Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I think it’s time we stop blaming the drops on un-catchable throws. You saw the same issues in the bowl game with the passing game we saw all season.

And Joe dropped some absolute dimes at times. Nico will be better, no doubt, but no reason to pretend like Joe doesn’t have absurd arm talent. He just couldn’t / didn’t throw on the run.
Joe can't process quickly enough to run the offense anywhere near peak efficiency. Yes..he can throw it hard, about as hard as anybody ever..but he has zero touch...and he either totally misses a developing play, or sees it late and throws it out of sync.

I love Joe...he gave it all he had, he worked hard and improved a lot and played well...but..he ain't Nico.
UT does not want to renegotiate deals with agreed-upon terms. The precedent is to not give in to ultimatums when terms have been set. This has happened recently with both players and recruits. The players that threatened portaled. The recruits either went elsewhere or came back to the terms and signed.

Roster management is difficult in the current landscape. UT doesn't have a problem because the staff has been clear and consistent. They took care of current players first, and they've honored their commitments. They expect the same and reward it. Deviating from that would cause problems. Players know what to expect and sending mixed messages would mess that up.
Speaks about the locker room culture that Beasley was suggesting with former players causing more problems for coaches.
Don't they already have those?

The ncaa would still have to change to allow pay for play.

And contracts would have to adjust to make them based on playing at a school for X years and do away with transfer portals.

Would take a lot of cooperation and imo would only make things shadier.

Make the unis finally pony up. They should be the ones paying them.
I’ve never seen an NIL contract, but I don’t see why it would be a problem for it to be based on the player performing in a specific market and if he leaves in the transfer portal it’s a breach of the contract.
who are the top defensive coordinators in the country….Looked at top ten paid…. Matt House,Kentucky DC, Kevin Steele are on the list…. He finished top 16 in power 5 ppg allowed…. a good chunk of that list is the big ten…. they don’t play offense….His stats say that he has done a pretty good job….. i’m not adverse to change but it better be for a 100% lock guarantee or we will end up with another sunseri.
That is my greatest fear...ending up with a Sunseri-Shoop type of horror show.
For the last time I don't hate Banks. He's just not very good, IMO. I'm sorry so many are disturbed by that. I see this window of opportunity and I can see it slipping through our fingers. I realize that any criticism of coaches is met by mob rioting 😂 . I'm ok with that. Some will be right and some will be wrong. I'm very comfortable with my stance.
Uhmmm...I clarified it that time...I said "Banks defense". I never thought or meant that you actually hate Tim Banks personally to start with. You have no reason to hate Tim Banks personally and we were talking about his defense, but sindce you pitched a fit at me earlier today for saying you hated Tim Banks, I made sure and clarified what I meant that time.

You do absolutely hate him "as a coach"'ve made that abundantly clear.
I’m not making it up. That was the report earlier today (unless something has changed).
I wish the coaches recognized it early in the game and just let Hooker call all the plays himself. I bet he could've done it and won.
I don't think having our offensive signals helped them so much...but they were tipped off to our defense..they knew exactly where to go with the ball on nearly every freaking play..
I don't think having our offensive signals helped them so much...but they were tipped off to our defense..they knew exactly where to go with the ball on nearly every freaking play..
Yeah. 38 should've been enough against a team that managed 0 offensive points against a dreadful Florida group. Something weird was going on for sure.
And threw for 151 yards while completing 63% of his passes. The passing game issues didn’t go away bc of Nico.

He helped the offense with his instincts to run and ability to do so. But the passing game wasn’t great.

But I do agree the offense will be better.
Would you still say that if Keyton catches that perfect deep ball, and that perfect pass across the middle..and if Sampson catches that perfect shovel pass with blockers set up perfectly and few defenders in front of him?
Therein lies the problem. The BVS is so bad that many are willing to settle for just being mediocre, and those of us saying we can be better than mediocre "are expecting too much!". Alabama went through a downswing and bounced back with Nick Saban. Georgia was the very definition of mediocrity for years, then came Kirby Smart. Hell, we used to laugh and joke about their empty trophy case, now they have two shiny trophies from back-to-back national championships. Yes, it's a process, and you can't expect a title every year, or even for every year to be great, but there is zero reason not to believe we can reach the same heights. If Georgia can do it, we can do it.
Ok...good job of avoiding the truth.
I really think Keyton just lost that the way it appeared to me.

I thought the worst drop was the wide open whif by Sampson. He may still be running if he catches that. 😆
Keyton had a horrible drop of a perfect pass on a crossing pattern that was just as bad as Sampsons whiff.

I will never totally understand Ramels issues this year...the only thing I can come up with is that it got in his head early with that bad drop against Virginia and he got a case of the yips.

He was much more reliable last year.
Is nico faster than Milton?

Is Nico more agile, quicker, slippier, with quicker change of direction?

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Would Joe win a foot race that was long enough for him to get up to speed in a straight line?

I'd suspect so

2 different categories. But football-relevant, I've always loved the quick-footed, elusive, and still fast guys all day over the more lumbering folks. That's not just about Nico-Joe, I just think one fits the position better. Straight line top speed may be better for outside receivers(?)
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