Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Is Schrader going pro? Because he was 100 percent the difference for them this year.
Schrader is going into the NFL draft. I don't know about his eligibility but he has peak appeal right now and wouldn't stay if he could.

A great story like VFL Byron Young. Except a VFL is greater by axiom.
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My issue is with the defense. People have went on and on about improvement on the defensive side. The improvement was due to a much weaker schedule at least from an opposing team's offense perspective. Overall I'm 💯 pleased with the team. I think Tim Banks and his scheme are the Achilles heel of this staff.
i think that's a bit short sided, because if the defense was bad, they'd be bad. and they simply weren't. we aren't good enough yet to be considered at the top of the conf, but relative to where we are in that pecking order, we did very well. the defense won the aTm game basically, and while nobody is going to sing the praises of the Iowa offense...that's a program that won 10 games and played for a big 10 title...and we shut them out....which is what a good defense does to a bad offense.

i don't think anyone believes the defense is elite. but it's really hard to argue that they didn't get better from one year to the next, even with the limitations at DB and LB.....
I won't weigh in on Banks debate because i think the jury is still out, but I have noticed defensive coordinators tend to be very devisive figures. People made fun of Cutcliffe and Steele at points on this board when they were candidates. Some disliked Wilcox. Others thought Monte was washed up. The only unifying force was Sunseri. When there is agreement on VN we are screwed. The other interesting fact I will toss out is most of these position coaches get ridiculed at one school and then prized and heralded at the next. Go read some of their resumes. They are like a Carhartt jacket from a uniform company. Change the label and zip it up.

I hope you never reach an agreement on Banks though cause that means he works somewhere else for either good or bad reasons.
My only comment is that Monte was terrible here.
I dont think this tweet is fair.

We lost 2 starters(possibly upgraded but we don't know for sure yet) but even if they returned Baron and T Mac most likely would've been in the 2 deep.
Fair for the coaches and collective that everyone bashes? Hell yes.

Fair for the couple of guys that demanded more money and we opted not to match? ....gtfo

It would help me immensely if some posters would add context...
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It's better because we have better players. Primarily in RG's group. The play calling with zero situational awareness has remained the same. Terrible DB play (Tim Banks specialty, mind you) has remained the same. Getting toasted every time we are in zone has remained the same. I'm not a coach, I can't diagnose the last one, but I can notice...

Think about where the defense would be if the Dline had improved at the same level as the rest of the defense, particularly the pass rush. And who with the straight face is prepared to give Banks credit for that? We all know who did that.

I'm prepared to give BJM a pass. He has a deep group but very thin with experience. That group this year was Beasley, a dude who's not a linebacker, and two freshmen.

The secondary... The tale of two halves defense, the mind boggling play calling. The fact that Banks is still here is concerning and the fact that Willie is still here is alarming. It is what it is.
The bottom line is that it has improved. He does also scheme some creative pass rushes. The secondary has been an issue. But every defense that improves also gets better players.
From Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?
I don’t think that he has the measurables for the SEC 😂
Visual of young Doc in his local theater watching the opus of filmmaking for his 12th viewing in the front row. Hair parted down the middle…buried behind a double layered buttered tub of popcorn and double fisting Juji Fruits into his feeder…cheering on Short Round. 😏
Is Schrader going pro? Because he was 100 percent the difference for them this year.
He really flipped a switch the second half of the season. His carries per game went way up and they really leaned on him. The first half of the season had some real struggle wins against bad teams despite their improved passing game. I think they might have been more of a 9 win team without him...which would still be a good turnaround for them but now they're going to have inflated expectations for next season (kind of like us for this season). Their passing game was good and defense was pretty solid, but riding Schrader the back half of the season took that offense to another level. Losing him will hurt. If they lose their DC to LSU...then they might struggle next season despite the friendly schedule.
I think our DC has been hamstrung by what we had on the roster at DB, they tried to put a bandaid on it for 3 years now but I think now talent wise they have some recruits in those positions that they were hoping for from the beginning and hopefully that leads to more aggressive defensive secondary calls moving forward.
Dee Williams going pro huh?
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This would be a major loss for them. I’ve heard a number of analysts/podcasters suggest Mizzou had one of the best overall coaching staffs in the country last year. Results kind of showed that.

Losing their DC as well as a few key pieces likely results into them taking a serious step back next year - regardless of their insanely easy schedule.

Interesting that this is posted here and you mentioned it would be a loss for Mizzou, but our fan base wants to fire someone who has done an almost exact defensive turnaround despite the having far greater challenges than mizzou in 2021.

It really says something ugly about some of our fan base. On one hand you have a coach getting praised and courted for jobs for accomplishing a defensive turnaround based on statistical improvements and the other coach, who statistically improved a defense very similar, if not better as we are #22 in scoring d and Mizzou is #25, but our fan base want our coach fired.

Do better Tennessee fans, y'all showing your biased hearts.
My issue is with the defense. People have went on and on about improvement on the defensive side. The improvement was due to a much weaker schedule at least from an opposing team's offense perspective. Overall I'm 💯 pleased with the team. I think Tim Banks and his scheme are the Achilles heel of this staff.

Who are the DCs you want them to go get?
And the heavens opened and all creation extolled the magnificence of the revelation. Buddy you blow up your whole point. It's the Jimmys and the Joes. I have experienced some of my best coaching jobs in decent seasons with inferior talent. Some of my worst coaching jobs were with great talent in championship seasons. If you have the horses it's hard to screw up, if you don't it takes a miracle.
Will you stop using this excuse after next year, please? I’m tired of people using it when the portal exists and you can flip rosters so easily now. It’s been three years. That’s enough time. Let’s let it die now. Year four coming up.

With that said. Defense was better this year. DL was really good. And ppg was really good. Secondary was still bad though which is not a good look when your DC handles safeties. I do feel much better knowing we have Boo and Turrentine at safety though. Big upgrades in athleticism.
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