Ready to be called a Negavol, but here's a real question

holding those three teams to less than 30 point deficits would be victories.

heard this morning from a knowledgeable analyst that UT "might" be able to pull off an upset of Vandy or Auburn.

so, your question is a good one ie what will be the fallout from another losing season?

a top 30 class signed in february.

further loss of season ticket holders.

on VN about an equal number of posts stating "fire Botch" and "give him as much time as he wants because he is our coach."
In all truthfulness, if we can't compete with Oregon, we're going to be outclassed with our SEC schedule. Bama, GA, USCe, and Fl would all beat Oregon a minimum of 6 out of 10 times played, and the first two would probably win 9 out of 10.

I think the most realistic upset is Oregon. The talent level is comparable (although they have a gamechanger), and we do create mismatches with their personnel. It's time for Butch to shine.

We'll let Butch shine after your put down the moonshine. The "talent level" is not there. Look at field performance vs stars. It's pretty obvious.
yet both are the target of this thread since many see no difference

Personally, I've got no problem with somebody acting like a cheerleader as long as they don't annoy the crap out of me by expecting me to do the same thing.
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In all truthfulness, if we can't compete with Oregon, we're going to be outclassed with our SEC schedule. Bama, GA, USCe, and Fl would all beat Oregon a minimum of 6 out of 10 times played, and the first two would probably win 9 out of 10.

I think the most realistic upset is Oregon. The talent level is comparable (although they have a gamechanger), and we do create mismatches with their personnel. It's time for Butch to shine.

They have two legit Heisman contenders. The talent level isn't nearly as close as you and others seems to think it is.

Those players have been in the same system their entire playing careers and were recruited to play in that system.

Not so much with our team.

I can't believe how many people here think that winning that game is realistic. First year starter at one of the most hostile environments in the nation.
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There's nothing wrong with it if you can support it with something other than the usual battle cry of "I'm a true Vol fan" nonsense.

and why does it matter if the only support I have is I'm a fan who's excited to watch another season of UT football? The desire to make fun of anyone who dares say "GBO" is really confusing

Same people here that are ready to build a statue of Jones before he coaches a game are the same one who supported Dooley until the bitter end.

See how that worked out.

the Dooley comparison is weak and used up. Find something else
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And you know this will To answer the question, what we can do is to pull for the team to win each and every game. Will it happen? No, but the negativity of some folks is just pathetic.

That's not an answer, that's just going in blind with your fingers crossed. You're flipping the question back again. How do we know we're going to compete in all those games? We don't, but that's what so many want us to believe. I'm just simply asking the what if. Can you really deny that at least on paper we are undermanned and less talented in many of those games mentioned?
They have two legit Heisman contenders. The talent level isn't nearly as close as you and others seems to think it is.

Those players have been in the same system their entire playing careers and were recruited to play in that system.

Not so much with our team.

I can't believe how many people here think that winning that game is realistic. First year starter at one of the most hostile environments in the nation.

It's not delusional man, brick by brick we will rise to the top. Butch Jones gets it. Dobbs will lead us to the battle field and our defense will be dominant.
See the post Florida reaction from last year.

I've never seen our fans go into complete denial like they did leading up to that game. It was like Florida suddenly forgot how to play and one decent win meant we were contenders for the SEC East.

Would it have been better if we laid down and submit that Fla. was going to beat our a**.

Inky says

"We don't lay down for no one, we don't take the back seat to anybody, We are Tennessee!!!"
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and why does it matter if the only support I have is I'm a fan who's excited to watch another season of UT football? The desire to make fun of anyone who dares say "GBO" is really confusing

It's great to support the team like that. I do the same thing. I've just got no interest in a Big Orange kumbaya fest where we pretend everything is great because the coach says the right things.
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It's not delusional man, brick by brick we will rise to the top. Butch Jones gets it. Dobbs will lead us to the battle field and our defense will be dominant.

who in our secondary is going to make us dominant? What happens when/if we have to sub in some LBs?
I look at it this way. This year is starting to lay the foundation of better things to come. I believe the attitude of the players are different, and their outlook on the season is different. They know each other and the staff better than we do, therefore they will push each other harder than in the last few years.

The attitude of the coaching staff is different. (Thank heavens)! I don't believe this coaching staff will allow the players to have / develop a negative attitude. These guys are teachers of the game and hold this group of young men to a higher standard and accountability than they are used to. The players have bought into what the coaches are telling them.

Upon saying that, I believe there is not a game on the schedule that my beloved Vols cannot win. Do I think we go undefeated this year, no. Do I think we surprise some teams, yes!!! Will I still pull for them if they lose, ABSOLUTELY!!! "It's great to be a Tennessee VOL"
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All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

If these things happen, I predict a reemergence of the could have hired Gruden clan.
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and why does it matter if the only support I have is I'm a fan who's excited to watch another season of UT football? The desire to make fun of anyone who dares say "GBO" is really confusing

the Dooley comparison is weak and used up. Find something else

The Dooley comparison plays. Whether you like it or not.
The same folks saying "just give him a chance" are the same folks "fired up" for another season of unrealistic expectations that will surely be eradicated midway through the game in Eugene, only to be brought back to life when we play UF.
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Would it have been better if we laid down and submit that Fla. was going to beat our a**.

Inky says

"We don't lay down for no one, we don't take the back seat to anybody, We are Tennessee!!!"

It's like I'm posting in Chinese. People's inability to make a distinction between objectivity and allegiance is unreal.

All I'm saying is that when I looked at that game I thought to myself, "they're still Florida and they've got great athletes. We need to pump the brakes a little. ".
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The amount of UT fans that are whine, cry, moan, we suck, cry moan, no talent, whine, cry, moan, argue points of why we will suck, cry, whine about people who think we can win, cry, moan, "common sense", cry a little more, "realist" makes me sick. Do us all a favor and keep your piss poor attitude bottled up inside
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and why does it matter if the only support I have is I'm a fan who's excited to watch another season of UT football? The desire to make fun of anyone who dares say "GBO" is really confusing

That's the problem. Too many only see one side or the other. Why isn't there middle ground? Of course I want Tennessee to win every game and be dominant. Unfortunately I'm a giant nerd. I cruch numbers, I watch the other teams a lot. I look at rosters, talent pools, previous history. Due to that a lot of games this season don't look so rosey. I'm not turning in my fan card, I'm still wearing orange, especially after any loss, it's what I do. But I can't go in all blind homerism thinking we're going to win every game when I see what else is out there.

I'm not bashing on those that do. But a lot of those that do have these win every game expectations have been bashing on me for not expecting to win and compete in all our games.
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Everyone here should be excited bout Vol Football... No doubt bout that... But should we have high expectations with inexperienced QB's young WR's nothing special RB's, defensive secondary that is probably the weakest we've seen in a long time. Last year defense (just pointing out this game)against Fla was a joke wait till this year.. Against teams like Georgia and Oregon
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The OP acts like there is something wrong with optimism, and one of the mods even makes a derogatory remark about "blind homerism". I don't try to tell you how to be a fan. However, there is nothing wrong with getting excited about the Vols playing football, and hoping for them to do well. There is something wrong if you enter the season depressed and trying to predict the number of losses and beat downs that the Vol's will receive.
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