Ready to be called a Negavol, but here's a real question

I've got an idea. Let's play a few of the games on the schedule before we decide what this team cannot do.
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Works out great, because my life doesn't rise or fall on football. I get to enjoy being a fan and watching the Vols. And I get to have a life, family, relationships, and the things that really matter.

So UT football doesn't matter?

Not a true Vol fan!
I've decided to go all Zen this year. The last 4 years I've expected to have slightly better years than we had. The last two were the most frustrating I've had since Johnny Majors one year started out 0 - 6, and ended up 5 - 6. I'm hoping we win more than we lose or break even, and go to a bowl, but I'm not going jump off a bridge if we don't. I know it's going to take 3 - 4 years of recruiting like the 2014 class to become meaningfull again. Yes, just like the Dooley situation, but our current coach and staff seem far more equipped than the previoius coach and staff to make that long climb back up. Brick step by brick step.
I've got an idea. Let's play a few of the games on the schedule before we decide what this team cannot do.

Message board material pal.. This is what a forum is for discussion, hell who knows my opinions might change a million times but what my gut says bout this year and what my fandom feelings are, two different things.
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I'm going into the season expecting the Vols to win them all. That's the fun and excitement of football season. If they lose a game I'll be very disappointed, down in the dumps for about an hour, recover, then enjoy watching the other games that day. Sunday morning I'm looking forward to next game. Been doing it that for over 40 years. Love football season.
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YEAH it is funny, since the whole thread starts by saying:
"What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens"

As if being optimistic means that something bad is going to happen.

That's what you took it as. You automatically go into defense mode. I simply asked "what if." You're just helping to prove my point.
I guess us that think we are going to have a really tough year this seasons aren't true fans. God forbid we post our opinions on a message board... Being from right up near Jacksonville, I see die hard fans decked out in gear all the time. But they know damn well they aren't winning the SuperBowl.
I guess us that think we are going to have a really tough year this seasons aren't true fans. God forbid we post our opinions on a message board... Being from right up near Jacksonville, I see die hard fans decked out in gear all the time. But they know damn well they aren't winning the SuperBowl.
Try being a Raider fan..
Let me also say this to the "optimists" were the same people telling me to keep quiet about Derek Dooley because he "gets it".

Yeah, if only people had not told you to be quiet, I bet something would have been done about Dooley more quickly. It is such a shame that the 'optimists' created such a mess
That's what you took it as. You automatically go into defense mode. I simply asked "what if." You're just helping to prove my point.

so what did you mean by "What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens"

I took it to mean that something bad would happen, like I'd lose my firstborn child

I mean, it's not like something can really happen by just being optimistic, except maybe enjoying tennessee football
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I understand why winning against the highly rated teams might be a pipe dream. But I have not seen a logical argument why people believe AU and Vandy at home are an expected loss. From reading about those two teams it sounds like they have as many questions about their teams as we do.
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I understand why winning against the highly rated teams might be a pipe dream. But I have not seen a logical argument why people believe AU and Vandy at home are an expected loss. From reading about those two teams it sounds like they have as many questions about their teams as we do.

All the people calling me a negaVol gave no doubt missed where I made that exact same point earlier.
I will go into the season thinking we have a chance to win every game. I can't help that. That being said, my post game reactions and degree of ensuing depression or jubilation will be based on this scale. (subject to change as the season progresses)

AP - Win
WKU - Win
Oregon - Pretty likely a loss
Florida - Likely a loss
SA - Win
UGA - Chance of an upset
USC - Good chance of an upset
Bama - Loss
Mizzou - Win
Auburn - Win
Vandy - Win
UK - Win
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