Rank the US Presidents

Is it stupid because you can't refute it?
He’s said something to that effect about 4-5 times in the thread. If it’s so dumb then just leave us to it. If he disagrees that’s cool too, but just repeatedly calling things stupid without much else is pretty boring and makes for poor conversation
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I think slavery was an evil blight on our nation, but I believe states should have a right to secede from the Union if they feel their needs aren't being served. The original concept of our country was that the individual states united voluntarily. If joining is voluntary, then you have the ability to leave. Though not mentioned specifically, I believe there are parts of the Constitution that imply states have the right to secede. And I think this is supported by the writings of our FFs, the very people who crafted our Constitution. So I think Lincoln usurped power that the federal government did not lawfully possess. I'm glad slavery was ended, but I believe the southern states had every right to secede.
He’s said something to that effect about 4-5 times in the thread. If it’s so dumb then just leave us to it. If he disagrees that’s cool too, but just repeatedly calling things stupid without much else is pretty boring and makes for poor conversation

The least he could do is offer up an argument as to why he thinks it's stupid.
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Favorite President names - Grover Cleveland and Calvin Coolidge

Honorable mention to Millard Fillmore

How can you not like Grover?

Not arguing that he performed terribly or that he set an awful precedent. Just saying that it’s hard for me to take my own identity and set of beliefs out of the equation. Of course I dislike him, my grandma won’t even say his name to this day. Her grandfather fought against Lincoln and his brother died doing so. With all that baggage it’s hard for me to even pretend to be objective

I grew up thinking Lincoln was a great president, because that's the way he was portrayed in school. As a military brat, I attended schools scattered around the country. However, my view has gone 180 degrees thanks to reading uncensored history not from a textbook. I didn't grow up with your "baggage", but got to the same place anyway. I'm almost of the opinion that history shouldn't be taught in schools because it isn't done objectively; almost because honestly it's too important not to be taught, but it's not clear that textbook historians/revisionists are trustworthy.
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President Weezer invades Canada. Obviously you haven't been paying attention. First we take the Great White North, then we drive south. The entire Western Hemisphere will be ours!!

Are you nuts? That's just millions more for the libs to cry over.
It's the new manifest destiny. I got big plans of conquest.

Can we force all the libs to move to Manitoba or someplace and not allow them to vote? Or are you just planning to do away with elections?
Can we force all the libs to move to Manitoba or someplace and not allow them to vote? Or are you just planning to do away with elections?
As President, I will abolish political parties. I'm not a fan of either side. It's not just liberals. Republicans are just as bad. Both parties have rot at their core.
Agreed! Andrew Jackson? WTF!
Jackson was a great war hero.
Jackson greatly expanded the size, scope and vision of the nation's development.
Jackson was the only US President who operated this nation withour a budget deficit.
Was generally a badass.

It is easy to judge our past leaders when viewed through the critical prism of the present. That said he did what needed to be done in order to expand the borders and potential of this nation. Without Jackson it is doubtful that the map of the current USA would resemble today's reality.
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Lincoln believed in white supremacy. He didn't believe in slavery. That's a historical fact backed up by his own speeches and writings.
This sentiment represents a common over-simplification of Abraham Lincoln. You are taking a complicated matter and making it easy. Abraham Lincoln did not view blacks as socially or politically equal to whites for much of his life. Very few people did back then. It was a reflection of his time and of the culture. Despite some ugly stances and positions that Lincoln advocated, he is the same man who in his most significant and famous speech, clung to the notion that black people were among those who were "created equal" according to the Declaration of Independence. That was a radical view for the time which continued to evolve until, by the end of the Civil War, Lincoln embraced citizenship for people who were black. Like I said earlier, he evolved.
This sentiment represents a common over-simplification of Abraham Lincoln. You are taking a complicated matter and making it easy. Abraham Lincoln did not view blacks as socially or politically equal to whites for much of his life. Very few people did back then. It was a reflection of his time and of the culture. Despite some ugly stances and positions that Lincoln advocated, he is the same man who in his most significant and famous speech, clung to the notion that black people were among those who were "created equal" according to the Declaration of Independence. That was a radical view for the time which continued to evolve until, by the end of the Civil War, Lincoln embraced citizenship for people who were black. Like I said earlier, he evolved.
Most people are familiar with and rightly skeptical of the “Lost Cause” myth. Unfortunately they are are taught the “Righteousness Cause” myth and buy it hook, line and sinker.
I think if you've been impeached you automatically go straight to the very bottom. (Buchanan, Clinton, trump)

Nixon would've been impeached if he didn't quit so I consider him among that group of incompetent bums.

Impeached twice? Forget about it! It is truly hard to be that terrible at your job
But you know both those impeachments was BS.
How about some ideas on president’s that did well but are seldom celebrated? I submit Polk and Madison.

Tennessee’s own James K Polk is probably the most underrated President in U.S. History. In only one 4-year term, he added the Oregon territory, won a war against Mexico, and added much of the Southwest to the nation’s territorial holdings. He expanded the country rapidly in such a short time. Truly amazing.
Most people are familiar with and rightly skeptical of the “Lost Cause” myth. Unfortunately they are are taught the “Righteousness Cause” myth and buy it hook, line and sinker.

Lincolns true cause was Lincoln and the consolidation of power within the executive branch. Had the man not been assassinated he would have never left office.
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Ironically, in an age where we criticize and scrutinize every death that comes at the hands of police, people fail to recognize the Civil War as the ultimate police action that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. Lincoln put his knee on the neck of the southern states.
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Ironically, in an age where we criticize and scrutinize every death that comes at the hands of police, people fail to recognize the Civil War as the ultimate police action that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. Lincoln put his knee on the neck of the southern states.

He also had thousands of Yankees imprisoned and many executed without trial. It didn’t pay to go up against him.
This sentiment represents a common over-simplification of Abraham Lincoln. You are taking a complicated matter and making it easy. Abraham Lincoln did not view blacks as socially or politically equal to whites for much of his life. Very few people did back then. It was a reflection of his time and of the culture. Despite some ugly stances and positions that Lincoln advocated, he is the same man who in his most significant and famous speech, clung to the notion that black people were among those who were "created equal" according to the Declaration of Independence. That was a radical view for the time which continued to evolve until, by the end of the Civil War, Lincoln embraced citizenship for people who were black. Like I said earlier, he evolved.

Abraham Lincoln wanted to keep the nation together at all costs, even IF that meant maintaining slavery. That doesn’t mean he supported it. The logic behind him being a terrible President is sheer lunacy. He kept the nation together during a time of great turmoil and was a decent human being. By contrast, James Madison was a political genius but just an OK President. The War of 1812 was a huge mistake and residing over the capitol being burned down isn’t a good look for anyone. Very few US Presidents have been great, Jefferson and Washington both had several flaws however they make most modern day Presidents look like bumbling idiots especially everyone post Reagan. Nixon gets overshadowed by Watergate but he was actually a pretty effective President, conversely Kennedy is deified but was very unremarkable other than narrowly avoiding WW3. The hate spewed towards Wilson and FDR from some on the right was unjustified. The notion that the US helped create the atmosphere which made WW2 inevitable is incorrect. The Treaty of Versailles and France’s insistence that Germany be punished created it not Wilson. He did not support punishing the German people and advocated for an international body to prevent future conflicts. Roosevelt steered the US through a very difficult war when many politicians wanted to remain neutral which was impossible. He brilliantly built up US military might. The US military was woefully unprepared for WW2 prior to his buildup.
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Abraham Lincoln wanted to keep the nation together at all costs, even IF that meant maintaining slavery. That doesn’t mean he supported it. The logic behind him being a terrible President is sheer lunacy. He kept the nation together during a time of great turmoil and was a decent human being. By contrast, James Madison was a political genius but just an OK President. The War of 1812 was a huge mistake and residing over the capitol being burned down isn’t a good look for anyone. Very few US Presidents have been great, Jefferson and Washington both had several flaws however they make most modern day Presidents look like bumbling idiots especially everyone post Reagan. Nixon gets overshadowed by Watergate but he was actually a pretty effective President, conversely Kennedy is deified but was very unremarkable other than narrowly avoiding WW3. The hate spewed towards Wilson and FDR from some on the right was unjustified. The notion that the US helped create the atmosphere which made WW2 inevitable is incorrect. The Treaty of Versailles and France’s insistence that Germany be punished created it not Wilson. He did not support punishing the German people and advocated for an international body to prevent future conflicts. Roosevelt steered the US through a very difficult war when many politicians wanted to remain neutral which was impossible. He brilliantly built up US military might. The US military was woefully unprepared for WW2 prior to his buildup.

Lincoln didn’t keep the nation together, it split then he slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Americans to reunite it. He was a tyrant even to the people that remained in the union and was a strong believer in central power and control.
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