Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Ready for him to prove him wrong, and am rooting as hard as anyone for Joe. But I’m not convinced he isn’t a complete headcase at this point. He plays it off in the post-game and acts cool as a cucumber, but the dude comes out AMPED almost every time out there. It is what it is.

Nobody wants to say the obvious. Joe doesn’t have it upstairs. He’s operating on dial-up technology. You don’t fix that. You replace that.
After reading the story, she admits that she did nothing about it for months. She didn't report anything until she wasn't getting additional money from the MSU. She was so traumatized that she didn't even hang up the phone. She was so traumatized that she cried endlessly after the call but didn't report anything until she stopped getting paid. Something smells to high heaven here.
Something does, but Tucker has done nothing to help himself. He put himself in the situation. I think he is done, though.
Perfect example of a knee jerk reaction. Still too early to write off Joe or this team. Was it frustrating? Sure. Everyone trying to bench Joe can pound sand though…….which it sounds like y’all are already doing.

This is his third year in the system with arguably the best QB developers in college football and he still lacks accuracy and sometimes touch. Doesn’t seem to have a feel for the game.

I’m not saying he’s garbage - but I sincerely doubt he’s a 10-11 win QB.

My only hope is that because of our first two opponents- we’ve been playing a very bland and boring style of offense and
we wake up vs Florida.

Bookmark this if you want. There’s nothing more that I’d like than to eat crow at seasons end.
A lot of people overreacting to a game against Austin Peay. Those games mean nothing one way or the other outside of hopefully getting backups some time and getting a W. We the occasional no show game every year in college football against lesser teams, but really doesn’t have an impact week to week unless it’s a common occurrence. 1st one of the huepel era, think we make up for it next week.
7.3 ypc with a long of 38 is a progress stopper? Cool story.

You thought Joe Milton was Cam? Lol that was dumb. I assume your he ain’t “it” is in reference to him not being Cam and taking over college football. But he can still be good enough for this team to win 10 games. And 10 wins would be a spectacular season.

Are you telling Josh Heupel to stop being predicable? Are you still drunk? You’ll see guys running wide open all year long bc that’s what Heupel does. It’s ok to be predictable vs UVA and AP.

You’re giving way too much credit to other teams. A&M, FL, USCe have all looked plenty suspect. Not saying we beat all of them - I’d expect some tough games - but to think we don’t have a shot against them? Ok yes you are still drunk.

Yeah, Small is a progress stopper. I said what I said.

I bought the Joe hype. You hear all offseason how he can throw a cannon ball to the moon and how there has been zero drops all camp etc - and it’s easy to buy the hype. I obviously didn’t think he’d be Cam Newton good but I certainly thought he’d be a hell of a lot better than he’s shown. What part of his game has impressed you so far?

Re-read my post - I said stop being predictable on second down. It’s always the same play. And I wasn’t drunk to begin with. I was there with my 14 year old son and had a 4 hour drive home.

And I didn’t say we didn’t have a shot against those teams. I said I didn’t have a lot of confidence going into them like I once did.

Sober up and re-read my post. It likely wouldn’t upset you so much.
We may see Nico by halftime. Joe ain’t it. He may have a good game where we think he’s “fixed” and then suddenly he looks like a true freshman. We need to start preparing Nico for next year and have him ready to go because we have no more cupcakes for him to develop this year outside UConn.
No way Nico touches the field in're stating to hell with this season and look to next year 2 games into this year?? Huh
A couple of those both hands on the balls would have been above average catches. They will probably tell you they should have caught them, but they were very, very tough catches to make.
True. I just hold them to a higher standard because we were told all off season they were out best position group. I would say that 4 of the drops were were very tough catches, but there has still been 3 drops this year which were very easy catches on good balls.
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