Realities of „Free Healthcare“

Ah excellent response. Seems like you are implying that this article is full of false information. So knowing that, it should be extremely easy to refute all of this with much more respected (in your eyes at least) sources.

Maybe not false but at least dubious. The article from the OP doesn't even say that all these people died waiting for treatment for what killed them. In fact, it says "Some died waiting for procedures that were linked to their deaths, for example, cardiac surgery. Others died waiting for treatments that would have improved their lives, such as a cataract procedure."

It also doesn't say what caused them to wait for their procedure. It only implies that this is due to free healthcare. Anyway, it's not like people in America don't die due to lack of access to healthcare.
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Sorry, but I think you're deluded with your opinion. "Actual" Canadians, for the most part, think differently than you. My experiences in the last 12 years confirm it

So you speak for all Canadians? 🤣😂 Your experiences don’t mean more than anyone else’s.
Maybe not false but at least dubious. The article from the OP doesn't even say that all these people died waiting for treatment for what killed them. In fact, it says "Some died waiting for procedures that were linked to their deaths, for example, cardiac surgery. Others died waiting for treatments that would have improved their lives, such as a cataract procedure."

It also doesn't say what caused them to wait for their procedure. It only implies that this is due to free healthcare. Anyway, it's not like people in America don't die due to lack of access to healthcare.

I live in Cleveland, OH. This place is a medical mecca thanks to Cleveland Clinic. You could blindfold yourself, spin around, throw a rock, and hit a doctor's office.

It was a three month wait to see a rheumatologist. My daughter needs therapy to help her deal with the upcoming move in August; next available appointment is mid October. And this is after calling around through the referral and appointment hubs and individual offices. If you're not about to die, good luck.

And it was so much effing worse down south. You could get an appointment, but the Medicaid region wouldn't allow any decent treatments unless you were almost dead.
Sorry, but I think you're deluded with your opinion. "Actual" Canadians, for the most part, think differently than you. My experiences in the last 12 years confirm it
That, and the fact that there is no serious movement to dismantle the Canadian health care system and replace it with our scam based model.
Do you see the problem here?

I understand the confusion. I'm not on, nor have I ever been on, Medicaid.

The US is divided into ten Medicaid regions. In reach of those regions, the Medicaid office is empowered to decide what is and isn't covered. That coverage decision is pretty unanimously mirrored by the for-profit insurance companies in the region.

CMS Regional Offices | CMS

So even if you're not on Medicaid, their coverage decisions affect you very directly.

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