Recruiting Football Talk VII

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So we spend a ton of money and a couple of years digging for Pruitt dirt then the NCAA keeps us hanging for an eternity and we get probation and schollies cut. Michigan, on the other hand, has their case fully investigated and gets a coach suspended for 3 games in a couple of weeks? Then it's "nothing to see here, move along, it's over and done"? How many wins did they cheat in and win? How much money did they fall into by cheating? How much money did their cheating cost opponents? All this and it's a 3 game suspension? Sorry but that's not even a slap on the wrist and it's a total farce.
This is from the Big Ten, not the NCAA.

All the SEC did was send Sankey to pull strings in our favor. Still a scumbag and it was only self-serving.
Hey VN...........

I don't do stuff like this, but I know the love and compassion on this forum.

I have to put down my golden lab Phoebe today after 15 years. She truly saved my life during some very difficult life experiences. She has been my best friend since the day I brought her home and will be missed more than anyone can imagine.
Some thoughts and prayer would be much appreciated.


View attachment 594326

Losing a dog is one of the hardest things in life. They are family. The unconditional love they give you is always remembered. I lost my golden last year due to undetected cancer. Just know that Phoebe loved you and she knows that you loved her.
Hey VN...........

I don't do stuff like this, but I know the love and compassion on this forum.

I have to put down my golden lab Phoebe today after 15 years. She truly saved my life during some very difficult life experiences. She has been my best friend since the day I brought her home and will be missed more than anyone can imagine.
Some thoughts and prayer would be much appreciated.


View attachment 594326
Sorry to hear this....sorry for your loss.
Hey VN...........

I don't do stuff like this, but I know the love and compassion on this forum.

I have to put down my golden lab Phoebe today after 15 years. She truly saved my life during some very difficult life experiences. She has been my best friend since the day I brought her home and will be missed more than anyone can imagine.
Some thoughts and prayer would be much appreciated.


View attachment 594326

So sorry brother! Is a very tough thing to do!
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The guy literally tells you his mental state is so awful that he doesn't respond for 2 weeks...

And your response is to kick him off the team? There are things bigger than football. Maybe take a second to listen to the kid. Then maybe sit him the rest of the season (probably best for him anyway).

But to take EVERYTHING (team, scholarship, school, his entire life as a ~20 year old) away from him at his LOWEST POINT...yeah that's f'ing despicable.
We don't know the full story. Not a clue what the folks at Ole Miss, Kiffin included, had been trying to do for this guy up to that point. They could have been offering him all kinds of help. We also don't know how that conversation with Kiffin no idea what the guy might've said or what Kiffin might have said before he hit record. I know we all don't like Kiffin, but you can't assume the worst when we've only got a small fraction of the story here.

Also...he's reported to still be on scholarship but removed from the team.
Desmond Howard went off on the Big Ten over the Michigan scandal😬

"This would never happen in the SEC. The Commissioner would never let Vanderbilt & Kentucky and all these other universities say, ‘Hey, you need to punish Nick Saban & Alabama right now."

Honestly, I like that idea. SEC schools should stand up to Sankey and put an end to the sway Bama and Georgia have. It's been fairly obvious that they get favored. Especially Saban and Bama. I wish the SEC, Tennessee included, would grow the nads to stand up to Sankey.
The guy literally tells you his mental state is so awful that he doesn't respond for 2 weeks...

And your response is to kick him off the team? There are things bigger than football. Maybe take a second to listen to the kid. Then maybe sit him the rest of the season (probably best for him anyway).

But to take EVERYTHING (team, scholarship, school, his entire life as a ~20 year old) away from him at his LOWEST POINT...yeah that's f'ing despicable.
Here is how I look at this. If I just stop showing up for work for 2 weeks and say my boss continually reaches out to me and ignore him because "I am just not ready to talk", then I would get fired in a heartbeat. Now alternatively, if I am struggling with mental health and I inform my company that I need to take some unpaid time off because of my mental health, then they will likely work with me on helping me out, or if i stop show up for work and my boss reaches out to me and I tell him what is going on, then again i would take unpaid time off and they would work with me.

You cannot do immature things and then hide behind mental health, that's not reality and if anyone thinks it is or should be, then they are living in fantasy land. This is the harsh reality of life in the real world.
Hey VN...........

I don't do stuff like this, but I know the love and compassion on this forum.

I have to put down my golden lab Phoebe today after 15 years. She truly saved my life during some very difficult life experiences. She has been my best friend since the day I brought her home and will be missed more than anyone can imagine.
Some thoughts and prayer would be much appreciated.


View attachment 594326
Praise God for a great pet, and I’m so sorry about today. Prayers for you.
Hey VN...........

I don't do stuff like this, but I know the love and compassion on this forum.

I have to put down my golden lab Phoebe today after 15 years. She truly saved my life during some very difficult life experiences. She has been my best friend since the day I brought her home and will be missed more than anyone can imagine.
Some thoughts and prayer would be much appreciated.


View attachment 594326
Very sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, nothing we can say to ease your pain.

I'm still mourning the loss of Molly, our Border Collie. And that was months ago.
Hey VN...........

I don't do stuff like this, but I know the love and compassion on this forum.

I have to put down my golden lab Phoebe today after 15 years. She truly saved my life during some very difficult life experiences. She has been my best friend since the day I brought her home and will be missed more than anyone can imagine.
Some thoughts and prayer would be much appreciated.


View attachment 594326

Great looking dog…..”been there done that”. Will keep you in my thoghts and prayers. Never easy but know Phoebe is in a better place -

Rainbow Bridge.
CFB (at least FBS) will go to in helmet coms ala NFL next year. NCAA has to look like they're doing something on this one.
I’m curious on how they would do it. The way the NFL does it would cost the NCAA butt loads of money.

Currently, the NFL has a comms employee at every game. They either assign the frequencies to the team or the team picks their frequencies, can’t remember. The employee is then in charge of monitoring the lines and also in charge of turning the comms off at a certain point in the play clock because the helmet mics aren’t allowed to be on the entire time.

There is more into it than that too but just that alone makes the NCAA version much harder. Think about 130+ teams, 60-70 games a week. If they did it exactly how the NFL does it, then that’s dozens of new employees you need to hire, more travel/food/expenses per employee and that’s not even counting equipment, training and whatever else they’d have to pay for. I just don’t think the NCAA can say, “let’s just implement it the way the NFL does.” It’s a lot of money and time. They have it, but let’s be honest, everyone is already predicting their demise. Who knows if they want to take this on when they have more important things going on like battles with congress. That alone is money pit as well.

If they do, it will most likely be a new variation and not the NFL model. That takes time though.
So we spend a ton of money and a couple of years digging for Pruitt dirt then the NCAA keeps us hanging for an eternity and we get probation and schollies cut. Michigan, on the other hand, has their case fully investigated and gets a coach suspended for 3 games in a couple of weeks? Then it's "nothing to see here, move along, it's over and done"? How many wins did they cheat in and win? How much money did they fall into by cheating? How much money did their cheating cost opponents? All this and it's a 3 game suspension? Sorry but that's not even a slap on the wrist and it's a total farce.
The punishment would be coming from the conference, not the NCAA. The NCAA hasn't gotten involved yet. This is all from the B1G.

Humane officially launches the AI Pin, its OpenAI-powered wearable​


It’s a gadget designed for interacting with large language models, not apps, and for talking instead of typing. But it’s not yet entirely clear what you’re supposed to use it for.​

I ain’t wearing no Sally. Keeping her in my pocket.
I’m curious on how they would do it. The way the NFL does it would cost the NCAA butt loads of money.

Currently, the NFL has a comms employee at every game. They either assign the frequencies to the team or the team picks their frequencies, can’t remember. The employee is then in charge of monitoring the lines and also in charge of turning the comms off at a certain point in the play clock because the helmet mics aren’t allowed to be on the entire time.

There is more into it than that too but just that alone makes the NCAA version much harder. Think about 130+ teams, 60-70 games a week. If they did it exactly how the NFL does it, then that’s dozens of new employees you need to hire, more travel/food/expenses per employee and that’s not even counting equipment, training and whatever else they’d have to pay for. I just don’t think the NCAA can say, “let’s just implement it the way the NFL does.” It’s a lot of money and time. They have it, but let’s be honest, everyone is already predicting their demise. Who knows if they want to take this on when they have more important things going on like battles with congress. That alone is money pit as well.

If they do, it will most likely be a new variation and not the NFL model. That takes time though.
Yeah, they have more important things to do than that, like making sure teams are not taking pictures for players on unofficial visits. If we know one thing for sure, it's that the NCAA has always been diligent in making sure their priorities are in order.
So we spend a ton of money and a couple of years digging for Pruitt dirt then the NCAA keeps us hanging for an eternity and we get probation and schollies cut. Michigan, on the other hand, has their case fully investigated and gets a coach suspended for 3 games in a couple of weeks? Then it's "nothing to see here, move along, it's over and done"? How many wins did they cheat in and win? How much money did they fall into by cheating? How much money did their cheating cost opponents? All this and it's a 3 game suspension? Sorry but that's not even a slap on the wrist and it's a total farce.
This ain't the NCAA.....

When the NCAA rules on this in 2032 it will be a LOT worse. Vacated wins, post-season ban, etc.
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