Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Joe Milton had a bad game, but if you factored in drops where the receivers had both hands on the ball with no defenders on them, he had a 78% completion percentage.
This is the Derek Jeter defense (and I’m a Yankee fan, love Jeter).

Look at his fielding percentage! Yea, well look at all the balls he doesn’t even get to. His range at SS is poor at best.

Completion % for Joe isn’t going to show missed reads.
It won’t show the shots not taken over the middle.
It won’t show the throws that stopped getting called all together.
And it doesn’t distinguish LOS throws.
This is the Derek Jeter defense (and I’m a Yankee fan, love Jeter).

Look at his fielding percentage! Yea, well look at all the balls he doesn’t even get to. His range at SS is poor at best.

Completion % for Joe isn’t going to show missed reads.
It won’t show the shots not taken over the middle.
It won’t show the throws that stopped getting called all together.
And it doesn’t distinguish LOS throws.
Yeah, Small is a progress stopper. I said what I said.

I bought the Joe hype. You hear all offseason how he can throw a cannon ball to the moon and how there has been zero drops all camp etc - and it’s easy to buy the hype. I obviously didn’t think he’d be Cam Newton good but I certainly thought he’d be a hell of a lot better than he’s shown. What part of his game has impressed you so far?

Re-read my post - I said stop being predictable on second down. It’s always the same play. And I wasn’t drunk to begin with. I was there with my 14 year old son and had a 4 hour drive home.

And I didn’t say we didn’t have a shot against those teams. I said I didn’t have a lot of confidence going into them like I once did.

Sober up and re-read my post. It likely wouldn’t upset you so much.

Can you point to actual data that shows Small as a progress stopper? Bc he had the most explosive play on offense. And again 7.3 per carry. Seems like quite a bit of positive progress. So you said what you said but what you said was dumb.

I didn’t say I was impressed with Joe? I just said if you thought he was Cam Newton then that’s on you. Questionable decision making on your part.

I don’t have to re-read your post to know that you shouldn’t question anything about a Josh Heupel offense. Data gathered over multiple seasons proves this.

And you’re right you said something about not having confidence and not sure how anyone could. I misrepresented that as you saying we don’t have a shot.
They went to a 3 minute commercial break. The ref had to run about 60 yards to the camera and the review was still over around the 2:00 minute mark. I thought since it was quick, it was an obvious catch. Now, I am not confident they reviewed anything at all.
Birmingham office must have told them to let the obvious bad call stand. They claim to participate remotely on all reviews.
No way Nico touches the field in're stating to hell with this season and look to next year 2 games into this year?? Huh
Not a very "QB friendly" program if we bail on the 6th yr senior less than halfway through Game 3. The guy who stuck around as a backup, poured his heart and soul into the program instead of leaving, who's 4-0 as a starter in the last 2 seasons with 0 INTs, the leader of the team, and give the keys to the true freshman who probaboy hasn't earned that respect level from the team yet.

An action that would make players and recruits say, "If he'd/they'd bail on that guy so quickly after everything hes put in, then he'd/they'd bail on me quickly too."

Some people are too nearsighted to see the whole picture. Joe deserves a whole season, and a chance to look better and get his name called next spring. Allowing that to happen will do more for our program in the long run than bailing on him and "taking lumps" with Nico in his true freshman season. Potentially getting him hurt in the process.
If y’all thought the officials last night were bad, better prepare your butts for Tuscaloosa next month. Likely Alabama will be playing for their playoff lives with 1 or 2 losses and Saban has certainly been in their ear about their 1000 penalties last season. I don’t see us getting any kinder a whistle as the season continues, sadly.
This is the Derek Jeter defense (and I’m a Yankee fan, love Jeter).

Look at his fielding percentage! Yea, well look at all the balls he doesn’t even get to. His range at SS is poor at best.

Completion % for Joe isn’t going to show missed reads.
It won’t show the shots not taken over the middle.
It won’t show the throws that stopped getting called all together.
And it doesn’t distinguish LOS throws.
When people are complaining about accuracy what other stat do you want to use?
The talk about Golesh from a few posters during the game was silly to me.
1) Milton looked like this when he started in 2021 (Golesh as the OC)
2) Plays were there to be made but couldn’t execute. Wether it was Milton throwing rockets or the receivers unable to catch them there were plays that were drawn up and there

Golesh is a good coach and hope he does well at USF but that was just silly talk
Not a very "QB friendly" program if we bail on the 6th yr senior less than halfway through Game 3. The guy who stuck around as a backup, poured his heart and soul into the program instead of leaving, who's 4-0 as a starter in the last 2 seasons with 0 INTs, the leader of the team, and give the keys to the true freshman who probaboy hasn't earned that respect level from the team yet.

An action that would make players and recruits say, "If he'd/they'd bail on that guy so quickly after everything hes put in, then he'd/they'd bail on me quickly too."

Some people are too nearsighted to see the whole picture. Joe deserves a whole season, and a chance to look better and get his name called next spring. Allowing that to happen will do more for our program in the long run than bailing on him and "taking lumps" with Nico in his true freshman season. Potentially getting him hurt in the process.
The poster obviously is a Milton hater ever post during game from the poster was bashing Milton ...well most of the statements were...
If y’all thought the officials last night were bad, better prepare your butts for Tuscaloosa next month. Likely Alabama will be playing for their playoff lives with 1 or 2 losses and Saban has certainly been in their ear about their 1000 penalties last season. I don’t see us getting any kinder a whistle as the season continues, sadly.
Probably 2 losses at Ole Miss on 23rd and at A&M on October 7 will lose one of those 2... I expect home teams to get some calls... that is what was confusing about yesterday if I didn't know better would have swore Tennessee was road team...
I don’t have to re-read your post to know that you shouldn’t question anything about a Josh Heupel offense. Data gathered over multiple seasons proves this.

I was pretty clear exactly the scenario I was questioning. You should re-read it. Like, read the entire point I made and digest it. Don't just focus on key words and catch phrases.

You don't have to do this now. Maybe try a little hair of the dog that bit ya and take a quick power nap. Then try again when you have a clear head.

Again - read and comprehend.
I was pretty clear exactly the scenario I was questioning. You should re-read it. Like, read the entire point I made and digest it. Don't just focus on key words and catch phrases.

You don't have to do this now. Maybe try a little hair of the dog that bit ya and take a quick power nap. Then try again when you have a clear head.

Again - read and comprehend.

So you have no data to support your attempted points which turns out are just feelings. Established.

And now you’re going into post #2 - and back to back - where you’re using the joke I already introduced into the convo.

Be better, man.
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When people are complaining about accuracy what other stat do you want to use?
If people are only talking about “accuracy” then they aren’t looking at the whole picture.

If he’s missing reads and not taking open throws over the middle. If routes have stopped being called all together, etc..

Does it really matter if he’s 8 of 10 (or whatever) on throws under 5 yards?
Not a very "QB friendly" program if we bail on the 6th yr senior less than halfway through Game 3. The guy who stuck around as a backup, poured his heart and soul into the program instead of leaving, who's 4-0 as a starter in the last 2 seasons with 0 INTs, the leader of the team, and give the keys to the true freshman who probaboy hasn't earned that respect level from the team yet.

An action that would make players and recruits say, "If he'd/they'd bail on that guy so quickly after everything hes put in, then he'd/they'd bail on me quickly too."

Some people are too nearsighted to see the whole picture. Joe deserves a whole season, and a chance to look better and get his name called next spring. Allowing that to happen will do more for our program in the long run than bailing on him and "taking lumps" with Nico in his true freshman season. Potentially getting him hurt in the process.

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