Random, Thoughts, X,XXIV

Yay. Making the world smell like burnt French fries.
While reducing greenhouse gases, reducing landfill usage, stopping the raping of the planet mining lithium for batteries and maybe preventing the death of slave laborers who do the mining.
Little known fact approximately 1 1/2 slave laborers die for each EV battery manufactured.

Ok I’m done.
Back to the levity.
EV is dead. Green Diamond just solved climate change with a new bio diesel

The issue with renewable biofuels is are they economically viable without government interference from forced carbon offset credits and the $1 per gallon federal tax credit on renewable biofuels?

You can look at the financials for Green Diamond and realize they wouldn't be able to stay afloat without the government credits...
Little known fact approximately 1 1/2 slave laborers die for each EV battery manufactured.

My math meter went off on this comment. Globally, I am seeing that about 4 million EV cars were sold in 2021. If it is just 1 EV battery per unit, that would mean around 6.5 million people died in 2021 from mining. Because it's the Internet, that is on par with the Holocaust but in a single year.

Where does this 1.5x number come from - and I am not saying that there is not shady mining issues in the world but am saying that scope seems extremely inflated? If true, I am obviously not understanding the numbers involved.
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The issue with renewable biofuels is are they economically viable without government interference from forced carbon offset credits and the $1 per gallon federal tax credit on renewable biofuels?

You can look at the financials for Green Diamond and realize they wouldn't be able to stay afloat without the government credits...
So just like the EV
My math meter went off on this comment. Globally, I am seeing that about 4 million EV cars were sold in 2021. If it is just 1 EV battery per unit, that would mean around 6.5 million people died in 2021 from mining. Because it's the Internet, that is on par with the Holocaust but in a single year.

Where does this 1.5x number come from - and I am not saying that there is not shady mining issues in the world but am saying that scope seems extremely inflated? If true, I am obviously not understanding the numbers involved.
I apologize.
The mine in question that uses slave labor averages 1.5 deaths per battery material they produced. Estimate is in the 12-15k range but real information is hard to come by.

Should not have started this in the zone. Pollution is a real trigger for me. And battery production is about as bad as it gets
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From a manufacturer's perspective, EVs are economically viable now....
then not forcing NC to pay for “free” charging stations should not be a problem.

I’m in the middle of a horrible day so let’s just pretend EVs are awesome and not a pollution problem whatsoever.

Everything is awesome.

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