Exactly! I recall Saban swooping in and taking To'o To'o: that's what liars and frauds Saban and Bama fans are with their complaints about "football being ruined." It wasn't even legal for Saban to do that like it is today. But somehow Birmingham revoked the rule prohibiting intra-conference transfers at exactly the moment Saban wanted to swipe Toot. Now Bammaws are screaming that transfers need to be stopped and at the very least intra-conference transfers should be banned. The rule Saban had implemented when he wanted it is now "a plague on football" and "ruining the sport" when the shoe is on the other foot. Bama has been using the portal on the regular all along. Now it is "out of control" and a "plague."
Bama fans and press are going so far as to exclaim that money is ruining football after Saban made his reputation on the condition of being the biggest bag thrower and cheat in football history.
Most importantly, they forget to blame Saban, who timed his retirement for the day it occurred. Imagine how bad this would be now if Saban hadn't supported the early signing date. None of the new class would be signed! Instead Bama fans want to vilify their kids for bolting, after Saban threw them bags and lied to many of their faces.
It's malpractice that so-called reporters and commentators don't mention any of this when they broadcast Bama hysteria and continue to lionize Saban and thus implicitly endorse his hypocritical whining. They didn't even call him out when he claimed that "we have never bought a player."
F Bama. F Saban. Enjoyed seeing Toot crying to his mama after the game in '22.
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