Reactions to Vols Living Outside Vol Country

I live in Tennessee but in the late 90s a buddy and I were on our way back from Talladega and stopped in Ft. Payne Alabama to eat. We were dressed in racing gear but I had the Power Ts on my truck's back glass. Some Bammer said as he was walking by that I had a lot of guts to have the Ts on my truck in that part of the country. I've been to races in AL and GA and never had anything said out of the way other than that comment and some respectful smack talk.
i used to get grief from all the nitnany lions up here, then they found out one of their beloved coaches was anal raping young boys and suddenly they were all like 'go vols'
:hi: DS9 is probably my favorite (loved the continuous/complicated plotlines of the Dominion War) but I like 'em all.

What do you think of the new movies? Yay or nay?
I think DS9 was my favorite too, in terms of actually having some sophistication. But I will still always have a warm spot for William Shatner's shameless overacting and TOS's Jello Monsters from Outer Space. And every 10 year old girl I knew (including me) was convinced that she could warm up Spock, 10-year-old girls having such a deep understanding of the male psyche. :pepper: (Man from Uncle was our other appointment TV, oh my.)

And I still hang on to the idealism of the whole Gene Roddenberry view of how things ought to be, regardless of the cynicism and crassness of the following decades.

I don't seem to go to movies any more, although I think I saw the first Star Wars (not Trek) movie 3 dozen + times when it first came out. But I will drag DH kicking and screaming to the new Star Trek movie, since it appears that I can see Starfleet Academy from my parking lot at work, and I drive home through Starfleet Headquarters. (And I thought that all I ever saw were ocean-going cargo ships and racing catamarans and Marin-bound Porsches! :))

edit to correct my sci-fi movies; it's been a long day
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I think either way is fine but I'd reserve lots of orange for game days only. Otherwise you look like you're going to a costume party rather than just sporting your colors.

Our orange is bright and very identifiable because the color is unique to us. You don't have to dress from head to toe to get noticed. I've been recognized by a lanyard as well as by black beach/shower shoes that have an orange power T on them.

I don't wear a lot of orange most of the time, just taking the chance to talk sh** to a mutt fan.
VolNExile said:
I think DS9 was my favorite too, in terms of actually having some sophistication. But I will still always have a warm spot for William Shatner's shameless overacting and TOS's Jello Monsters from Outer Space. And every 10 year old girl I knew (including me) was convinced that she could warm up Spock, 10-year-old girls having such a deep understanding of the male psyche. (Man from Uncle was our other appointment TV, oh my.)

And I still hang on to the idealism of the whole Gene Roddenberry view of how things ought to be, regardless of the cynicism and crassness of the following decades.

I don't seem to go to movies any more, although I think I saw the first Star Wars (not Trek) movie 3 dozen + times when it first came out. But I will drag DH kicking and screaming to the new Star Wars movie, since it appears that I can see Starfleet Academy from my parking lot at work, and I drive home through Starfleet Headquarters. (And I thought that all I ever saw were ocean-going cargo ships and racing catamarans and Marin-bound Porsches! )

That's great stuff!

There's a lot to love about TOS, even the cheesy stuff. Roddenberry's idealism shaped a lot of people, imo. It carried through all of the series in some manner or another. Even the gadgetry inspired and continues to inspire people to want to create these items and a future that is similar. It's rather amazing how it's all become such a part of the American psyche for generations now.

And you definitely have the location. IIRC, we're on track for first contact soon so get ready - lol.

I don't wear a lot of orange most of the time, just taking the chance to talk sh** to a mutt fan.

Understood. :toast:
Yeah they shut that was a movie theater that they converted into a sports bar...should have worked but you would have part of the group in a room and late arrivers would be left out at tables...didn't like the atmosphere there either..and that's the same bunch from Lewisville...they're at 3rd Base in Frisco now so I'm going to give it a shot this fall
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I may have to try to catch a game there this fall
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What reactions do you get when sporting Vols-wear outside Tennessee?

My wife and I live in Kentucky, She wore her Rise to the Top shirt to work Wednesday. Students and staff basically wanted to know what was wrong with her. Landscaper, uh. . .ahem, insulted her. A few secret Vols-ers fist pumped and high-fived her. When she entered Kroger on the way home, many folks stood away from her with frowns on their faces. But one bold clerk waved wildly at her and pointed to the white power T on his orange cap.

I once entered a Walmart here dressed in orange head to toe. People literally moved away from me as if I had leprosy or something. The clerk actually glared at me. On the way to a Vols game last year, we stopped in Corbin for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. The waitress assigned to us refused to serve us. That was OK because though she was not a bad looking gal in her late 30's or early 40's we got a 20-something cutie who oozed hospitality. Never said it, or indicated it but I suspect she was a Tennessean. She had this smile when serving us and a smirk when passing by the lady who refused to serve us. Cutie got a darn fine tip you can be sure of that. But we no longer stop there when heading for games. We go to CB closer to Knoxville now.

So what happens when you show your colors out of state?
Maybe they were amazed that you had all of your teeth and didn't order Mountain Dew with your breakfast
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At first I get the "SEC Really" cuz i'm from PA. Then I get the " Tennessee? band wagoner" Then I tell them " I am an Alum, I graduated in 1997. I was in the student section yelling like a madman. Was there when we we were at the top, & we will #RiseToTheTop again" Then they are all like, Ohh, Ok. Then I Butch Slap them betches!
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Nobody around here really bothers me. Sometimes I'll get "as long as it ain't Carolina" or "as long as it ain't Clemson" talk, or "what's wrong with you?" but most of the time, it's all in good fun. I've never felt threatened/insulted by the clothes I wear.
I may have to try to catch a game there this fall

Too upscale for you, mon frere! No tats allowed....:whistling:

I usually wear a Tennessee tee of one sort or's amazing how many Vols I run into out here. Most have a few comments about the current status of the team and how much they miss the great state. If I am in business clothes and see someone wearing the colors, I always try to strike up a conversation with them.
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I live in Mississippi and I take a lot of abuse,,,, you would think ole miss and miss st. Have won 12 national titles,,,,,,
Texas orange is descibed as "burnt"
Personally, it looks like a shade of orange mixed with cow dung.

Burnt orange stinks. If you don't believe it, set an orange on fire and smell the smoke. Texans don't know any better.
I have a Tennesse coffee mug and a Tenessee business card holder on my desk and I always get asked if I'm a Vol fan. Here's your sign...

I do have many people who are Florida or Georgia fans ask about Butch Jones and how i feel about him. Its always a positive conversation and they believe that he will be the guy to watch in the SEC in years to come and that UT will be a powerhouse under him.
Was just in Virgin Islands, met a bar tender from LSU and a waitress from Chattanooga.. good animosity in the islands...
When I lived in Utah years ago, I had the vanity plate GO VOLS. I would always get funny looks and "What's a Vole"?
Was just in Virgin Islands, met a bar tender from LSU and a waitress from Chattanooga.. good animosity in the islands...

No time for animosity in the islands. Everybody is too busy being lazy and loving it.

Being animositous :ermm: gets in the way of leisure time.
Here in Maryland my vol cap or t shirt doesnt get much of any kind of attention except an occasional recognition from another vol fan. I did run into a Florida fan working the meat counter at the local supermarket on a Sat morning before the Florida game. Of course he was bragging about how we didnt have a chance against the Gators. I've had the luck (good or bad?) to work with both LSU and Ole Miss fans at different times. So at least there is someone I can talk to who understands what SEC football is about. The LSU fan was our HR director, so he and I at least agreed on absolutely never hiring a Bama or Gator fan.
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What do you want to talk about? That he was own by Florida while often having the more talented team? That if Tennessee kept the dough-boy, he would have 6 more Alabama losses on his resume and counting?

See, finding an BAMA fan, willing to give you a personal opinion about the great pumpkin really ain't as hard as you make it out to be.

You do realize that, since we've only played 4 times since Fulmer was let go, he could mathematically only have 4 more losses on his resume, right? I mean, that's simple math. For God's sake, you're an Alabam--oh, nevermind.

As to the OP, living in Charleston SC it's slightly annoying that USCjr fans think that only Bama, UF, and LSU are in the same tier as them. They think Georgia is a notch below them. For the most part people are nice, but that's more because they can't remember anything before 2010, and in-state it's USCJr-Clemson, always. You get some innocuous "You stole Clemson's colors" statements, and you just gently remind them that they were where we are right now for their entire history up to 2010, and vice versa for us. They don't like to hear about history.
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Very pleasant responses. Even got some free food and great service from local business. Neighbor across street is Bama fan but very cordial and friendly to me, even shows genuine interst. One of best friend is UGA. He has lost his vitriol now that he has left the South. Helps that Colorado State Univ doesn't have strong sports (excluding basketball) yet. Also, Peyton Manning has helped. CO people love their Broncos.

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