Rage Quit: Low pay, short hours are taking their toll

I thinks it’s more of generational thing.

The company that I am employed with was paying overnight workers between $17 -$20 an hour to basically do nothing all night but an audit that takes 20-30 minutes and basic cleaning that took about 30 minutes and to help customers that may have come in during the night which was normally 1-2 maybe a few more on certain nights. They were only working about an hour or so per night and kept complaining and calling off, so my company cut most stores hours to 8-8 and laid off most of the the overnight teams. This happened a few weeks before the COVID attack. After COVID all stores went to a 10-6 schedule with More lay offs.

The age demographic for the majority of overnight employees were between 21-35. I’m not saying all younger workers are ungrateful and lazy because we have some really great workers in that age range, but for the most part it seems to be a common issue with this age range.
That is so weird... I saw that one "their" the first time I read the story but just thought it was a typo or referring to someone else in the story that I may have missed along with Crista. But then after reading it again, Crista (or the author) is referred to in 3rd person plural. So is that where the pronoun game sis going now? From changing genders to changing from singular to plural?
That is so weird... I saw that one "their" the first time I read the story but just thought it was a typo or referring to someone else in the story that I may have missed along with Crista. But then after reading it again, Crista (or the author) is referred to in 3rd person plural. So is that where the pronoun game sis going now? From changing genders to changing from singular to plural?
I thought that was weird as well. Maybe she’s pregnant?
That is so weird... I saw that one "their" the first time I read the story but just thought it was a typo or referring to someone else in the story that I may have missed along with Crista. But then after reading it again, Crista (or the author) is referred to in 3rd person plural. So is that where the pronoun game sis going now? From changing genders to changing from singular to plural?
Well it’s kind of ironic that you think pronouns are important but you decide on using the third person one. We couldn’t stand the job anymore so we quit but then we couldn’t find a place to put the note.

You got a mouse in your pocket or are you actually touched?
The inability (or lack of desire) of some businesses to provide hourly workers with better wages, consistent or meaningful hours, and in some cases basic human dignity is beginning to take its toll.

Workers are 'rage quitting' their jobs as a tightening labor market forces employers to take note of unfavorable conditions and low pay

Taco bell was never meant as a career or living wage. It was meant for a 16 year old kid who wanted gas money.

Become a contractor, nurse or mechanic or go to college and get a job that has been designed for multiple decades as an actual living wage because it requires a skill.

If I can fire you and rehire your position and have them fully trained within a day you are not considered skilled labor.
My daughter is 14. She wants to work to earn money for a tablet. She obviously can't work at traditional places due to her age. So she had begun baby sitting one of our neighbors two kids and working at a retired couples house doing work in her garden. If you want or need something you find a way.

We should be pushing trade schools to the vast majority of high school students. There is no reason for 50 to 60% of people who go to college to be they are spending money on a useless piece of paper and end up competing with High School grads and GED recipients for entry level positions.

I feel like Chick Fil A will hite at 14. Maybe I am crazy.
A lot of companies cut hours in order to avoid Obamacare, iirc.

The country needs more manufacturing jobs. Working service industry should never be seen as a career or long term prospect.
And working on an assembly line should?

Both jobs are terrible career options.
Good grief, do you know the fortunes made by HS graduates working at auto plants? It secures many a person a lifetime of middle class income.
Yeah in the 60's. Been to Detroit recently?

Nowadays those jobs are monotonous, unfulfilling, low paying, and disappearing. No one wants to twist the same screw or or make the same cut on the same log everyday for 30 years.
Yeah in the 60's. Been to Detroit recently?

Nowadays those jobs are monotonous, unfulfilling, low paying, and disappearing. No one wants to twist the same screw or or make the same cut on the same log everyday for 30 years.

Are you really this ignorant?

Have you seen communities in SC, TN, Alabama, etc. around auto plants?
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The OP mentions basic human dignity. A big problem is that our society has devolved to the point that welders, mechanics, farmers, carpenters, plumbers, and other essential professions are looked down upon while leftist politicians are arguing to forgive student debt for sociology, gender studies, and art history majors.
And it’s funny that when the college graduate (sociology, gender studies, art) fail we get a meme, when the welder, mechanic or farmer fails, people die....so who’s really important?
Are you really this ignorant?

Have you seen communities in SC, TN, Alabama, etc. around auto plants?
Are these the same plants that layoff thousands of workers every 5 years?

Sounds like a great career choice for someone looking to get their foot in the door and eventually make $18/hr before their job gets taken by a robot.
Are these the same plants that layoff thousands of workers every 5 years?

Sounds like a great career choice for someone looking to get their foot in the door and eventually make $18/hr before their job gets taken by a robot.

You seem to keep moving the goalposts, as you should, since you continually make stupid comments.

My BIL has never been laid off at BMW. So dont know what you're talking about.

Keep trying.
Yeah in the 60's. Been to Detroit recently?

Nowadays those jobs are monotonous, unfulfilling, low paying, and disappearing. No one wants to twist the same screw or or make the same cut on the same log everyday for 30 years.
This is a really ignorant statement.

Sure they are monotonous. No one is trying to make them glamorous. But they are necessary and provide people with a good income and living.

I have an 18 year old family member working one of these jobs. Makes $19/hour while you have college grads coming out with 100k in debt making 40k/year.
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It appears a lot of the left leaners have truly bought into “a college degree is required to get a good job.” It’d be interesting to compare their W2 with a mechanic at Dow, Eastman, Kimberly Clark or Exxon W2
This is a really ignorant statement.

Sure they are monotonous. No one is trying to make them glamorous. But they are necessary and provide people with a good income and living.

I have an 18 year old family member working one of these jobs. Makes $19/hour while you have college grads coming out with 100k in debt making 40k/year.
Good for him, hopefully he doesn't get laid off in a few years. There are plenty of trade schools that provide brighter futures than the manufacturing industry.
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