Read and React Request for those still Believing Russiagate

Where are all these straw men you speak of?
They will be crawling out of the woodwork shortly. Remember this conversation.
There may be someone on here now willing to admit that they will be okay with the report not being released.
Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Libs suck at losing.

This thread shines a big light on this fact.

Bunch of whiny pu$$ys.
It's more a function of the "winner" being an horrendously despicable human, a once in 300 years catastrophe.
Libs suck at losing.

This thread shines a big light on this fact.

Bunch of whiny pu$$ys.

Let's read the entire report and see what Fat Uncle Bob Barr glossed over before claiming victory and the pussification of liberals.
Let's read the entire report and see what Fat Uncle Bob Barr glossed over before claiming victory and the pussification of liberals.

Your team lost in 2016 and have been whining like a P ever since.

Like I said. Y’all don’t know how to lose. Bunch of Ps.
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Is there anything other than the New York Times article from unnamed second hand sources indicating that Barr is misrepresenting the report?
They will be crawling out of the woodwork shortly. Remember this conversation.
There may be someone on here now willing to admit that they will be okay with the report not being released.
Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

I’m fine with it not being released, Luth. Barr and Mueller 100% exonerated President Trump. Why see the boring details?
Just do what the DIMs would do. Wait forever, then release a heavily redacted report to protect sources and methods, grand jury non findings, and executive privilege. And remember, 30,000 emails can be auto deleted and anything on blackberries can be smashed with a hammer.
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I’m fine with it not being released, Luth. Barr and Mueller 100% exonerated President Trump. Why see the boring details?

IANAL but 400 pages is a lot of pages to convey, "nothing happened."
I don't understand why any of you long time guys reply to LG. He seldom, if ever replies back and he only posts to try and trigger someone. He's an antagonist and his only reason for being here is to provoke.

I'm replying to you.

You must be in a class of idiocy all your own. Well done.
True, but I was talking about the millions who want to see the report with minimal redactions, not the millions blindly defending the burying of the report.
making another false argument. Literally no one has argued for burying of the report. Even Trump, fox news, and so on down your line of boogie men. no one.

This report thing is seriously the next:

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