Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Meh. Not really in tune with us I don't think. This season didn't have high expectations and it's far from over.
So many of them go so wrong. I accept your appraisal and move on without clicking.

I thought the way they used their forum last week to cover up the massive and transparent rigging by Birmingham's officials in our game against Bama was unconscionable and disgusting.
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You sir are on fire!
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1. As far as Barnes goes I hope he is able to change my mind about him the way the portal guys did about them. Only way he can do that though is make some March magic. ( I'll leave it there so I don't get in trouble.)
2. Last years team got an OK whistle and they had a legit shot at the playoffs. They were respected in the league. This years team, I can't remember pre season but I think we are 12th is, now we are down to 17. All the talking heads had us at 9-3, our Vegas O/U was 9.5 ( I admittedly thought 10-2 was the floor) Nobody had any respect for this team and the league didn't see us as a contender. To get the respect we want we need to be pre season top 10, we need to be the ones the media writes the narrative on as a contender. I honestly think next year will be another frustrating year, but even if we go 8-4 or 9-3 as long as Nico plays well I think we will get the hype going into year 5( which I believe should be a make or break year for Heup.) It sucks that Heupel won't blast the refs but honesty it won't do him any good and will just make things rough. Right now wether we like it or not we just need to take our medicine and deal with it.
You rooting for Barnes to make some March magic may be the super-secret absolute VooDoo we always needed! 😂 Unstoppable! I think all of us are hoping for it.
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Do you know what a check is?
I guess checking is only a defensive move from looking more at it, but Petgrave is coming in to check Johnson when he gets hit (not checked) by another offensive player and is turned around so his check of Johnson is now sideways.

It was clear he was trying to check Johnson but it doesn't look like he was trying to kick him in the face with his skate. It looks like he was knocked off course by another offensive player and a freak accident occurred. Maybe he kicked out without thinking in the moment too but that won't get you to manslaughter either.

It would definitely make people think twice before taking up contact sports if you could be charged criminally when things go wrong.
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You rooting for Barnes to make some March magic may be the super-secret absolute VooDoo we always needed! 😂 Unstoppable! I think all of us are hoping for it.
I mean I've always hoped he could, I just expect the inevitable choke.

I will say I already have a significant sum on Vols +300 to win the SEC.
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Crud!! Why can’t we just have the noon game on ESPN?!
I think there is a lot of backstage maneuvering to make us play at Mizzou at night and to make sure that GA doesn't play a night game in Knoxville. It is my understanding that Sankey has input on the TV schedules. I don't know that Danielson knew that he would have our GA game or just wishcasted it. But it does make sense as the top game.
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Have you ever watched hockey? Not trying to disrespect you or your superior knowledge of law, but I wonder.
Im not a big fan but I've watched a bit. I qualified my other comment calling it a check from the third player but there was contact that sent him off course and contributed to him getting turned around.
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Probably not, though I don't disagree with most of his points.

Invert the statements you thought I was disagreeing with, and you'll better get my point.

ETA: Dabo didn't sound unhinged, though his reply was probably not advisable. It's not a good look for him to tell the fanbase to be thankful to/for him when he's in a 4-4 season. He should probably have said something like:

"I know that you're angry and probably trying to get a rise from me, Tyler. I'm angry and disappointed too. I'll just say that my career speaks for itself at the moment, and we're working very hard to right the ship this year. I'd appreciate your patience, and appreciate the patience of this great Clemson fanbase as we return to the expectations we've built here."
It’s a tough spot for him to be in because you don’t want to be an arrogant prick about it, but I think it’s ridiculous to expect a grown man (and a grown man who has been extremely successful in his chosen career, by any measure) to grovel and apologize to some random 30-year-old on a public radio show in response to that disrespectful “question.”
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Unclear by some on social media? These men aren't figure skating. Unless you get upended, your skates stay on the ice. He lined him up and "intentionally" launched a side kick into the opposing players upper torso. Did he mean to kill him? Was he just trying to rearrange his face? I don't care. If I walk into an ice skating rink and side kick someone I don't like in the neck and it kills them, I am going to jail for murder. This makes me sick and it is caught by TV cameras. There is no "guessing" here. I feel sick for his parents. I feel sick for his teammates. I just feel sick. I have never, ever seen that in a hockey game, and I watched Marty McSorley.
I'll just add that I absolutely despise the common practice of professional athletes or soon to be professional athletes skating* on criminal charges, and then paying off the victims in a civil settlement. It's a real issue in "social justice" that people with means and fame are permitted to skip criminal sentences on the regular. It's so bad that people commonly say when, for example, an NFL player assaults someone, "that's going to cost him a lot of money." As if it is a foregone conclusion that fame and money automatically makes the person untouchable by criminal law. It's unhealthy for all involved and the country and a travesty.

* Sorry, couldn't help it.
It’s a tough spot for him to be in because you don’t want to be an arrogant prick about it, but I think it’s ridiculous to expect a grown man (and a grown man who has been extremely successful in his chosen career, by any measure) to grovel and apologize to some random 30-year-old on a public radio show in response to that disrespectful “question.”

Saban nailed it earlier this year when confronted with the same thing. Pretty sharp contrast. Dabo sounds like he’s done to me. Beginning of the end when you’re fighting with fans and media.
I doubt any prosecutor would indict. All you need is reasonable doubt in 1 of 12. The reddit post above is enough for that. "I was just trying to impede his forward progress so he couldn't move the puck."

The defense attny looks earnestly at the jury.

"Women and men of the jury..." Gestures toward the defendant. "Every one of these men know when they skate onto that court that it's a dangerous, physical, game of skill and grit. They take that chance when they skate out there."

"Do any of you have kids? Imagine one innocent tackle that goes wrong... They toss a bat after a homerun... They spike a volleyball... Would you want your son or daughter sitting in that chair? Would you want their life in the hands of strangers because they all chose to play a dangerous sport?

As sad as this situation is, don't make it sadder. One mother has lost a son. Don't take another's..."
That wasn't a hockey move.
He's just lightening up the bandwagon a little more. . . all part of the plan to return them to perpetual mediocrity.
Is he still leading the team on to the field, making the moment all about himself and slighting his players? Or has he taken to hiding in the back and running out with the trainers?
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Do I feel bad that we broke Dabo and he's still talking about it? 😂 Negative.
If im not mistaken, Saturday was the first game we had Thorton line up outside instead of slot. That seemed to work well for him and I hop we continue to do that
Next year if Thorton gets it together and Bru comes back should be jump ball city. Nico should have plenty of 1 on 1 opportunities.
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