Rank the US Presidents

I recently read an article about Harding that made a strong case for him as one of our better presidents. It was surprising to me because he wasn't anywhere notable that I could recall. The article went on to basically say that it was a case of character assassination by school teachers over the years. I couldn't find it earlier; the closest is this ... in WaPo of all places - supporting a republican.

If we weren’t so obsessed with Warren G. Harding’s sex life, we’d realize he was a pretty good president
Harding was a good president. He cleaned up the mess left behind by Woodrow Wilson by releasing those in prison who had been critical of Wilson and the war. He cut spending and regulations trying to get America back to normal from the crazy sh!t Wilson was doing. He was president during the Teapot dome scandal which may be one of the biggest nothingburgers in the history of presidential scandals.
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Harding was a good president. He cleaned up the mess left behind by Woodrow Wilson by releasing those in prison who had been critical of Wilson and the war. He cut spending and regulations trying to get America back to normal from the crazy sh!t Wilson was doing. He was president during the Teapot dome scandal which may be one of the biggest nothingburgers in the history of presidential scandals.
Absolutely ridiculous. LOL.
Here’s something for why FDR sucked. He made private possession of gold illegal unless it was a minuscule amount. He did this to force people to sell their gold to the government at a undercut price after which he then doubled the price of Gold. Effectively stealing from millions
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I was speaking to your "What if Biden invaded Texas?" hypothetical nonsense. And like I said to Weezer... I guess you know more than Justice Scalia, huh? LOL.

Why didn’t you post all of the only known comment Scalia made about secession.

I am afraid I cannot be of much help with your problem, principally because I cannot imagine that such a question could ever reach the Supreme Court. To begin with, the answer is clear. If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, "one Nation, indivisible.") Secondly, I find it difficult to envision who the parties to this lawsuit might be. Is the State suing the United States for a declaratory judgment? But the United States cannot be sued without its consent, and it has not consented to this sort of suit.

I am sure that poetic license can overcome all that — but you do not need legal advice for that. Good luck with your screenplay.

Nowhere does he cite any legal arguments or constitutional issues he simply states that it was resolved by the civil war. Was that resolution Lincolns decision and the fact the Union won? What’s more interesting in that letter is his remark about the pledge, that lends me to believe he was referencing Lincolns decision. Scalia is right the civil war did resolve the issue only because SCOTUS and congress didn’t stand up to Lincoln and reign in his tyranny.
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Here’s something for why FDR sucked. He made private possession of gold illegal unless it was a minuscule amount. He did this to force people to sell their gold to the government at a undercut price after which he then doubled the price of Gold. Effectively stealing from millions
FDR ran against Hoover for interfering so much in the economy, then beefed up Hoover’s policies even more under the “New Deal” which prolonged the depression until the New Deal was lifted during ww2.
Here’s something for why FDR sucked. He made private possession of gold illegal unless it was a minuscule amount. He did this to force people to sell their gold to the government at a undercut price after which he then doubled the price of Gold. Effectively stealing from millions

No question FDR was a horrible president when it comes to individual liberty and civil rights.
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FDR ran against Hoover for interfering so much in the economy, then beefed up Hoover’s policies even more under the “New Deal” which prolonged the depression until the New Deal was lifted during ww2.

if not for WWII FDR would have intentionally prolonged the depression. He amassed so much power for the executive branch during that time he wasn’t going to let it go.
if not for WWII FDR would have intentionally prolonged the depression. He amassed so much power for the executive branch during that time he wasn’t going to let it go.
No and he was to the radio what Reagan was to the television during a time people tended to believe their leaders.
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FDR ran against Hoover for interfering so much in the economy, then beefed up Hoover’s policies even more under the “New Deal” which prolonged the depression until the New Deal was lifted during ww2.
There is no factual substance to the stupid things you post... it's just one short and completely wrong sound bite after another.
There is no factual substance to the stupid things you post... it's just one short and completely wrong sound bite after another.
Would you answer the question on Trump killing Californians or are you being intellectually dishonest?
From the article.

“The myth of Hoover as a defender of laissez-faire persists, despite the fact that his contemporaries clearly understood that he made aggressive use of government to fight the recession.”
Hoover's Economic Policies - Econlib
The Hoover-Roosevelt Depression Revisited | John P. Cochran
Are these articles stupid and void of factual substance too?
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How many Americans did Harding slaughter?
Warren G. Harding didn't even think that Warren G. Harding was a good president.

This is just one absurdist historical revision after another by pretentious people who think they're clued in to what's really been going on, because they can post inane and wildly inaccurate claims they read in some far right blog that Steve Bannon or some loon on Breitbart recommended.
Would you answer the question on Trump killing Californians or are you being intellectually dishonest?
From the article.

“The myth of Hoover as a defender of laissez-faire persists, despite the fact that his contemporaries clearly understood that he made aggressive use of government to fight the recession.”
Hoover's Economic Policies - Econlib
The Hoover-Roosevelt Depression Revisited | John P. Cochran
Are these articles stupid and void of factual substance too?
It is a silly blog.... which is exactly where I would have guessed you were reciting your nonsense.
Warren G. Harding didn't even think that Warren G. Harding was a good president.

This is just one absurdist historical revision after another by pretentious people who think they're clued in to what's really been going on, because they can post inane and wildly inaccurate claims they read in some far right blog that Steve Bannon or some loon on Breitbart recommended.
Then you should surely be able to refute one of the claims instead of retorting with a base appeal to emotion with a sprinkling of ad hominem attacks. Any answer on whether Trump should invade California in the event of secession?
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Greatest Presidents:

Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Grover Cleveland
Andrew Jackson

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Lincoln didn’t keep the nation together, it split then he slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Americans to reunite it. He was a tyrant even to the people that remained in the union and was a strong believer in central power and control.

You are craaaaaaaazy
Can’t believe you guys are neglecting to mention Bill Clinton. He played the saxophone and cheated on Hillary. Isn’t that a wet dream for all conservatives?
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