Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.
Prayers for healing and God's Peace and Comfort.
I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.
Yes, brother. In God’s hands. Praying for her and you and medical staff.
I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.
I can't top @BaldBiker but please know he speaks for all of us. You have all of my prayers and my fervent hope that everything goes very well. Please keep us posted
I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.
I generally eff around on here, with occasional actual football talk. But along the way, I have made friends who will never know me. Through the years I've spent on here I have gotten to know you (whether you know me or not) and I've got to say. You seem like a hell of a guy.

Just want you to know. There are a lot of people on here who have gone through some sh*t with our loved ones. Don't ever feel alone. Feel free to unload on us. If not "us", then "me".

I don't know if i'll be heard, or even deserve to be heard anymore, after the way I've felt and the things I've said after having gone through losing my wife...but...

I haven't said this in many years...God bless and I'll pray for you and your wife.

Hoping for God's blessing for you and yours.
joe and his family are beautiful people and so are you. Never doubt it and I never say anything unless I believe it. Just ask @joevol33.
Another thing this made me think of....I have often said that losing my angel would be one of the only things that could really derail me from the path thst I started 25 years ago, and I fear it happening above everything else...I hate that you went through that, I don't want to imagine it because it terrifies me.
A good friend of mine lost his wife to cancer almost two years ago. She was only in her late 30's and they have two young children. They are believers and the grace and peace that she approached death with was amazing. Her understanding of her reward and destination gave them such a sense of calm and peace. It was amazing. I pray that I could have such peace and calm if I were in their place. I love my wife fiercely and would be a mess without her. But if God is ready to call her to paradise, then I would be a fool to stand in her way of that much joy.
I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.
Prayers sent. Hoping for the best for you guys.
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