Random Thoughts XX

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This is going to be random but I would appreciate some input. I am considering moving into this townhome and the air vents in the ceiling are rusty. I know this is probably caused by moisture in the air but how serious is this and how is it fixed? New AC unit? TIA.
Bless his heart. I guess it's better (?) he got it now, rather than later. If there is such a thing as better with chicken pox. Glad he's on the mend.

I'm doing just fine today, thanks for asking. Loving the sunshine and my view of Neyland Stadium.

Yeah its better, I think the its the same virus that causes shingles in older adults, and I dont want that for anyone lol
Really?!? I have an adult onset allergy too...to peanuts! It sucks big time. I used to love ice cream Snickers bars but now I could literally die if I took one bite. It's scary going out to eat certain places, as so many things have peanuts now.

How did you discover yours?

Nearly dying 3 times. Once from Grouper at Riverside in Knoxville, once Mahi Mahi here and again with Tilapia. Each one got progressively worse and were spaced about a year apart. I will not do it again, it could be deadly. I so love swordfish and fresh tuna though. but never again.
This is going to be random but I would appreciate some input. I am considering moving into this townhome and the air vents in the ceiling are rusty. I know this is probably caused by moisture in the air but how serious is this and how is it fixed? New AC unit? TIA.

See my above post.
We are going raised beds this year to try and do some taters and onions. Bugs are bad for inground tubers so this should work. We are looking at about 2 4x20 raised beds to meet ours needs. Lots of jalapenos and tomatoes, beans, squash, okra etc.

You will be prepared in the event of an infrastructure breakdown! We had this discussion at work yesterday, of how people don't farm like they used to. It's kinda scary in a way.

One of my best friends did raised beds last year and they were really successful, save for a squirrel or two who liked to come nibble. She grew a lot of herbs too. Hope yours turn out well.

How are you today?


Doing great. My coworker snuck around and set all the clocks in the office forward an hour, so I thought I got to go home in half an hour, but instead, it's an hour and a half.

How are things on your side of knoxville?
Nearly dying 3 times. Once from Grouper at Riverside in Knoxville, once Mahi Mahi here and again with Tilapia. Each one got progressively worse and were spaced about a year apart. I will not do it again, it could be deadly. I so love swordfish and fresh tuna though. but never again.

Same for me. First time nausea, progressing to throat closure. It's scary for sure. I always joke that one day I'm going to stand outside the hospital and take a huge bite of a Snicker's bar.
This is going to be random but I would appreciate some input. I am considering moving into this townhome and the air vents in the ceiling are rusty. I know this is probably caused by moisture in the air but how serious is this and how is it fixed? New AC unit? TIA.

as long as you have a mold inspection prior to moving into the place I wouldn't worry about it
You will be prepared in the event of an infrastructure breakdown! We had this discussion at work yesterday, of how people don't farm like they used to. It's kinda scary in a way.

One of my best friends did raised beds last year and they were really successful, save for a squirrel or two who liked to come nibble. She grew a lot of herbs too. Hope yours turn out well.

RV grow herbs in a tier set up we have year round. As for squirrels, my 3 hounddogs take care of that problem. Our biggest problem is trying to grow shiz in this dang sand. I haul in horse poo and topsoil and till and till but it only lasts a year before sinking into the sand. We are going to line the raised beds with weed block to prevent the good soil from leaching down into the sand.:crossfingers:
Good morning my peeps

Morning SDV! How's little Faith?

Doing great. My coworker snuck around and set all the clocks in the office forward an hour, so I thought I got to go home in half an hour, but instead, it's an hour and a half.

How are things on your side of knoxville?

I'm excited about setting the clocks forward. I love sunshine, and I really love sunshine late in the day.

Things are great on this side of K-town. Big weekend plans?

Sup Nerdie Nerd!!!
I'm excited about setting the clocks forward. I love sunshine, and I really love sunshine late in the day.

Things are great on this side of K-town. Big weekend plans?

Just lots and lots of basketball and beer. Gotta go see my grampa in the hospital. He fell. Sad news.

I also need a haircut! With itch and OE runnin around this joint, I gotta keep my hair short enough that they cant grab ahold of it and scalp me too easily.

I love it when it's still twilight at 9:30pm, but I hate driving to work in the dark, which I will have to do for a month or two after DST.
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