Ready to be called a Negavol, but here's a real question

The amount of UT fans that are whine, cry, moan, we suck, cry moan, no talent, whine, cry, moan, argue points of why we will suck, cry, whine about people who think we can win, cry, moan, "common sense", cry a little more, "realist" makes me sick. Do us all a favor and keep your piss poor attitude bottled up inside

What's your take... Anything else. We are gonna win every game right? Numbskulls I tell ya.. Where's Hman
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The amount of UT fans that are whine, cry, moan, we suck, cry moan, no talent, whine, cry, moan, argue points of why we will suck, cry, whine about people who think we can win, cry, moan, "common sense", cry a little more, "realist" makes me sick. Do us all a favor and keep your piss poor attitude bottled up inside

Go Vols!
All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

I hate you, my daddy hates you, and your country hates you. Big orange gon' win every game 'is year...negavolin', bama lovin bastard.

...I 100% agree with you, BTW. For about the last 6 years or so, it seems that if you don't think the Vols will run the table every year you must hate the University.
The OP acts like there is something wrong with optimism, and one of the mods even makes a derogatory remark about "blind homerism". I don't try to tell you how to be a fan. However, there is nothing wrong with getting excited about the Vols playing football, and hoping for them to do well. There is something wrong if you enter the season depressed and trying to predict the number of losses and beat downs that the Vol's will receive.

You contradicted yourself in record time, congrats.
The OP acts like there is something wrong with optimism, and one of the mods even makes a derogatory remark about "blind homerism". I don't try to tell you how to be a fan. However, there is nothing wrong with getting excited about the Vols playing football, and hoping for them to do well. There is something wrong if you enter the season depressed and trying to predict the number of losses and beat downs that the Vol's will receive.

God forbid a "mod" insert some logic into the discussion or even have an opinion for that matter.
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I hate you, my daddy hates you, and your country hates you. Big orange gon' win every game 'is year...negavolin', bama lovin bastard.

...I 100% agree with you, BTW. For about the last 6 years or so, it seems that if you don't think the Vols will run the table every year you must hate the University.

We must work for ESPN.
I just find it funny when people say..."WE GOT A SHOT AT OREGON!!111!one!" then in the very same post say "And We'll probably win at least one against USC UGA or UF"

Oregon is probably the best team on the schedule this year aside from Bama....
The amount of UT fans that are whine, cry, moan, we suck, cry moan, no talent, whine, cry, moan, argue points of why we will suck, cry, whine about people who think we can win, cry, moan, "common sense", cry a little more, "realist" makes me sick. Do us all a favor and keep your piss poor attitude bottled up inside

Dear diary,

I am are angry.
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What's your take... Anything else. We are gonna win every game right? Numbskulls I tell ya.. Where's Hman

He who don't believe is he who don't succeed. You always have a fighting chance no matter the opponent. And I do believe we are a lot more talented than you naysayers what to believe
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The OP acts like there is something wrong with optimism, and one of the mods even makes a derogatory remark about "blind homerism". I don't try to tell you how to be a fan. However, there is nothing wrong with getting excited about the Vols playing football, and hoping for them to do well. There is something wrong if you enter the season depressed and trying to predict the number of losses and beat downs that the Vol's will receive.

All I'll say is you're not following me and I hope you enjoy the season.
He's welcome to his opinion, even if it does stink. I'm just not gonna let him bring me down. I will always be a homer for the Vols

How's that worked out the last decade? You probably applauded when Hamilton gave Fulmer an extension after 8 wins.
There's nothing wrong with it if you can support it with something other than the usual battle cry of "I'm a true Vol fan" nonsense.

Same people here that are ready to build a statue of Jones before he coaches a game are the same one who supported Dooley until the bitter end.

See how that worked out.

Well let me just say I for one supported Dooley till the end because anyone true to their team will do that! If you can't support the staff and team regardless of who it is then there are other teams that you are welcomed to go cheer for! We are Tennessee and we trust our team and staff enough to think they can win each and every game! If you don't like it move over to Vandy because you are not a UT fan!! Same goes for the OP that started this thread! If you consider yourself a fan then have faith or move on plain and simple!! Now flame away folks cause it will not change me!
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The OP acts like there is something wrong with optimism, and one of the mods even makes a derogatory remark about "blind homerism". I don't try to tell you how to be a fan. However, there is nothing wrong with getting excited about the Vols playing football, and hoping for them to do well. There is something wrong if you enter the season depressed and trying to predict the number of losses and beat downs that the Vol's will receive.

Funny how not having this optimism automatically equals bashing such optimism.

PJ, this is exactly what I was referring to in my previous comment.
How's that worked out the last decade? You probably applauded when Hamilton gave Fulmer an extension after 8 wins.

Works out great, because my life doesn't rise or fall on football. I get to enjoy being a fan and watching the Vols. And I get to have a life, family, relationships, and the things that really matter.
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Well let me just say I for one supported Dooley till the end because anyone true to their team will do that! If you can't support the staff and team regardless of who it is then there are other teams that you are welcomed to go cheer for! We are Tennessee and we trust our team and staff enough to think they can win each and every game! If you don't like it move over to Vandy because you are not a UT fan!! Same goes for the OP that started this thread! If you consider yourself a fan then have faith or move on plain and simple!! Now flame away folks cause it will not change me!

Would still be happy if Fooley was still our coach...
Funny how not having this optimism automatically equals bashing such optimism.

PJ, this is exactly what I was referring to in my previous comment.

YEAH it is funny, since the whole thread starts by saying:
"What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens"

As if being optimistic means that something bad is going to happen.
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