Recruiting Football Talk VII

I generally eff around on here, with occasional actual football talk. But along the way, I have made friends who will never know me. Through the years I've spent on here I have gotten to know you (whether you know me or not) and I've got to say. You seem like a hell of a guy.

Just want you to know. There are a lot of people on here who have gone through some sh*t with our loved ones. Don't ever feel alone. Feel free to unload on us. If not "us", then "me".

I don't know if i'll be heard, or even deserve to be heard anymore, after the way I've felt and the things I've said after having gone through losing my wife...but...

I haven't said this in many years...God bless and I'll pray for you and your wife.

Hoping for God's blessing for you and yours.
Thanks for sharing peepaw. Sorry for your loss, sir.
I generally eff around on here, with occasional actual football talk. But along the way, I have made friends who will never know me. Through the years I've spent on here I have gotten to know you (whether you know me or not) and I've got to say. You seem like a hell of a guy.

Just want you to know. There are a lot of people on here who have gone through some sh*t with our loved ones. Don't ever feel alone. Feel free to unload on us. If not "us", then "me".

I don't know if i'll be heard, or even deserve to be heard anymore, after the way I've felt and the things I've said after having gone through losing my wife...but...

I haven't said this in many years...God bless and I'll pray for you and your wife.

Hoping for God's blessing for you and yours.
While a beautiful post, you could have left out the "hell of a guy" part. You're gonna give him a big head.

Joe knows I'm kidding. He's a fellow zoner. Giving each other a hard time is what we do.

And my thoughts and prayers continue to go out to Tiffany and their 3 daughters. They have enough on their plate dealing with Joe.
While a beautiful post, you could have left out the "hell of a guy" part. You're gonna give him a big head.

Joe knows I'm kidding. He's a fellow zoner. Giving each other a hard time is what we do.

And my thoughts and prayers continue to go out to Tiffany and their 3 daughters. They have enough on their plate dealing with Joe.
True. Doesn't Tiffany post on here on occasion?
I generally eff around on here, with occasional actual football talk. But along the way, I have made friends who will never know me. Through the years I've spent on here I have gotten to know you (whether you know me or not) and I've got to say. You seem like a hell of a guy.

Just want you to know. There are a lot of people on here who have gone through some sh*t with our loved ones. Don't ever feel alone. Feel free to unload on us. If not "us", then "me".

I don't know if i'll be heard, or even deserve to be heard anymore, after the way I've felt and the things I've said after having gone through losing my wife...but...

I haven't said this in many years...God bless and I'll pray for you and your wife.

Hoping for God's blessing for you and yours.
Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust.

That is one of my favorites...
Edit: I should have included that I’ve never meet a more seeking attention who*e on this site besides @Weezer . I really expected more from you than that furry freaky ball.
Hold up. Slice is a much bigger attention whore than I. Ask him. He'll admit it.
How dare UTSA get their QB to fake an injury with Tennessee game being next weekend...maybe he seen highlights of Pearce and Beasley on SEC Now...😎
Hell! I thought I was gonna have to give you an explanation for my last post. You've been on longer than me! You've seen it all!

Post more.
People forget how old you are. They probably assume you know that @RikidyBones was UTVols88, but even if you did know, you probably forgot.
I generally eff around on here, with occasional actual football talk. But along the way, I have made friends who will never know me. Through the years I've spent on here I have gotten to know you (whether you know me or not) and I've got to say. You seem like a hell of a guy.

Just want you to know. There are a lot of people on here who have gone through some sh*t with our loved ones. Don't ever feel alone. Feel free to unload on us. If not "us", then "me".

I don't know if i'll be heard, or even deserve to be heard anymore, after the way I've felt and the things I've said after having gone through losing my wife...but...

I haven't said this in many years...God bless and I'll pray for you and your wife.

Hoping for God's blessing for you and yours.
Another thing this made me think of....I have often said that losing my angel would be one of the only things that could really derail me from the path thst I started 25 years ago, and I fear it happening above everything else...I hate that you went through that, I don't want to imagine it because it terrifies me.
I generally eff around on here, with occasional actual football talk. But along the way, I have made friends who will never know me. Through the years I've spent on here I have gotten to know you (whether you know me or not) and I've got to say. You seem like a hell of a guy.

Just want you to know. There are a lot of people on here who have gone through some sh*t with our loved ones. Don't ever feel alone. Feel free to unload on us. If not "us", then "me".

I don't know if i'll be heard, or even deserve to be heard anymore, after the way I've felt and the things I've said after having gone through losing my wife...but...

I haven't said this in many years...God bless and I'll pray for you and your wife. I appreciate your kind words, and everyone that's willing to let someone unload. I'm like you, I spend time here acting crazy, but have spent time talking with some when things have been bad. As a guy you want to always appear strong, but sometimes we need an ear also

Hoping for God's blessing for you and yours.
First, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I must've messed up, I swear I typed more 🤣. I appreciate it man, sometimes we need someone to talk to.
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I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.
Sending positive thoughts and love your way

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