Random, Thoughts, X,XXIV

Gen Z disparages their grandparents’ generation, dropping “OK Boomer” into conversation whether appropriate or not. They claim to have invented avocado toast, to have initiated the expanded use of paper towels, to be more communally aware and less self-centered… They proclaim this on tik tok, instagram, and other cell phone app social media… 🙄
Gen Z disparages their grandparents’ generation, dropping “OK Boomer” into conversation whether appropriate or not. They claim to have invented avocado toast, to have initiated the expanded use of paper towels, to be more communally aware and less self-centered… They proclaim this on tik tok, instagram, and other cell phone app social media… 🙄
Have to disagree - I heard all this from my Gen Y kids, aka millennials. 😁 And I’m enjoying hearing them complain about the snot-nosed Z’s at their jobs.

I vividly remember how eye-roll-y my friends and I were towards our parents. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
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Have to disagree - I heard all this from my Gen Y kids, aka millennials. 😁 And I’m enjoying hearing them complain about the snot-nosed Z’s at their jobs.

I vividly remember how eye-roll-y my friends and I were towards our parents. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Previous generations expressed their social awareness with rallies and marches and sit ins - communally - not as the solo stars of their socmed videos. I remember protesting my parents generation’s racial injustice and prosecution of the war in Vietnam, but I did not claim to have invented things that I did not. Also, I recognized members of my parents’ generation who campaigned for civil rights and an end to the war. I did not lump them all together as “squares.”
Previous generations expressed their social awareness with rallies and marches and sit ins - communally - not as the solo stars of their socmed videos. I remember protesting my parents generation’s racial injustice and prosecution of the war in Vietnam, but I did not claim to have invented things that I did not. Also, I recognized members of my parents’ generation who campaigned for civil rights and an end to the war. I did not lump them all together as “squares.”
And if we'd had internet? Our generation took to the streets because we didn't have any other ways of getting heard.
I did not lump them all together as “squares.”
I haven't experienced everyone in younger generations lumping me (individually) in as a "square" or whatever. It's just as misleading and unfair for us to say that others stereotype us as for us to actually stereotype them. Surely this is a lesson that those of us born back yonder should have taken to heart. We are all the unique summations of our individual experiences and beliefs and deserve to be regarded as such.

I do think there's an understandable frustration among those who came of age/ tried to move into the workforce when the economy went to hell in 2007 and onward, plus other fun things like "if I have a kid, what sort of world if any will there be for them in 2050?" I will say that I was pissed as hell when after all the talk, the voter turnout in 2020 among this age group was so much lower than expected. Too young to be this cynical, guys, even with pretty much every reason in the world to be.
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The next time I’m OK Boomered by a twenty-something, I’ll ask them if they’re registered to vote and if they’ve exercised their franchise in every election since they turned 18.
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Gen X; talk about the lost generation! Probably just as well to have ducked the spotlight of generational characterization. All y'all aged 41 and up but too young to be Boomers, keep flying under the radar.

Long ago I was offended by being considered a GenXer because it indicated slacker. But I am pretty much quintessential.

My first Niece was born in ‘83, she gets pissed when I call her a millennial.

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