guest culture imposing it's will on the host culture??

Where should the host culture draw the line?
I would think a lot more of you if you could ever bring yourself to look at both sides of these sorts of issues rather than immediately putting forth your standard knee jerk reaction.

The 751 No-Go Zones of France

Expect more of the same here in this country, especially as long as so many seem to be intent on sleep waling along in some sort of day dream that this alien culture will never present any threat to the future of our own.

Ignorant is as ignorant does.

Well in the nanny state one can never state the real reasons for any actions.

As you can see from the post above, the French havn't been doing that great of a job protecting it's citizens.

Have you heard of the 'French smilie'??

That's when muslim men catch a girl not wearing a veil in a muslim no-go zone, they cut her from the corner of the mouth to the ear, leaving a huge scar which is called a smilie.

Never mind though, muslim women won't have to worry about paying their fines.

Rich Muslim vows to pay all French burka fines - Ansar Al-Mujahideen

GS - what's the deal with thes No go zones. We have these all over this country too. There are quite a few places in urban Houston that you'd have to be nuts to walk through. I'm sure it's the same in every urban area. I'm not questioning the fact that it sucks to have these areas, in France or the US or anywhere for that matter. However, are we sure the reason for the high crime in France's 751 zones are because of religion? Or could it be simply a case where their is a high concentration of disaffected minorities reside - who in this case just happen to be Muslim. Just curious.
GS - what's the deal with thes No go zones. We have these all over this country too. There are quite a few places in urban Houston that you'd have to be nuts to walk through. I'm sure it's the same in every urban area. I'm not questioning the fact that it sucks to have these areas, in France or the US or anywhere for that matter. However, are we sure the reason for the high crime in France's 751 zones are because of religion? Or could it be simply a case where their is a high concentration of disaffected minorities reside - who in this case just happen to be Muslim. Just curious.

It is a well documented that these areas populated by almost exclusively immigrant muslims (plus some native population that isn't able to leave before their property values drop to nil) and that within their confines the law of the land is nil and disputes are settled in islamic sharia courts.

The difference is that in high crime urban areas in America the police still have somewhat the control, in some of those areas in Europe even the police won't enter.

Another point is that radical muslims in this country are doing their best to recruit followers with those high crime areas you mention and prisons also.

As for 'just happen to be muslim', immigration has it's place in islamic history from the time that the greedy, bloodthirsty, violent child molester muhammed migrated from Mecca to Medina, in islamic teachings migration for the purpose of conquering and establishing islamic sharia law has a purpose and isn't just happenstance.

The whole liberal myth that all these social problems are caused by poverty is a disingenious lie!!!!

Everything you've heard about Islam is true

Make no mistake — there IS a clash of civilizations going on. It is one which Islam has initiated, but which we must be prepared to face and fight if we are to maintain our culture, civilization, and way of life.
Have any of you read "Inside the Kingdom" by Carmen Bin Ladin? She spent a lot of time in Saudi Arabia, and in her opinion, although some of the practices there seemed brutal, they are practices that many of those women embrace.

Congratulations, you miss the point entirely.

JewPoint: You've Won a Jihad Pass!

A distinguished group including a past CIA director, the prosecutor of the blind sheik WTC 93 bomber, two generals and others has just released a report called; "Sharia, the new threat to America."

The Shariah Threat - IBD - Investors.com

We have seen evidence of Shariah creeping into our culture and our legal and financial systems. In June 2009, a New Jersey state judge decided that a man who punished his wife with pain for hours and repeatedly raped her was not guilty of criminal sexual assault, citing the man's religious beliefs. The ruling was reversed by an appellate court. Maybe it won't be down the road.

A recent survey showed that only 3% of Americans had even heard of Sharia, even less knew much about what all it entails or that mainstream islam promotes it on a worldwide basis, whether piecemeal or completely, whether in just some enclaves or over a country as a whole.
How the hell does that help anything? So you can only practice your religion in secret?

The burka can be used for criminal activity.

Many examples:

Niqabs and Burqas as Security Threats :: Daniel Pipes

Murder suspect flees UK: It's not been confirmed, but a reliable source indicates that Mustaf Jama, 26, one of Britain's "most wanted" criminals for having murdered Police Constable Sharon Beshenivsky, 38, in November 2005, fled the country during the last week of 2005 and returned to his native Somalia. The picture of Britain's most wanted man, with 21 criminal convictions, had been circulated to every police force, port and airport in the country. He got through by disguising himself as a Muslim woman. Specifically, he adopted his sister's identity, using her passport and by wearing a niqab. Turns out, security personnel at London's Heathrow Airport made no attempt to match his face with her passport picture, even though the airport was on a heightened state of alert after the 7/7 terrorist attack. Indeed, the Times (London) writes that "British immigration officers rarely carry out a visual check to match a passport photograph with a departing female passenger's veiled face." It also adds that, in October 2006, "a male suspect in a major anti-terrorist investigation evaded capture in Britain for several days by dressing in a burka. He was eventually arrested and is awaiting trial." (For more on that case, see "Suspect in terror hunt used veil to evade arrest.") (December 20, 2006

This ruse has been used since the second Crusade.

Bosnian bank robbed: Two Men entered a Union bank in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo wearing niqabs. They trained their guns on the bank's customers, made those customers lie on the floor, and proceeded to empty the tills, making off with about $40,000. "Everything happened in a moment. Two persons in black niqabs came into the bank. I thought they were ladies," bank customer Mehmedalija Komarac was quoted. (July 3, 2007)

The demands of isalmists to satisfy religioius rights, (IE. sharia law) is endless.


There has been no lack of controversy behind tax-payer’s money used to accommodate Muslims foot baths. On university campuses, in public schools, and at airports, special Muslim accommodation demands are an issue. These demands include prayer rooms and prayer “trailers” for airport shuttle bus and cab drivers, special prayer accommodations for Muslim children in public schools; the list goes on and on.

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