I kind of thought suspending Harbaugh was them helping Ohio State. He can't be on the sideline when they play a week from Saturday.
They have succeeded in confusing people into believing that this urgent action or rather quaint decoy wrist-slap was needed to do something "before the playoffs were affected." But
the playoffs were affected last year. That uncomfortable fact has been buried. The Big 10 has convinced people this was something that only affectd the Big 10. That is false.
And the story has now been put into place to permit Michigan to go to the playoffs
again this year if they win out, which would have caused an uproar otherwise. So it buys Michigan an completely unfair path to participation.
The NCAA is also in a position now to later say that Michigan has
already been wrist-slapped by the Big Ten, so it isn't fair to penalize them twice.
Also, once Harbaugh bolts for the NFL, they will add (if Michigan is lucky, after they have a title) that it's not fair to punish new players who had nothing to do with Harbaugh's rule breaking. (As if they had a problem with that in our case.)
Notice that the NCAA has, first, already stalled on the
earlier recruiting and coaching violations against Harbaugh, including lying to the NCAA, with the wrist-slap that Harbaugh not coach the Balls Tate game this year, etc. Second, The NCAA (and the media) turned a complete blind eye to the illegal activity the football program was involved in with university computers in January. And that is an institutional control issue because the university runs IT. And finally the NCAA has stalled or ignored yet a third time, this time on this signal stealing mess. That's a helluva lot of cheating with impunity.
To top it off, people are now misunderstanding Michigan as having been adequately dealt with by the Big 10 suspension Harbaugh for three games. If it were a team outside of the cheating with impunity club, they would be looking at lack of institutional control.
That's what I meant. I figure OSU will emerge as the Big 10 representative.
Having said all of that, I think Michigan is much, much cleaner than Bama; and If Michigan is the only way to block Bama's path it is in the interest of justice that Michigan take Bama's spot.