Recruiting Football Talk VII

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When that happens...just please please please don't hire someone that will just take a giant Shoop on us...

I've seen bad...Banks ain't really good or far...but he sure as f'n hell ain't bad...InVol just doesn't want to admit the difference.

I'll take mediocre over bad any day....there is NOTHING in the world of Vol football as hellishly painful as watching the f'n Commodewhores put up 40+ on our team...that's beyond bad..
Therein lies the problem. The BVS is so bad that many are willing to settle for just being mediocre, and those of us saying we can be better than mediocre "are expecting too much!". Alabama went through a downswing and bounced back with Nick Saban. Georgia was the very definition of mediocrity for years, then came Kirby Smart. Hell, we used to laugh and joke about their empty trophy case, now they have two shiny trophies from back-to-back national championships. Yes, it's a process, and you can't expect a title every year, or even for every year to be great, but there is zero reason not to believe we can reach the same heights. If Georgia can do it, we can do it.
The results would have looked better if Keyton had continued running and caught the TD….68%, 206 yds, 2 TDs plus 3 rushing TDs.

I really think Keyton just lost that the way it appeared to me.

I thought the worst drop was the wide open whif by Sampson. He may still be running if he catches that. 😆
And Milton’s would’ve looked better if Keyton didn’t misjudge other long balls this season. That wasn’t the first one he had trouble with this year.

Wish it wasn’t his last year of eligibility bc I believe he’s better than what he put on the field this year.

But nobody will ever forget his catch vs FL last season.
That’ll be my memory of Keyton!

Absolutely! Was there and it....was....Epic!

I hope he continues to work and makes his way on a roster next year.
And the PLACEMENT? I’m sure I just overlooked it, but I didn’t see a bad pass thrown by Nico in his first start. Nothing that a receiver had to twist their body into a pretzel to make a good play on. Nothing over their heads or at their toes. Wait til he knows what he’s doing!

Only one I remember was someone(can't recall who) going across the middle and it was slightly behind him. Guy was covered pretty well and was not off by much.

Was very happy with how accurate he was! That's one smoothe kid!
Lol. Ok tough guy. Go back to your cave now. And if you don’t think follow the leader and rikberry posting all time about banks and saying once he has a few more players, blah blah… If that isn’t implying how great he is then I don’t know what is.
I like Tim banks. Great? I dunno. But I think he’s good. I think at times he runs plays he’d rather not due to personnel. I think with the right players his defensive could be incredibly destructive and even swing the total score two scores our way. We had the personnel on dline and him and crg have had them doing very well, at least improving year over year. Our linebackers are so young it’s hard to judge but Beasley was great and banks was better than I ever thought he’d be. Our defensive backs… just haven’t got the requisite talent to shut people down man to man. And we need that. Willie has gotten his fair share of criticism. Both on the field and off it. We need to start landing some premier CBs and Ss to really pull this defense all together and see what it’s really made of.
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Whatever it takes..... whatever.... it.... takes....

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Man, we need a cabin in the Smokies if we don't already have it!
UT does not want to renegotiate deals with agreed-upon terms. The precedent is to not give in to ultimatums when terms have been set. This has happened recently with both players and recruits. The players that threatened portaled. The recruits either went elsewhere or came back to the terms and signed.

Roster management is difficult in the current landscape. UT doesn't have a problem because the staff has been clear and consistent. They took care of current players first, and they've honored their commitments. They expect the same and reward it. Deviating from that would cause problems. Players know what to expect and sending mixed messages would mess that up.
Interesting updates from AP: Baron is visiting another school (not UK), hopefully he drives Ole Miss crazy and/or gets them to pay more. Also, Bama was his original landing spot but he upped his number after he got in the portal and they turned him away.
**** that pos 🤬 the fact he was going to Bama makes me really despise him...go somewhere and rot 💩head! 😡😡😡😡
Yeah sometimes his play calls are questionable, but is he bad enough that you need to rant about how bad he is on the daily?

TN in 2021 ranked 90th in the country in total defense.

32nd two years later after getting better players. The defense played as well as it did without the complementary football it normally receives from the offense.

The trend is improvement. Probably gonna have a top 25 defense next year.
Dang that's impressive.

As is finishing 3rd in the SEC in scoring defense.
We probably could have. We would have sacrificed tempo in order to huddle.

Not sure we could have done anything like that on defense. About the best you can do is have a designated player position run onto/off the feild with the call and try to communicate it before each snap. Really hard and would make it virtually impossible to play against any tempo or without offensive substitutions.
would've been nice to have back-up signals or number signals and. . . arm bands, 😂. Considering their offense is what did us in, it would've been hard to overcome. I think we could've beat them in a shootout, like the bama game if they were unable to predict our offensive calls.
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