Random Recruiting News

This one I love with Hamilton. Here is a kid who didnt qualify for college and had to go to military school. In a recent intervies said he really liked UGA because they offered to pay for his Masters after he finishes football. First if he had a hard time getting into undergrad, grad school might not be there for him. Second you can only offer to pay for an education as long as the player has eligibility. Who knows maybe M Brown a UGA was right about the kickbacks.

That's false.
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Georgia overtakes Alabama for top class in the SEC (according to Scout). It appears that Georgia, Alabama, LSU and Florida are pretty much pounding the rest of the SEC thus far in recruiting. Things need to change fast.

The sky is not falling but I did expect more.
Georgia overtakes Alabama for top class in the SEC (according to Scout). It appears that Georgia, Alabama, LSU and Florida are pretty much pounding the rest of the SEC thus far in recruiting. Things need to change fast.

The sky is not falling but I did expect more.

I think too many people were spoiled by how we closed out the '09 class. This staff has not even coached its first game yet. The schools that currently lead the rankings have been recruiting many of their commitments for a couple of years now. This staff has only been here less than 8 months. When players get to see the new staff in action this year, I bet we will turn quite a few heads, including some who have already committed elsewhere. Signing day is still over 6 months away. It's way too early to push the panic button. JMO
That is true. We are still recruiting on hype and fulmer success. The hype will be done soon and we know how fulmers recent recruiting and on field success was. Once the year starts we'll either be outside top 25 or top 10-5 or better if we turn heads. If we turn heads we keep hype because it should get better, plus kids will buy into us easier, and we'll have better relationships with the kids. You know kiff and reaves and co. are all scouting and looking at all the 2011 kids. If they aren't recruiting them they're at least forming relationships with them which is something we don't have now with the qb prospects. Its reasonable to see why we wouldn't get a great qb this year but if we dont get one next year being they all seem to be from the south and we have time to recruit and build relationships with them then I'm thinking that maybe the staff can't recruit. But I have confidence they can.
The thing that ya'll have to realize too is that Georgia's '10 class is almost full. They will not be a player in too many decisions that happen in January and February. Georgia has one spot left on the DL and are done and DB. UT will be in EVERY decision that will be made late in the process...
The thing that ya'll have to realize too is that Georgia's '10 class is almost full. They will not be a player in too many decisions that happen in January and February. Georgia has one spot left on the DL and are done and DB. UT will be in EVERY decision that will be made late in the process...

Not to mention that all but one of UGA's commits are from either GA or FL. If our staff wanted a full recruiting class right now, they could do so with players from TN. But it wouldn't be a top 50 class come NSD. We will almost always be behind our SEC rivals in the rankings in July because those other teams get many more early commitments from in-state players and because they have better and deeper in-state talent than UT. But I have no doubt that we will close out strong in January and February, just like we did in '09.
I think that we Bama will pass UGA, but remember even if everyone retains the players that commit now their ratings come final class ranks will be based on what they do this fall in their senior year in HS. Their will be alot of movement in the player rankings before everyone signs.
I think that we Bama will pass UGA, but remember even if everyone retains the players that commit now their ratings come final class ranks will be based on what they do this fall in their senior year in HS. Their will be alot of movement in the player rankings before everyone signs.

There is not a doubt in my mind that Bama will pass UGA in the Rivals rankings. I'm sure the Rivals guys will try their best to have them ahead of Florida as well...
I think too many people were spoiled by how we closed out the '09 class. This staff has not even coached its first game yet. The schools that currently lead the rankings have been recruiting many of their commitments for a couple of years now. This staff has only been here less than 8 months. When players get to see the new staff in action this year, I bet we will turn quite a few heads, including some who have already committed elsewhere. Signing day is still over 6 months away. It's way too early to push the panic button. JMO

lol... No, no panic button yet. But the coaches that CLK hired already had these connections... I just expected more but, you are right, signing day is not untill Feb.
Bradenton Southeast High's Jonathan Dowling committed to taking the next step in his football future to Gainesville and the University of Florida in March.

With the commitment also stopped most of the calls and text messages and letters from other schools trying to recruit the 6-foot-3, 178-pound safety.

"I pretty much made it clear from the beginning that I'm 100 percent Florida Gator and I'm not changing my mind," Dowling said Friday at the Champion Gridiron Kings event at Disney's Wide World of Sports, where 64 top high school prospects in the nation have gathered. "So most of the calls and letters pretty much stopped.

Yes, most of them.

"Except for Tennessee. I still get a lot of letters from Tennessee, but I just throw them in the trash."

Of course Dowling was just kidding around, but he's not shy about letting everyone know he's a Gator.

During Friday's morning practice, Dowling made a nice play on a ball and immediately afterward showed his true UF colors with a couple of Gator chomp motions.

Orlando Sentinel

Couldn't find a thread on him. Two things I thought was interesting 1. our staff dont care, they will stay on these recruits 2. I bet this makes Meyer mad
GAINESVILLE - Jacksonville Terry Parker High School offensive lineman Tavadis Glenn was kicked out of the University of Florida's Friday Night Lights camp on Friday for flashing a University of Miami sign with his hands.

Glenn said he flashed the sign after successfully covering a defensive lineman to show Gators recruits "what Miami do" after they taunted him throughout the night.

An assistant coach gave him one chance to respond, he said.

"He told me to get out the camp, that this is not a Miami camp," Glenn said. "He told me to take that (expletive) down there. I was like 'Huh?' I only did it once."

Gators recruits prompted the move by saying aloud "they don't do this in Miami," said Glenn, who did not know the name of the coach who booted him.

The incident was confusing, Glenn said, because Gators Coach Urban Meyer had visited Jacksonville to recruit him. Glenn attended the camp because he "thought it would make my stock rise."

Coaches can't commit on specific recruits per NCAA rules. In a statement, Florida team spokesman Steve McClain said: "He was asked to leave during the last drill period of the camp because of potential safety issues to other campers."

Glenn said safety was never an issue.

"It was nothing like that going on," Glenn said. "We were just getting after it. I stopped one of the big pass rushers who was beating everybody, and I was fired up."

Jacksonville Raines defensive tackle Louis Nix, also a UM commitment who drove to the camp with Glenn, said he thought the Gators should not have kicked out his friend because they each paid $35 to attend.

"We had to pay to participate, and he was participating," said Nix, who has a scholarship offer from the Gators. "He should have been able to do that."

"A coach put his arm around him and told him," said Redman, who was watching linemen work out in the end zone. "They seemed very respectful about it. It was his turn again 4-5 reps later, and he does it again, the exact same thing."

Terry Parker coach Larry Reed said Glenn was dismissed from the team during the 2008 season for "not obeying administrative rules." Glenn said he will play for Raines High School this season and has moved into the appropriate district.

Nix and Glenn were likely the only Miami commitments out of more than 200 recruits who attended the camp. When asked if he would consider Florida in the future, Glenn said "It's safe to say (no)."
Orlando Sentinel
Orlando Sentinel

No news regarding TN, just thought it was funny anytime someone picks on UF
Regarding rumars Meyer will leave for ND

"At first, it was bothering me but I called the other commit, Trey Burton, and I got a hold of coach Meyer and he told me that it's not true," said tight end Gerald Christian, the offensive MVP at Gridiron Kings. "I'm just making sure. College is like a business so it could happen a lot so I just wanted to make sure.

"It was bothering me a lot. It's kind of how recruiting goes because I've heard it from a lot of coaches, too. They were trying to get me to take a look at their school. They were putting it on me so I guess that's how recruiting goes."

Recruiting might or might not go that way and to be fair Meyer has been accused of similar tactics in the past although none have ever been publicly substantiated. It's one of the dark sides of powerhouse programs vying for a limited amount of players - coaches reportedly spreading rumors no matter how salacious.

Where does the line get drawn between recruiting committed players and making up outright lies just so a prospect might reconsider his first choice? For Christian, the whole thing is distasteful.

"It is a turn off," Christian said. "It's real bothersome. It shows you, I don't know, other people they want you bad so they make up stories. I'm Florida all the way."

Five-star safety Matt Elam, a Florida pledge, has dealt with similar situations for a while, hearing from coaches that Meyer would leave for Notre Dame where Meyer, as it so happens, recruiting Elam's brother, Abram, years ago.

"(Meyer) called me and he told me how he won't leave and how he's there until he retires," Elam said. "I was hearing it from different scouts and different things like that.

"It could work (with other prospects). The way it was coming at me, it had me fooled but now I thought about it and I asked him and he told me. I believe him."

Still, Elam said he is considering visits to West Virginia, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee not so much because he doesn't want to play for Florida but he wants to see what else is out there. He has only visited with the Gators so far.
If Elam takes an official visit to UT, I'm worried he might try to recruit other guys for UF. I definitely don't expect him to decommit from the Gators.
Chad Simmons just predicted that Tennessee would land 4* OT Damien Robinson. Robinson is a 5* on TOS.

He says that it appears Bama and Tennessee are out front and that he is going with Tennessee.
Chad Simmons just predicted that Tennessee would land 4* OT Damien Robinson. Robinson is a 5* on TOS.

He says that it appears Bama and Tennessee are out front and that he is going with Tennessee.

Great news.. did he give a time table on when a possible decision would come?

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