Read and React Request for those still Believing Russiagate

My answers would be.
If Trump wants the report released with minimal redactions, then that will happen. So we will know the answer.

Trump has no control over the report, the redactions or when it will be released.
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My answers would be.
If Trump wants the report released with minimal redactions, then that will happen. So we will know the answer.

You do realize that an egomaniac would want to face Mueller down and would want the report released , right ? The only one that he wouldn’t want would be his taxes where he knows the media will pick every last detail apart 24/7 trying to make him look bad .
You do realize that an egomaniac would want to face Mueller down and would want the report released , right ? The only one that he wouldn’t want would be his taxes where he knows the media will pick every last detail apart 24/7 trying to make him look bad .
Only IF there was nothing to hide. Since he did not testify and we will soon see he does not truly want the report released, we will then be able to safely assume there are things he is attempting to hide.
Only IF there was nothing to hide. Since he did not testify and we will soon see he does not truly want the report released, we will then be able to safely assume there are things he is attempting to hide.

You are assuming now that he does . An egomaniac would think he’s better than Mueller and would want that interview , so if he is what you guys say he is .. that one would be a yes on your list .
So are you suggesting Barr and the Muell, all the 3 letter agencies and federal judges involved are in cahoots with Trump?
No more so than anyone was in cahoots with Obama. I would love is Barr was professionally independent. Barr was a big Jeb supporter and contributor in 2016 so I would think he has to recognize how despicable Trump is on some level. All of the Bush's despise Trump.
Only IF there was nothing to hide. Since he did not testify and we will soon see he does not truly want the report released, we will then be able to safely assume there are things he is attempting to hide.

The thing that hurts the cover up conspiracy the left is pushing already is the team that Mueller put together of liberals to investigate Trump . No way it’s gone this long without somebody leaking to the press . Not this annonimous one article in a paper either . It would be leaked like a water through a screen door to keep Barr from covering anything up .
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He has absolute authority to release what he wants to whomever he wants when he wants.

So you want him to influence the investigation by ordering Barr to release the report (i.e., actions that would meet the legal definition of obstruction)?
No more so than anyone was in cahoots with Obama. I would love is Barr was professionally independent. Barr was a big Jeb supporter and contributor in 2016 so I would think he has to recognize how despicable Trump is on some level. All of the Bush's despise Trump.

Oh please , you were a huge Hillary supporter . Did you recognize what a horrible hypocrite and despicable person Bernie is or nah ?
You are assuming now that he does . An egomaniac would think he’s better than Mueller and would want that interview , so if he is what you guys say he is .. that one would be a yes on your list .
He knows he's not better than Mueller unless the metric is money and power. His only metrics are money and power because he comes up severely lacking in every other metric of evaluating personal worth. Trump is the most insecure person to ever hold the office. He overcompensates by constantly exaggerating, lying, and demanding praise and adoration from those in his circle.
No more so than anyone was in cahoots with Obama. I would love is Barr was professionally independent. Barr was a big Jeb supporter and contributor in 2016 so I would think he has to recognize how despicable Trump is on some level. All of the Bush's despise Trump.

Do you think Barr has the only copy and would risk everything to alter the report to help Trump?
Oh please , you were a huge Hillary supporter . Did you recognize what a horrible hypocrite and despicable person Bernie is or nah ?
??? I was for Bernie over Hillary. I knew what type of anchor 25 years of right wing propaganda aimed at destroying Hillary would be.
No more so than anyone was in cahoots with Obama. I would love is Barr was professionally independent. Barr was a big Jeb supporter and contributor in 2016 so I would think he has to recognize how despicable Trump is on some level. All of the Bush's despise Trump.
LOL. And you left-wingers have the gall to call us conspiracy theorists....
??? I was for Bernie over Hillary. I knew what type of anchor 25 years of right wing propaganda aimed at destroying Hillary would be.

So then you realized what a horrible despicable person she was and went with the hypocrite ?
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Do you think Barr has the only copy and would risk everything to alter the report to help Trump?
I think Barr will do whatever he can legally get away with to portray Trump in the best possible light.
I think Barr will do whatever he can legally get away with to portray Trump in the best possible light.

Makes no sense you said he was a Jen supporter and had to realize what a despicable person Trump is .
So then you realized what a horrible despicable person she was and went with the hypocrite ?
?????????? Still not getting your point.
Hillary was not even remotely as horrible and despicable as Trump. Bernie is not even remotely as hypocritical as Trump.
Makes no sense you said he was a Jen supporter and had to realize what a despicable person Trump is .
True, but many who see how despicable Trump is have willingly sold their soul for personal gain and power. Not sure which camp Barr has joined.
?????????? Still not getting your point.
Hillary was not even remotely as horrible and despicable as Trump. Bernie is not even remotely as hypocritical as Trump.

Trump didn't take a pay off to step aside for another candidate. Bernie is the typical socialist/communist, do as I say whilst I do what's best for me.

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