Read and React Request for those still Believing Russiagate

IANAL but 400 pages is a lot of pages to convey, "nothing happened."
someone beat me too it, but you are forgetting this is the government we are talking about. And if its only 400 pages, after 2 years of investigation I actually think that's pretty small. Thats fewer pages than days spent on it.

The federal government has paid my firm to turn in 100 page reports on their bathroom buildings in one park.
IANAL but 400 pages is a lot of pages to convey, "nothing happened."
400 pages seems pretty small for a 2 year investigation as wide reaching as it was...Hell, he interviewed over 50 people right? That right there could fill up almost 400 pages.
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It's more a function of the "winner" being an horrendously despicable human, a once in 300 years catastrophe.
The fact you think Trump is the worst person to hold the office of President in 300 (lol) years disqualifies you from ever being taken serious or capable of rational thought. You check off a lot of boxes in the APA DSM-5..
No more indictments? No sealed indictments? RELEASE THE REPORT! There has to be something in it!!! Mueller and Barr are compromised!!! Anonymous sources who know anonymous sources told CNN and they told me so!!


bold and underline to emphasize the sources for the Mueller report being "damaging"....
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No more indictments? No sealed indictments? RELEASE THE REPORT! There has to be something in it!!! Mueller and Barr are compromised!!! Anonymous sources who know anonymous sources told CNN and they told me so!!


bold and underline to emphasize the sources for the Mueller report being "damaging"....
These people are so butthurt they can't even think straight any longer. :)
These people are so butthurt they can't even think straight any longer. :)
Its like 9/11 Trutherism...but 100x worse. Best part is they are so controlled by their delusions they can't even take a step back and realize how crazy they actually look/are. They will continue to keep believing the false Russia narrative no matter how many times its proven false. Kind of sounds like the definition of insanity...
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The fact you think Trump is the worst person to hold the office of President in 300 (lol) years disqualifies you from ever being taken serious or capable of rational thought. You check off a lot of boxes in the APA DSM-5..
people really need to take a hard look at LBJ. He was worse than Trump in a much more conservative time, meaning the difference between him and what was acceptable was even wider.
400 pages seems pretty small for a 2 year investigation as wide reaching as it was...Hell, he interviewed over 50 people right? That right there could fill up almost 400 pages.

Hard to argue with that logic.
These people are so butthurt they can't even think straight any longer. :)

I feel like someone is playing a game behind the scenes. How many times can CNN, New York Times, etc. cite anonymous sources that are later proven wrong and then still have their viewers believe later reporting using anonymous sources on the same subject?

Somewhere, the boy who cried wolf is wishing the villagers he was crying wolf to were the liberal left and he had described the wolf as Trump.
I feel like someone is playing a game behind the scenes. How many times can CNN, New York Times, etc. cite anonymous sources that are later proven wrong and then still have their viewers believe later reporting using anonymous sources on the same subject?

Somewhere, the boy who cried wolf is wishing the villagers he was crying wolf to were the liberal left and he had described the wolf as Trump.
the OP article brings a good number of those up.
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I feel like someone is playing a game behind the scenes. How many times can CNN, New York Times, etc. cite anonymous sources that are later proven wrong and then still have their viewers believe later reporting using anonymous sources on the same subject?

Somewhere, the boy who cried wolf is wishing the villagers he was crying wolf to were the liberal left and he had described the wolf as Trump.

That depends on how gullible your viewing audience or sheeple are and how emotionally invested into getting rid of Trump at any price they are . In Luther terminology it would be ... X + Y = % of TDS
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making another false argument. Literally no one has argued for burying of the report. Even Trump, fox news, and so on down your line of boogie men. no one.

This report thing is seriously the next:
lol........How gullible are you guys? Trump said he "wanted" to testify with Mueller, Trump said he would release his tax returns, Trump said he wants the report released. All 3 were and are colossal lies.
I'm anxious to see you how you guys respond to the premeditated gradual chipping away of the report's release.
The fact you think Trump is the worst person to hold the office of President in 300 (lol) years disqualifies you from ever being taken serious or capable of rational thought. You check off a lot of boxes in the APA DSM-5..
We will see how he ranks historically. I just hate having to wait that long to be proven correct.
lol........How gullible are you guys? Trump said he "wanted" to testify with Mueller, Trump said he would release his tax returns, Trump said he wants the report released. All 3 were and are colossal lies.
I'm anxious to see you how you guys respond to the premeditated gradual chipping away of the report's release.
See there you go again. you have him with 1 lie. but that's not enough. you have to continue on and post stuff that at best can't be proven to be a lie. Those two are wanting to testify, he might have but lawyers talked him out of it. Wouldn't be a lie. and the last, the report, hasn't even reached the date, so its literally impossible for it to be a lie right now.

stop making crap up.

it was always premeditated. those laws existed before Mueller even began his report.
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All the younger guys on here will be saying, "you know, it turns out luther was right all along; and that hog character just never did get it."

Anything is possible. Extremely unlikely but still possible.
See there you go again. you have him with 1 lie. but that's not enough. you have to continue on and post stuff that at best can't be proven to be a lie. Those two are wanting to testify, he might have but lawyers talked him out of it. Wouldn't be a lie. and the last, the report, hasn't even reached the date, so its literally impossible for it to be a lie right now.

stop making crap up.

it was always premeditated. those laws existed before Mueller even began his report.
Do you honestly think Trump wants the report released?
Do you honestly think Trump ever truly wanted to testify?
Do you honestly think Trump ever had any intention of releasing his tax returns?
Probably then succumbed to reason from his legal team.
My answers would be.
If Trump wants the report released with minimal redactions, then that will happen. So we will know the answer.
Do you honestly think Trump wants the report released?
Do you honestly think Trump ever truly wanted to testify?
Do you honestly think Trump ever had any intention of releasing his tax returns?
1. if I were him I would. just to end this mess. If its Trump releasing it and there being nothing major against him he can use it as political leverage, boy who cried wolf style. so yes I think he wants it released. he may not understand the full implications of that, but I bet he does. But to the point you have absolutely zero way to prove he doesn't, so you made something up to fit your narrative.
2. I think Trump wanted to testify under his own rules. when he found out he wouldn't get it that way he probably changed his mind with some help from his lawyers. Doesn't make his original statement untrue. so again you made something up to fit your narrative with zero way to show that you are right.
3. On this I will agree. he probably never did. which is why I granted it to you as his lie. I have no idea why you brought it up in your quote and questions unless you failed to understand what I said, and needed to push your narrative some more instead of dealing with the truth of the matter.

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