Rage Quit: Low pay, short hours are taking their toll

it's a trade off. you're chaining your community to the business fortunes of one plant. Spring Hill/Columbia did take a hit when Saturn stopped production. Eventually, they got some new lines and things may be good now. But it's just a matter of time until some other community offers GM massive tax incentives to relocate and/or business fortunes necessitate plant closure. There are a lot of small towns in west TN where 30 years ago the biggest employer was an auto parts supplier who was feeding Saturn. Those towns have not recovered and are losing population while the rest of the state booms.
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There are 2 Hvac companies offering sign on bonus and training for those with no experience. The electrical apprentice program is less than half full. The owner of Schrader construction was standing on the side of the road with a sign needing workers at 18$ an hour. Every restaurant in town needs staff. The perfect 10 strip bar is now hiring 7s and 8s. There is no job shortage problem with a lack of hours. There’s a massive entitlement problem brought to us by the people teaching or kids though
7s and 8s?….. this shows just hire how dire the situation is.
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